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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Newark, DE
Well, starting on my inaugural brew, a Brewer's Best Irish Red kit.

1oz Black patent
12oz Crushed Crystal

3.3lb Muntons light LME
2lb Carlson light DME

1oz Willamette Bittering 4.6%
1oz Willamette Finishing 4.6%

11g of Nottingham brewers yeast

I'm about to get started on sanitizing everything, and I have a buddy coming over for moral support (and to see if he wants to get into homebrewing).

Right now, the LME is warming in a double-boiler and my water additions are chilling in the fridge. I'm giving the brewpot another wash in good ol' Ivory, and once that's clean, it's on to sanitizing everything else!

I have to say, I was barely able to sleep last night because of the excitement. Since my kit has a carboy, I'm thinking of using that to make some apfelwine this weekend :)

Madman Brews begins today!
Im not the only one who looses sleep over this hobby. I brewed my first batch on Dec 30 and didn't get done until about 1 am and needed to get up at 6 to go to work. Ohh well I can catch up on my sleep when Im dead lol

Congrats now the wait begins
Yes, and I'll remember: Retreat Does Wonders Having Antagonized Hungry Bears :cross:
Well, the wort is boiling, the bittering hops are in.

I have noticed that my stove is not a quick heater, so I'm hoping that I have enough water to bring it up to 5 gal.

I am absolutely enthralled by the amazing smell of the boiling brew, though. mmmmmm!
Yeah, I'm coming to the conclusion that my stove is not strong enough to boil this much liquid. While I love the smell that is now permiating my home, I may need to get an outdoors burner.
Okay! The first batch is fermenting in the basement, and I'm contemplating starting some apfelwine in the carboy this weekend :)
Apfelwein is well liked, just be aware that if you have only one carboy it'll be tied up for at least a month if you make it.
Apfelwein is well liked, just be aware that if you have only one carboy it'll be tied up for at least a month if you make it.

Yes, if that is your only carboy you won't have one to use as a secondary for your brew. Seems like an excuse to get another carboy! Welcome to the obsession!
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I'd like to get more gear, but I think it would be best to wait until SWMBO sees the success of the first batch.

Also, this one is not going to go to secondary, so that if something does go wrong, I have that much less to try to tweak. KISS is going to be the rule of law until I have the process down better :)
Well, the temperature is holding steady at 68deg, and that's right next to the water heater. I'm getting some good bubbling, about one every 10 seconds, so it looks like the slightly cool temperature isn't hurting anything. I was even able to resist popping the lid to take a peek :)
Still another 2 weeks before I open my FIRST bottle.

Then I can sleep again....

Personally, I would open a bottle at one week just so you know what green beer actually tastes like. It might save some questions later. It would also let you better understand the 3 week carbonation process. You don't have to enjoy drinking it, but it might be educational. ;)
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I'd like to get more gear, but I think it would be best to wait until SWMBO sees the success of the first batch.

SWMBO might like the AW better. Then an "Ah honey, I can't make another batch of AW without another carboy. OK (big sigh), I'll run out and get another carboy for YOU."
Let me know how this turns out when its done. I actually bought the same exact kit from the same store a while ago and it has been the worst batch ive had yet. So this is two fold. If your turns out good then I know I screwed up, but if it doesn't then dont think you screwed up and get discouraged.
Well, I took a gravity reading today, and it's pretty much spot-on to what it should be, 1.010. The sample was fairly tasty, but could use a bit more flavor. The sample was also pretty murky.

I'm considering racking it to a secondary to clear out a bit before bottling, and maybe dry-hopping some while I do that. On the one hand, I want some nice, clear beer. On the other, I wont to drink my first completed homebrew :)

I'm in no rush, since I have tomorrow and Saturday off, so we'll see what I decide...
Here's what it looks like so far. The first pic didn't take, so this one was after a few tastes :)


I'm think I now have an idea of what "green" tastes like. It's not bad, flavor is a lot less watery then when I bottled. I will definitely shoot for better beer though.

So far, I'm happy with my first brew!