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  1. B

    Feedback on adding cocoa to cherry cough syrup (...mead)

    So I just transferred a mead that is about 6 months old now. I added a lot of sweet cherries before I realized I should have used sour cherries. So every tasting I've done since then (3) has been cough syrup. Today I just checked gravity and moved to another carboy to get it off...
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    Head Protein life span

    I've heard Jamil say from some of the BN podcasts that head forming proteins only form once, then they are destroyed. Does anyone know the science behind this? Basically I'm questioning whether its BS or if someone has actually looked at the lifespan of the head forming proteins.
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    homebrew and customs (Attention canadians)

    I remember a bit of discussion about crossing the US/Canadian border with homebrew and not knowing the legality of it. I finally bit the bullet today and sat on hold for 25 minutes with U.S. customs to find out they don't care who made it. Homebrew is treated just like commercial beer. You get...
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    imperial pumpkin porter yeast recommendation

    I was pressure cooking some pumpkin a few days ago and had too much water and cooked it a bit long, so I had about a quart of "pumpkin broth" that I didn't want to throw out, so I froze it with the intention of brewing a little 2 gallon batch with it. The recipe is an imperial porter with an OG...
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    pectin haze and cough syrup in a cherry mead

    So I'm about 2 1/2 months in on my first mead which turned out to be a cherry melomel. When it was time to add the fruit, I pitted/stemmed all the cherries and froze them, then added directly to the fermenting mead. I planned on adding pectic enzyme, but the brewshop was out "and I don't know...
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    yeast starter f up

    So I started a ~150ml yeast starter last friday from a small canning jar (those half pint ones) of saved german ale yeast from december. I can only get LME from my homebrew shop so I mixed up a gallon or so and canned or froze most of it. I didn't pay a lot of attention when I took the gravity...
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    Spruce tips

    Anyone with experience know how big the spruce tips should be before you pick them or how to tell if they are too old? Also, anyone in the pacific northwest know when to expect to pick them? I'm hoping to brew with them fresh... But I live at sea level with mountains 20 minutes away so I...
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    Perle hops and an India Dark Ale

    I've been wanting to make a dark IPA for a while now and I have a bunch of hops in my freezer that don't have a destination yet so I figure its good time. I have 1 oz Mt Hood, 1/2 oz hallertau 3 oz perle (all leaf), and 1/2 oz tett pellet. This was my plan. It puts my OG up at around 1.060...
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    oxygen and bottling

    So I was just reading through a couple threads regarding oxygen barrier caps (over in equipment & bottling) and it seemed everyone was concerned about O2 left in the airspace in the bottle. My brewing science questions are 2-fold (and a half): how much oxygen is actually needed to spoil a beer...
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    British Columbia: interested in rhizomes?

    I'm thinking of putting an order in to Crannog for some rhizomes. However I only want to get 2 rhizomes and minimum order is 4. Anybody locally want to buy a couple rhizomes off of me? I need to know soon because the deadline to order is thursday. They have organic varieties from their...
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    Leftover fruit

    So I've seen that people reuse spent grains for bread, or pretzels, or what-have-you. I have whatever is left from 6# of crushed blueberries in a stout after 2 weeks in the secondary. Is there any ideas in what I could use it for, will they have much berry flavor left? They would be full of...
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    Cold crash, floccing yeast, & chill haze

    So I have an Alaskan Amber clone from BYO that I used German Ale (Wyeast 1007) on. Its a really low flocculating yeast. After 3 weeks in the secondary there was still little to no clarity. I figured this is from the yeast in suspension and I would make use of all the snow in my backyard and...
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    Oatmeal stout and Irish moss

    Is there a point to using irish moss in an oatmeal stout? Will it clear out some of that chewy mouthfeel characteristic of the style?
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    Lactose is fermentable in beer tools pro?

    So I haven't been brewing for very long, but I'm trying out Beer Tools Pro 1.5 to design some recipes. I'm working on a cream stout and it shows that lactose adds gravity points (which is should right), but it seems to assume those gravity points get fermented out. For the recipe I'm working...
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    yeast culture technique critique

    So I tried to do a yeast wash a couple days ago and the mason jars I put them in were the small half pint ones. I figured one of these will not be enough to start a fermentation so I plan on doing a starter culture a couple days before the next brew day. I like the idea of building a stir...
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    Foam removal on boil?

    I'm boiling wort for my 3rd batch right now, and I think I remember reading somewhere that you can skim the foam off the wort during the boil to remove protein which adds to clarity. Is this true? :confused: I'm doing a scottish ale...I know some varieties (stouts) benefit from the protein.
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    British Columbia/lower mainland brewers

    So I'm just about to bottle my first brew and am itching to get some more carboys and have been scouring craigslist for good deals. I figured I would share this one with you guys since I've been reading the forums since I poured in the hops pellets: U-Brew Equipment for sale I think its a...