The Dysfunctional-Palooza Obnoxious Masshole BS Thread

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I think Dakota, Andy and Wrecker should take their nerd talk to the... Uhh... I dunno... ELECTRIC BREWING FORUM.

Effin' electric... pfft... pitiful... brew like men. Brew like it is supposed to be... with FIRE.
did you end up dimpling the coupling for the electric element too? I'm having a byatch of a time trying to get that done. My set of electric panel knockouts are either too big or too small for the diamter of the 1" NPT short coupling, which is something like 1 11/16" OD.

I dimpled my keg to solder in the 1/2 coupling but im not going electric for a while. Im still doing propane for at least another year or so.

As for your knockouts you are using, are you using the greenlees?
It pains me to admit but Cape is right about this. If you can wear shorts when you brew and not burn off all your leg hair while stirring the pot you probably don't have any leg hair to begin with.

But that's ok, Dakota. It takes all kinds. We like you just the way you are. Hairless legs and all.

Just sayin'

Listen, I brew with fire! I just want to also be able to brew in my basement! Brew day is harder with a 10-month old because she can't help me yet.
Your complaining about another way to brew??? Im building a single tier propane stand. Will probably turn that to NG eventually and then for smaller batches brew inside with electric so I don't freeze outside.

This coming from the guy who only brews a couple times a year...Masstoberfest and U4?

When can you drink these???

Don't you have to go scare children riding your bike through a neighborhood somewhere? Where's flounder to back you up?
This coming from the guy who only brews a couple times a year...Masstoberfest and U4?

Ouch. That hurt. I work two jobs and am taking two classes a semester towards my masters. When do I have time to brew? Besides, if I brewed more I'd drink more and be even fatter than I am.

FWIW, I'm brewing this weekend.......

Uhhhhhh nevermind, that's the U4. I might just do a second batch while we're boiling off. There I showed you.

U4 has begun



Whatever. Yeager chased me around last year for the cash as if someone was holding his family hostage and he needed it for the ransom money.... Now I'm whining because I'm asking for my share? I think I've asked about 20 times and each time I get cricket noises.
No brewcast. I know better than to bring a laptop and Yeager's Mom won't let him bring his out to the garage.

At this point we are where we usually are around 10 pm, argueing about when to add the hops. I'm going to toss them in the next time he drops trou to pee.
Do you clowns ever make anything normal, like a five gallon batch of 1.050/40 IBU pale ale?

That's why I'm usually there, to add an element of sanity to the process. Of course, me being the "sane" one should tell you exactly how ****ed up a grouping these bastards are.

Wish I could have made it, but don't think the wee ones would have had as much fun as me.
Whatever. Yeager chased me around last year for the cash as if someone was holding his family hostage and he needed it for the ransom money.... Now I'm whining because I'm asking for my share? I think I've asked about 20 times and each time I get cricket noises.

Hmm... I seem to get cricket noises when I ask about my share of the turbid mash lambic we did a couple years ago.
The turd was actually a piece of steel wool that I twisted around to make look like a turd then I told Chris that McKenzie had dropped a deuce on the stairs. (For want of a better word, McKenzie is Chris's 'dog.' I use the term dog quite loosely, it's more like a rat. In a sweater. Imagine a grown man walking a bug-eyed dog who's wearing a sweater! And Chris wonders why we say he's a little light in the loafers.)

Knowing he wouldn't believe me, I took a picture of the 'scene of the crime.' You should have heard him squeal "McKenzie!!!" when he dashed into the house, it was actually quite pitiful. Then you should have heard him scream, "You ARSEHOLE!!!!!!" when he realized he's been had.


The boy is going to go Clayton Osbon on you some day. Just you wait and see. The way he's wound up, when that spring goes, it will be like a hand grenade.

FWIW, he didn't look all that good this morning when I picked up my stuff. Looked like he might have been looking for Ralph O'Rourke's Buick.

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