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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. fxdrider

    Cooked Veggie IPA!?

    I brewed an IPA with some friends last week (Friday) and realized after I got it in the bucket that I didn't have the smack-pack I needed for it. I couldn't get to the LHBS until Tuesday, so I had it in its sanitized bucket with the lid sealed and plugged and kept in my temp-controlled freezer...
  2. fxdrider

    Tubing Organizer?

    I love my 6-keg keezer, but being the semi-neatfreak that I am, the jumble of tubing is driving me bonkers! What do my fellow keezer-owners use to organize your beer lines? Does anyone make a product like the looms that separate the spark plug wires in a car? Something like that sized for beer...
  3. fxdrider

    1 pint of 1/2 pint?

    What size mason jar is best for storing harvested yeast? 1 pint, 1/2 pint, or does it even matter?
  4. fxdrider

    Krud/Crud in picnic faucet

    Wow! I've never seen this before, but as I was disassembling one of my kegs and its' lines last night for cleaning, I discovered a black, hardened mess inside the picnic tap, caked on the white silicon seal (I guess that's what you'd call it). I was able to fingernail some of it off, but a lot...
  5. fxdrider

    Inconsistent Efficiency

    From brew to brew, my efficiencies are all over the place. It's driving me nuts. I'm using Beersmith, and knowing your setup's efficiency beforehand comes in handy when creating recipes. Differing efficiencies can significantly alter the end result in relation to what you were expecting...
  6. fxdrider

    My Wood Brew-traption (brew stand)

    It only took an afternoon to build.
  7. fxdrider

    Grain Absorption Rate in Beersmith

    I brewed a Bourbon Barrel Porter All-Grain kit from Northern Brewer yesterday, and had a strnge thing happen – at least I think it was strange. I plugged the recipe into Beersmith along with my equipment profile, which I’ve used before. BS told me I would need 8.57 gallons of water, total – and...
  8. fxdrider

    Should I rack yet?

    Last week, I brewed a Kaiser Alt, which I found at braukaiser's site: Kaiser Alt - German brewing and more It's my first all-grain batch. It's been in a 6 1/2 gallon glass carboy for seven days. After cooling/aeration, I pitched two packs of Wyeast 1007 German Ale yeast, and after about 4...
  9. fxdrider

    Yet Another Ward Labs Analysis...

    Please feel free to comment on this analysis of my home's well water: pH 5.8 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Est, ppm 29 Electrical Conductivity, mmho/cm 0.05 Cations / Anions, me/L 0.4 / 0.6 ppm Sodium, Na 2 Potassium, K < 1 Calcium, Ca 3 Magnesium, Mg 1 Total Hardness, CaCO3 12...
  10. fxdrider

    Can this boil-off rate be right?

    Wow! I have a new 10 gallon Mega-pot from Northern Brewers. (Really nice pot, by the way). Before brewing my first batch with this pot, I decided to check what the boil-off rate is with it. I brought 5 measured gallons of water to a rolling boil (not an aggressive boil)and started my timer, set...
  11. fxdrider

    Too Cool for Carbonation?

    I've bottled my first brew - A Honey Brown Ale. It's been in my freezer in my garage for 2 weeks, with the temp. controller set to 72°. For the first week, ambient temps were warm enough for the temperature controller to kick in and keep the freezer contents at 72°. The second week, the weather...
  12. fxdrider

    What strength/type of Oxyclean?

    I've read quite a few posts on this forum about the use of Oxyclean to remove labels. I have a couple of questions. 1) Which of the many types of Oxyclean is the best? I've seen Oxyclean Stain Remover, Oxyclean in a spray bottle, Oxyclean in a powder form, and a couple of others. 2) What...
  13. fxdrider

    It's about time I introduce myself...(from Virginia)

    Hi everybody, I've been lurking here for several weeks and have enjoyed what I've seen on the forum so far, so I thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Jeff, and I live in northern Virginia. I had been toying with the idea of home brewing for a couple of decades. I remember looking at the...