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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. D

    Expanding my tastes

    I recently learned that the local craft brewery started selling their imperial stout in bottles. Having never tried a stout I searched and could not find it on any shelves so I headed to the source. Sample out of the tap had me hooked, so I picked up a 4 pack and came home. Now after dinner I...
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    Losing my mind.......

    Sitting at work reading HBT (terrible job I know) took a swig of Mountain Dew and could swear it tastes like hops....... I know its been to long since I brewed but did not realize how bad the bug had hit me..... hmm perhaps I will drop one of the pellets I have in the frezer in with my next...
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    Jumping into AG, am I crazy?

    Ok, I have not been on or doing any brewing in over a year due to life / address changes (not going to go into detail is not a "feel sorry for me" thread) logged in last week to ask a question about starsan and responded to and ended up hijacking a thread about water systems (to the OP of that...
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    Star San troubles?

    Ok, I have not been on in around a year, having been busy with a divorce and moving to a new house brewing did not make it high up on the to do list :( any way I decided to pull a sample of some Mead I have ageing and had to mix up a quick one gal batch of Star San for my wine thief. Having...
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    What to brew next?

    Ok prolly a stupid question but my primary has been empty for 3 weeks now and im jonesing for a little bubbling. So far I have made a Hefewizen that did not come out well at all, and an Irish red that if it is half as good carbed and conditioned as it was warm and flat at bottling will be the...
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    Mr Stupid goes to the Brew Store.......

    Since my Irish Red has been waiting in the primary for almost 5 weeks now I decided its time to bottle. My scrounging as of late has not had much sucess in turning up emptys to refill so I decided I would bite the bullet and purchase new bottles. Did the math before I left the house and...
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    I made one or two in the same night. Two weeks ago I decided it was time to bottle my first batch of beer, an extract hefewizen. Now this being my first batch of actuall beer I was excited (Inner speical needs person had taken over) but felt I knew what I was doing since I have bottled several...
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    Am I crazy?

    Having just gotten into the home brew sceen I am thinking about growing my own hops starting next spring. The trouble is I cant find any info on how they will do in the area I live. Here in central NM its hot, dry and windy in the summer. Soil has a lot of clay and is fairly alkaline, so I know...
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    Irish Red Ale

    Well for my whoping second batch I decided to do a red ale. Use the recipe from Charlie Papazian's Joy of Home Brewing, with a slight mod to make math easier. Recipe follows 5 gal, extract, 2 gal boil 3.3 lbs amber LME 3 lbs amber DME 1 lb crystal 120 1/2 lb toasted 2 row 1 oz...
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    Priming question

    My first batch of Hefewizen is fermenting away nicely and I realize that I forgot to pick up the priming sugar while at the LHBS. I have plenty of time before bottling so going back in a picking up some corn sugar is not a problem, but it got me thinking. If I were to not notice a mistake like...
  11. D

    First batch of real beer...

    After a few wines and 5 gal of Graff decided it was time to do a real beer. Hefewizen from extract seemed like a simple place to start so I used a recipe I was given here on the fourm. 6# Wheat DME 1oz of Hallertau @ 60 minutes Wyeast 3068 1# of Carapils steeped S.G. 1.051 Think I...
  12. D


    As a total newb I has a question for those more expirenced than myself. I would like to brew a Hefeweizen as I have just been introduced to the style and find it quite to my liking. Alas I will have to settle for an extract at this time, would love to go AG, but finances dont allow the...
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    Pineapple Dream Mel

    I know its not Beer, but forgive me. Since I found the label generator on this site I thought I would share my results. My first batch with labels Bottled, labeled and tops diped in wax just cause I could Close up of the label (yes I know its spelled wrong, but may leave it that...
  14. D


    Well my first batch of Brandon O's graff has been bottled for 12 days now and when I went into the back storage room to put some stuff away last night I picked up a strong stale beer smell??:confused: Upon further inspection it seemed that the bottom of one of my bottles had let go and made a...
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    Yes, yes I am. My first batch of "Brandon O's" graff has been fermenting for the sugested 14 days and I thought I would pull a sample to check gravity and see if it is ready to bottle this evening. Hoisted the bucket up on the counter, cleaned and sanitized all my eqipment and pulled a sample...
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    Brewing away in New Mexico

    New member here, been lurking for a while. Started making mead about a year ago, and deicded that home brew could be fun (read less wait time). My first batch is underway and should be ready to bottle in a few days. Started simple with a "Brandon O's Graff" since I like cider and malt (keep a...