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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. D

    Regulator screw quit adjusting the pressure?

    I recently had my regulator shipped across the country and it got a little dinged up in the process of moving (the gauges were a little bent). I had the tank filled. I hooked up the regulator and hooked the gas up to my corny keg. Initially, the weep hole whistled. I turned off the gas...
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    Is racking a hefe onto a yeast cake of california ale V feasible?

    In terms of flavor? I'm not an enormous fan of hefeweizen, but I found a DFH blood orange recipe I thought would be fun and I'd like to give it an interesting flavor. I figured the yeast cake would throw some interesting esters and be more pronounced. The yeast cake I have is from a...
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    Emergency help w/ monster krausen

    So I bought a 6.5 gallon carboy and figured I didn't need to get a blow off tube. WRONG-O BONG-O Here is my MacGyver'd blow off tube. How do I make a proper blow off tube? I feel very silly right now.
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    Help me create an all grain set up

    hey guys - I just moved to California from Atlanta. I was only able to take what would fit in my car - so I left my old extract brew set up for my younger brother as an early christmas present. Could you guys recommend/ list the equipment that I'll need to go all grain? I generally...
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    Anyone have recipes for pears?

    I have a bunch of pear trees that should yield more pears that I know what to do with. Do any of you have any experience with pear wine or anything like that? Thanks guys!
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    The piece that connects my co2 to my keg is stuck (help?)

    The piece that connects my co2 to my keg is stuck to the keg. I made the mistake of connecting it to the 'out' instead of the 'in' by just kind of auto-piloting through my sanitation procedure. I didn't think it mattered at all - but apparently it did. Has anyone else done this? How did...
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    Dry Humping question

    So I made and Extra Lovin' Bitter. I want to give it that 'extra lovin' by dry humping the carboy when I transfer it to secondary. How much dry humping to get that extra lovin' flavor? [/parodythread]
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    Earth day: Whats a brewery's carbon foot-print like?

    I mean - Do they break even due to the growing of the hop plants? Or is it still negative due to the gas required to harvest/ plant the hops? How much co2 are you dudes throwing around?
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    I'll be getting several pounds of fresh blue berries soon

    I have a lot of different blue berry plants around my yard that are enormous and yield a ridiculous amount of berries. I was thinking of making a blue berry wheat with them. What do you guys think? What about a different style? Gimme a good recc. :)
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    Two pictures of what I think is floating trub.

    What is going on here? This is the fourth week in the secondary for this brew (a dead guy clone). It cleared really well and by the end of the third week I could see through it pretty easily. Now its in the middle of the fourth week and there are pieces of what looks like trub floating up...
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    Where Is My F-ing Hydrometer!?

    After looking high and low, tearing apart the house, accusing SWMBO of going through my brew supplies, and calling to see if this was some forgotten april fools joke on the part of my brother... I gave up. I figured it was lost to the black hole of my house. I popped open my primary to...
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    my apfelwine tastes like the rubber stopper on the carboy

    Its just an aftertaste - but its definitely there. It is really bothering me. Is there anyway to fix this? its been in the carboy for 7 weeks and it will really tick me off if that flavor is just stuck in there. Think it will go away if I keg it and carb it?
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    Extract Stout Question

    This is an extract question that involves steeping the grains. I started making this stout based off a recipe I found in the Joy of Homebrewing. Unfortunately, swmbo picked up my last grain bag thinking it was her cheese cloth and used it to make cheese (woops). I just threw the grains in...
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    Maturing Ales?

    I usually do 10 days in the primary and 4-5 weeks in the secondary. After I can eyeball that the beer is clear I let it sit an extra week so anything my eye isn't seeing has some time to settle out. Is this what most people do? I've been reading a lot of extract threads where dudes are...
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    Recipe Review (Franken-Maibock?)

    I don't really know what to call it. Some sort of really North American Maibock I guess? Let me know what you think - I am most concerned that the wood chips will screw the pooch. Extract: GRAIN: Belgian Cara-Munich 13 oz German Munich 13 oz 40° Xtal 7 oz MALT: 6 Lbs...
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    Yeast Question (temperature)

    During primary fermentation will the temperature rise within the vessel you're using due to yeast activity? if you set the outside temp for an ale yeast to 68 degrees will the temperature in the center of your primary fermenter be higher by a fraction of a degree or larger due to the yeast...