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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
Simi Valley
Has anyone ever added pipe tobacco to an AG batch? I'm sure too much would not be that great but maybe just a touch might be wonderful.
I smoke a pipe almost everyday but I don't think I'll ever be "that bored" to try and experiment with pipe tobacco. If you are brave enough, please post the results!
There was a thread a while back (couplefew years back) about dry hopping with a cigar. Not sure how it went, but you might be able to find it.
I bet if you roasted some malt with tobacco it would provide that "grandpa" scent and flavor. Similar to the peat flavor in Scotch.
Seriously - read Revvy's comments in the thread linked above. Adding tobacco can be POISONOUS. Forget worrying about the flavor.
Well what flavors from the tobacco are you trying to get? For pipe tobacco isn't the flavor mainly in the molasses, other than that it is just the burnt plant matter. How about experimenting with molasses and highly over toasted oats or some other malt?
When I was like 12 I used to read the anarchists handbook and tobacco extracted in liquid form was just one method on how to make a lethal poison. I wouldn't mess with it.
Think I'll try to duplicate those flavors using molasses candy sugar and vanilla bean. Maybe one gallon batches with different strengths. We'll see thanks for all the input. I'll post results if I ever do it.
Keep the tobacco AWAY from the beer!:mad:

Seriously. Anyone under the age of 90 should know that tobacco is dangerous!!
Certainly if burned. Certainly if chewed. So more than likely in beer also.

DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!:eek:
You think beer is safe? Ask your liver. I was talking about a very small amount for flavor. Maybe 2 oz. or so.
Driving is potentially lethal youall!!!!!

Do like me and throw your keys away.

(;) all in good fun oh my brothers)

Smokin me pipe right now, so I am.
You could do like Cigar City does, from their site:

"each beer in the Humidor Series is aged on Spanish cedar (cedrela), the same wood used to make cigar boxes. The Spanish cedar imparts notes of white pepper, sandalwood and other spices."
This thread strikes me as funny because the smell I associate with pipes is from my Dad's bourbon vanilla cavendish blends. The one time I made Denny's BVIP, it was pure nostalgia every time I took a sip. It tasted JUST like Dad's pipe smelled!

I need to make that again!
I'll contribute the tobacco from my stash if you send me a sample. After you drink a bottle and live that is:D Quality Assurance is job #1!
Yes, please read the citations I've posted on other thread....Nicotine when put into a liquid form is a POISON...I'm not talking "cigarettes are bad, you shouldn't smoke," in some semantically distant way. I'm talking about DROPPING DEAD or at least getting seriously sick kinda poison.

It's a poison that has been use to kill people with. Back in the 70's it was thought to be a good idea for gardeners who had to deal with aphids to take a bunch of cigarettes and steep them in water in a mason jar, and whenever you had aphids to spray some of that on the plant. All the grown ups had these jars of brown liquid usually up on the top shelf of the garage out of reach. I as a kid was told to keep away, but you know how some kids are, you tell them and they then can't stay away.

Some kid in our town died from that stuff.

That's why WHENEVER I see these threads I post that info...The nicotine extracted from even a few ciggys steeped in water is DEADLY....It's that simple.

This is a NEW reference on the dangers of doing's geared towards bartenders, and really folks like us.