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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. MzAnnie

    RE-Making my way too sweet mead

    Great Morning!!! I was wondering: I made some Carmel Apple Mead, and it is just way to sweet. It has been bottled since November. Can I, restart it? My thought process: I scored on a butt-load of crab apples. Can I start the fermentation of them, then add a couple of bottles of mead, like...
  2. MzAnnie

    Mulberry Wine

    GREAT MORNING! This year we are going to have a bumber crop of Mulberries...they are going to be ready in a months time, so I am looking for all the advice I can get. From what I have read on Jack Kellers site, Mulberry wine doesn't have a lot of body. Does anyone have any tips on what else...
  3. MzAnnie

    Sodium Citrate

    Hello, have simple question. Does sodium citrate inhibit yeast? I know from making bread, that salt will keep the 'beasties' under control. Will this stuff do the same to the yeast in my wine? Thanks.
  4. MzAnnie

    Light Elderberry Wine

    Great Morning...I am starting another batch of elderberry wine today, using dried elderberries. The last batch I made, I used purple grape juice as a base. It turned out very nice, but a little dry. With this one, I was thinking about using white grape juice for a base, and adding some...
  5. MzAnnie

    Boudin casings

    Hello, I usually hang out in the wine forum, because I never scrolled down far enought to see this section. I love making boudin. I use natural hog casings and they end up splitting before they are done cooking. Did I soak them too long, @ 15 minutes in warm water? Is there a better casing...
  6. MzAnnie

    New Years Blessing

    HAPPY NEW YEARS - May each of us achieve the brewing limit of 500 gallons, or is it 200 gallons (?) :) of our finest libations! May we all be generous with our friends and certain family members. HAPPY 2013!!!:mug:
  7. MzAnnie

    Stupid question (you would think you all would be used to them by now)

    I have one of my infamous "stupid" questions for all of you. When your hooch is in the primary (I only keep it in the primary for 4-6 days, if I use fresh fruit), does stirring it every day make the alcohol potential higher, by better incorporating the "beasties"? I never really bothered to...
  8. MzAnnie

    All of you were RIGHT!!!!

    I want to thank all of you who told me to let my jet fuel mead and my orange/grapefruit wine sit for a while!!! Both were akin to napalm, and I was going to use them to unclog drains...but due to the mass consumption of homemade wine, by my family, at Thanksgiving, I ran out of my personal...
  9. MzAnnie

    Quick question...

    I am making Carmel Apple Mead. Those beautiful Crystal 60L grains that I am straining off, can they be reused to put in bread? They are so beautiful (and kind of tasty, I might add), that I don't want to waste them. They actually look like sweet feed. Anyone? Thank you!
  10. MzAnnie

    New Mead...I would like a recipe.

    Honey Man is bringing 5 gallons of super dark, raw honey, over today. I have tried to make Mead three times...the first was so hot, it melted the balloon on top of the gallon carboy, and it was too late to save it. The second was OK and drinkable. The third, is still in the secondary...
  11. MzAnnie

    At last.....

    Finally, after collecting and freezing these little gems, for the better half of the summer, the cactus figs are juiced and ready to go!!! I have convinced myself that this is the healthiest wine on the planet, that is, until the goji berries and passionfruits are ready!!!
  12. MzAnnie

    Pineapple/Mandarin Orange Wine

    Pineapple/Mandarin Orange Wine...anyone ever try to make it? Have about 10 cans of each, left over from 2 hurricane seasons, and I want to use it up, so I can get "fresh" ones, before next hurricane season. Have 'real' orange/grapefruit in secondary now, and it taste like...don't know if there...
  13. MzAnnie

    Fresh Pom/Blueberry wine

    Just scored some fresh pomegranates and fresh/frozen blueberries today. I cut the poms in half and scooped out the seeds and pithe, threw them in the bucket with the whole blueberries, dumped a gallon of hot pom/blueberry juice on top and used the hand blender to really juice them up. Will the...
  14. MzAnnie

    Racking Epiphany

    While racking my buckets of wine, today, there wasn't much else to do, while riding out Iaasic, I put all my gross lees in a container to be taken outside when the torrent let up. Hating waste, as I do, I wondered, everytime I walked by my container, if the lees could be used for something...
  15. MzAnnie

    Tropical Storm precedes Isaac

    Came home from work this morning, and my WHOLE house smelled like a pineapple fermentation factory. Seems that in my haste, I filled my 5 gallon primary bucket of pineapple wine just a little too full. The mess was epic. Really started to panic, when I thought I was out of buckets!!! My...
  16. MzAnnie

    Herbed Mead

    Great Morning, The Honey Man is going to be bringing me some of his dark honey that no one will buy, because of the color. My question(s) are, can I use lemongrass and lemon balm to make this mead. Has anyone ever tried it? I have used passionflowers in mead before, but I don't think I got...
  17. MzAnnie

    Jet fuel mead

    I want to that all of you in advance, for all the tips and hints. First time mead...had my organic figs, some dates and some raisins, and of course the first honey of the spring. Used the standard mead recipe from someone, somewhere on here. Started it the end of June. the first dumb thing I...
  18. MzAnnie

    Hello, My Name is Annie

    Great Morning...I have been cyberstalking this site for a while, before I finally decided to join. I am a Michigan transplant in Southern Mississippi. Moved here to get away from the cold and to garden year round. Making wine is a by-product of the organic stuff I grow. Made enough jelly to...
  19. MzAnnie

    First mead...ever

    I bottled up my first batch of mead today. The husband is a honey addict and asked me to try and make some. Being a mad scientist and all, I brewed it with passionflowers because, well, I thought if it turned out like crap, then I could use it medicinally for insomnia. It turned out really...
  20. MzAnnie

    Questins about Campden Tablets and Yeast Nutrients

    I am a greenhorn at winemaking. I make bread, so I understand the characteristics of yeast and sugar. My first batch of cactus/mulberry wine came out very good. I didn't use campden tablets or a yeast nutrient. Can I continue to make good wine without using them? I try to stay on the...