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  1. M

    3rd go..

    Well.. Life happens and things fall by the way-side, including my cider. TODAY, i made the decision.. do-or-die. Finish off my product. My 1 gallon batch (experimental) with the cinnamon sticks, looked like it was beginning to be infected. Not too bad, but there to see. It had a lovely...
  2. M

    3rd go..

    Well... Threw it all in secondary tonight.. Just to get off the lees while I decide what to sweeten with. I did have a gallon I made seperate, I just threw in some cinnamon sticks in that as a test. It came out to approx. 7.5%. Not a bad number.. it was sitting exactly at 1.000 SG from an OG...
  3. M

    Tequila apple, honey, pear cider

    No Idea.. BUT I like the idea of using Honey vice sugar in primary! How has this worked out for you (or is this the first time?). I may actually back-sweeten with honey now that I think about it! ??
  4. M

    stabilizing and back sweetening

    Ive never heard of using Campden tabs before back sweetening and bottling.. Is this something that people do? I personally do the "Hot water" method to kill the yeast once I'm where I want to be IRT carbonation, after back-sweetening.
  5. M

    3rd go..

    I tried to be fancy and go for carbonation in the bottle. Misjudged and had some serious bottle bombs. Salvaged some but the taste was quiet sour.
  6. M

    3rd go..

    I started my 3rd batch yesterday. Threw some caution to the wind as i really just " did it". My second batch was an example of me being over zealous and trying too much too quick and basically making a batch of crap tasting rocket fuel. i sterilized as usual, mixed up my apple juice (store...
  7. M

    Second Batch ---- zoom zoom!!

    Well, i let this mixture sit for a few weeks for no other reason that i was busy. Final SG was .9 .. i guess somewhere around 8-9%. Made 2 separate secondaries with original 6 gallon batch. One I back-sweetened with Grape and the other with pomegranate. Both taste nice. let them sit...
  8. M

    Wasted jug of cider?

    what is in the middle jar?
  9. M

    Berry cider halfway done

    Phug- thanks for sharing this process. My last/and first batch was back-sweetened with concentrated berry juice. I was pleasantly surprised on the results. seeing this thread has given me the idea to back-sweeten with crushed berries. this may provide more flavour than canned concentrate...
  10. M

    Second Batch ---- zoom zoom!!

    5.5 gallons of various apple juices, mixed in with some local sugar (boiled up some juice to dissolve the hard sugar). Mixed in some yeast nutrient and pitched yeast (it was some cider yeast i bought in USA in a few months ago). OG 1.05 This was last tuesday. Noticed on Saturday that...
  11. M

    Uses for lees?

    How would you know if your yeast is healthy??
  12. M

    Uses for lees?

    Has anyone tried to start another batch of cider with it? Thoughts on that?? In Theory, you could get a few Batches out of one packet of yeast.. right??
  13. M

    Cider fermenting 16 days and counting.

    i had finished drinking half of my first batch by 5 weeks, which was only in Feb/March. My cider didn't start really bubbling until day 3 either. Started out about 1.05 and ended up about .9.. My batch I mixed up last night is already smashing the airlock to pieces!!
  14. M

    Cider isn't clearing, too late for pectin enzyme?

    So, did you ever add the enzyme? Any results? For anyone else, whats the opinion on gelatin? what is better to clear?
  15. M

    confused on ABV

    I keep going around on this in my head. So, lets say i start off with an OG reading of 1.05 on a 5gallon batch, drop my yeast and end up with a FG of 1.00 ... my ABV = 6.5% As this is very dry and unsweet brew, I want to rack off to secondary and back-sweeten. I like to leave my brew...
  16. M

    Trying to find the best way to back-sweeten (first timer)

    I finished my first batch ever a month or so ago..(Its already been drank). I racked to secondary (I split into 2 batches). I took each batch and back sweetened one with Concentrate apple juice (1 can) and another with a mixed berry concentrate (1 can) .. Each batch was about 2 gallons. I...
  17. M

    Must I kill it?

    SO, Racked to Secondary last night..two 8 Litre (2 Gal) class jugs is all I could find. These are used for Pickling so they have airtight caps, with a small pour tube that I put a balloon on. Im thinking it'll be fine for days like this. I Sweetened one batch with regular apple concentrate...
  18. M

    Must I kill it?

    I'd rather stay away from chemicals to kill the fermentation. I Also WANT still /semi-dry cider. Could I Rack to a secondary and backsweeten for a few days then bottle and pasturize the same day? I also dont have pectic enzyme, so I may be a bit cloudy (and my cider too) but I'm Ok with...
  19. M

    Must I kill it?

    So, After 2 weeks, my Primary has stopped bubbling and producing CO2 in any manner that I can see. Started off with OG1.05 and measured 1.00 yesterday which gives me 6.XX% ABV. Perfect for my first batch. Tasted a drop, seemed OK. Anyway, I'm going to throw this stuff into 2 separate...
  20. M

    Bubble rate

    Thanks for the info on Sampling..I was well confused about that. Conflicting info. I used Champagne Yeast (no more detail on that unfortunately). My OG was 1.05 (of 50 on my hydrometer??) No big temp swings outside, but the room may have gotten to 23C yesterday. I've turned on an AC unit...