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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. N

    Fusti Tank as Kettle

    I have seen these fusti tanks for sale as fermentors lately. Has anyone tried adding a ball valve and using them as kettles? Is the stainless robust enough for this use? The one in the link has a rubber pad on the bottom but I'm assuming that could be removed...
  2. N

    Gravity points for carbonation

    I appreciate the help! The cider is coming along nicely. I sampled it two evenings ago and the gravity was down to 1.004 and the taste seems to be coming along nicely in comparison to the first sample I took about a week ago. I have another question along the same lines as my previous one. I...
  3. N

    Progress Check

    As this is my first attempt at cider, I would like to report my current situation to see if I'm on track. My recipe was 4 gallons of store-bought pasteurized cider, one can of apple juice concentrate, 1 tsp. of yeast nutrient, 3/4 packet of SF04. I am fermenting in a 6.5 gallon bucket and I'm on...
  4. N

    Effects of Gelatin on Yeast

    My plan is to primary my cider for approximately 3 weeks and add gelatin about 24 hours before bottling. My worry is that the gelatin will pull too much yeast out of suspension and then my bottles will not carbonate. Does anyone have experience with this? Will there be enough yeast present in my...
  5. N

    Gravity points for carbonation

    I was going to let it ferment all the way out, hopefully to around 1.000, OG was 1.056. Then I was going to back-sweeten, bottle, allow to carb, and then pasteurize. I was just wondering how many points of gravity I should expect to lose during the carbonating process so I can sweeten...
  6. N

    Gravity points for carbonation

    How many points will my gravity need to drop to achieve carbonation in my cider? I am trying to figure out what gravity I should be shooting for when I back-sweeten if I want to bottle pasteurize around 1.010.
  7. N

    Decisions about fermentation

    Thanks for the input!
  8. N

    Decisions about fermentation

    I started a 4 gallons of cider today. OG was 1.056 and I have one stick of cinnamon in the primary. I'm trying to decide whether I want to let it ferment out all the way and then back-sweeten with concentrate or juice before bottling or if I want to bottle at 1.020ish and let it carbonate with...