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  1. infectedbrew

    Cigar City maduro oatmeal brown clone attempt

    On reddit a user posted this..don't know if this is you: What I did since I did an extract recipe was I used 3.15 lbs of Maris Otter extract from Northern Brewer, and 3.15 of Amber Extract, since the grains would give the beer the darker tint. Its in the bucket bubbling away as we speak, so...
  2. infectedbrew

    Cigar City maduro oatmeal brown clone attempt

    Wasn't it 63% 2 marris otter? That's the original recipe...which yeast have you been using?
  3. infectedbrew

    Cigar City maduro oatmeal brown clone attempt

    Well ended up having to run to my lhbs, the wyeast 1968 I ordered from Northern Brewer wasn't viable, my starter did nothing. They were awesome and gave me a credit for it, but had to run out and get Wlp002 for it. Used the new pure pitch packets which wasn't bad. But so far it has the right...
  4. infectedbrew

    Cigar City maduro oatmeal brown clone attempt

    Brewing this using Wyeast 1968 which is the same strain Cigar City uses. Also doing this extract using 3.15 lbs Marris Otter extract and 3.qt lbs Amber extract. Specialty grains stay the same.
  5. infectedbrew

    Question regarding Growlers

    Never mind..don't feel like being flamed you were.
  6. infectedbrew

    Question regarding Growlers

    Well in Florida home brewers are allowed to give away their homebrew as I've participated in many beer fest's with homebrew pavilions and all I'm doing is giving away free beer there.
  7. infectedbrew

    Question regarding Growlers

    I have friends, family, and followers who are wanting to purchase my beer, but of course as a home brewer I cannot "legally" sell my product. What are the laws, restrictions or whatever when it comes to selling custom growlers, and then filling them as a thank you for the purchase of the...
  8. infectedbrew

    Cigar City maduro oatmeal brown clone attempt

    I'm going to use these recipes for my first all grain batch here soon. Which one of these recipes has been the closest?
  9. infectedbrew

    Convert from Barbed Regulator to MFL

    This is the regulator I'm using. I've tried looking around but can't find any solutions short of adding a piece of tubing to the barb with another valve and a 1/4" end in order to connect each end of the gas line with an mfl connection. Any ideas or am I on the right track?
  10. infectedbrew


    Yea looks like the 20# might have a sticker on it from Airgas, so lets see if I get away with it, if not I'll act none the wiser if they do catch it :D
  11. infectedbrew


    Yea I just called Airgas and they told they'd charge me $20 for the "hydro" and $20 for an exchange on the 20#. So $55 for a 20# tank full ($15 for the 20# + the $40) And if I exchange the 15# too for something similar or even smaller, then I'd be getting 2 tanks for under $100 bucks full.
  12. infectedbrew


    I got a picture of the sticker and the 20# is over 15 years out of hydro, still worth it you guys think?
  13. infectedbrew


    I have someone local to me selling a used 15 and 20 # co2 tanks, empty a few years out of hydro, and $30 for both tanks. A little bit of surface rust on them, so they look decent. Thoughts?
  14. infectedbrew

    Yeast Washing Question

    So any new feedback?
  15. infectedbrew

    Yeast Washing Question

    Heres more pics
  16. infectedbrew

    Yeast Washing Question

    I'll try and upload more pictures later on.
  17. infectedbrew

    Some more washing questions

    That would actually be pretty good...but I just did my first wash, and what I did was add the water to the trub, bottle my beer, then I poured it into my bottling bucket and let it settle down for a few minutes and just poured off of the spigot on my bottling bucket. You can save yourself one...
  18. infectedbrew

    Yeast Washing Question

    So if I'm reading that article correctly that means that all 3 of my jars has more then enough viable cells to use for my next batch? I did the usual add water to bucket, swirl, let sit, and then poured off 4 jars from the spigot on the bucket. It left a lot of dark trub on the bottom of the...
  19. infectedbrew

    Yeast Washing Question

    I finally did my first yeast wash yesterday and I did the typical 4 jars, to 2 jars, but when I finished moving everything into the 2 jars, I decided to combine 2 of the original 4 into one just to see my results, and its pretty interesting what has come out. What do you guys think, do I look...