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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. S

    Whirlpooling with Robobrew

    I just received a new Robobrew with pump and am reading up on it prior to doing my first brew. One piece of information that I can't seem to find is regarding doing a whirlpool at the end of boil using the pump. How do you rig it up to whirlpool? Do you need to connect a piece of pipe to the...
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    Thoughts on Split Batch Recipes?

    I'm making a 5 gallon batch of Belgian Blonde Ale and I was thinking about splitting the batch and making 2 different beers with the same base recipe. This is the base recipe: 3 lbs Pale Malt (2 Row) UK 6 lbs Briess Pilsen Light DME 4.0 oz Caramel/Crystal Malt - 20L 4.0 oz Caravienne Malt...
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    Over carbonation analysis

    I have been trying to identify why some of my beers are coming out over-carbed while others are fine. They all were fine after inital bottle conditioning, but then over time they got really too carbed. One batch turned into bottle bombs. I have ruled out infections for the most part, and...
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    Suspected infection

    I think I may have an infection issue but want to get some more opionions. I brewed a bourbon oaked porter back in January. The beer finished up at 1.017 FG (target according to my BeerSmith recipe was 1.018). I used Wyeast London Ale #1968 yeast, no starter due to small batch size. Left the...
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    Need for 2 Stage Temp Control?

    I just finished assembling my new fermentation setup with chest freezer and a Ranco single stage temp controller. It's in my basement where the temps fluctuate from 70 in the summer to low 50s in the winter. It recently occured to me that I will need heating in the winter if I want to ferment...
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    Flaked Oats in a Porter

    I am making my smoked porter for the second time. I had entered it into a local competition and got feedback that it was a bit thin. I read somewhere that flaked oats improves mouthfeel and body. I am making a small 3 gal. batch - how much oats do you think would add just a touch more body?
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    Wash hops before drying?

    This is my first year growing hops and I am getting ready to harvest them. Do you wash the hops after you pick them and before you dry them? I did some searches on this forum and couldn't seem to find an answer.
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    Fermentation temperature rise

    I have been hearing lately about fermenting at cool temperatures and then letting the temperature rise naturally once the bulk of the fermentation is complete. The idea is that the off flavors come from the yeast in the growth and active stage, so if you let the temp rise after that it helps it...
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    Delay in transfer from mash to boil

    I am planning to brew this Saturday but I am going to be out of the house for a couple hours in the AM. So I was planning to do my mash early in the morning, then let it sit in the boil kettle covered while I am out, then do my boil when I get back. At most it will be sitting in the kettle for...
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    Flying cooler

    I am on a business trip in Arizona and stumbled across a BevMo super liquor store. So I decided to check it out and see if they have any interesting beers that are not available in my native Mass. As soon as I saw the beer section I just about passed out! What a great place! They had a...
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    Kolsch - mix hops?

    I'm brewing a Kolsch today and have a question about the hops. I was planning to use all Hallertau (1.4 oz) for the bittering addition. But I just found some leftover Tettnang in the freezer. I'd like to use that up so do you think if I did 1 oz Hallertau and .4 oz Tettnang that would change...
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    First Yeast Starter Fiasco

    I am in the process of brewing an IPA recipe and used a yeast starter for the first time. I am now in day 3 of fermentation and am not seeing the normal signs of fermentation that I have had with past brews. There was no bubbling in the blowoff for the first few days and then I swirled up the...
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    Jalapeno Stale Ale?

    I brewed a Jalapeno Ale a few months ago and steeped fresh jalapenos in the secondary. At first I was getting a nice, fresh jalapeno flavor. However I noticed after a month or so the flavor seems to be getting a bit "stale". Is it possible that the jalapeno juices in the beer are getting...
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    Cascade sub for Amarillo?

    I am working on a recipe to try and clone a great IPA made by a local brewery here in MA (Mayflower IPA). I got some feedback from the brewmaster so I should be pretty close. The only thing is that I have a bunch of Cascade pellets that I'd like to use. The recipe doesn't include Cascade but...
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    Troubleshooting my Wit

    I just brewed a Belgian Wit and am trying to figure out what is going on with the fermentation. I brewed on 5/30. Within a day or so I had good bubbling going in the blowoff. The fermentation temp was 66 so I moved it next to my furnace thinking this was too low for a Belgian yeast. The next...
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    Heart Stopping Moment!

    I almost gave myself a heart attack last night. I was fumbling around in the basement looking for something, not noticing the carboy full of BM's Centennial Blonde sitting next to me. I picked up a box and as I was swinging around to lay it down, I whacked the airlock on the carboy, cracking...
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    Partial batch flavoring

    I need some help on this one. I tried a jalepeno lager at a local brewpub this week which was fantastic! As luck would have it, the brewmaster was there that day so I had a chat with him about how they brewed it. Basically it's just a basic light lager with a "dry hop" of chopped jalepeno...
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    How to Tell if Grains are Bad?

    I have quite a variety of leftover pre-crushed grains that I bought from NB back in December. I have been meaning to use some of them up in an Imperial Stout recipe but have been unable to find the time to brew for the past month! I read some other threads on this board about storage of...
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    Help With Imperial Stout Recipe?

    I posted this on the Recipe group but didn't get any responses. Hopefully I'll have better luck in this group. :D I have a bunch of leftover pre-crushed specialty grains and partially used hop bags from my last 2 brews and I am trying to formulate a recipe that will use a good amount of them...
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    Critique Needed for Imperial Stout Recipe

    I have a bunch of leftover pre-crushed specialty grains and partially used hop bags from my last 2 brews and I am trying to formulate a recipe that will use a good amount of them up. I have a lot of dark grains so I decided to try and Imperial Stout, which is one of my favs. This is my...