I want to keg!

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NurseNan said:
now he says I'm brewing too much, and that I can't brew anymore!
Now there's something that should never come out of a man's mouth! :confused:

I'm sorry for your situation. Have you tried converting him by making something that he might possibly drink? He'll at least try something that looks similar to BMC, right?
So keeping minimalism in mind, what are the basics:
-smallest fridge/freezer to convert
-CO2 tank
-kegs (which is most available/cheapest)
-tools needed
-time needed

what am I looking at? I can use most power and hand tools effectively (Now don't give me that look! That's not what I meant!).
DaveyBoy said:
Now there's something that should never come out of a man's mouth! :confused:

I'm sorry for your situation. Have you tried converting him by making something that he might possibly drink? He'll at least try something that looks similar to BMC, right?

I have made one attempt, but it did not use any rice/corn, and it turned out a bit dark for his tastes....looked kinda light for my preferences....and he still said it was too filling and didn't "taste right".

I've started doing partial mashes, so I'm gonna get me some corn and rice and we'll see how light I can get this puppy with a little Extra light DME for color. Colorless, tasteless, odorless....what should I call this stuff besides Sex in a Canoe?
OK let me see if I have got this straight:

Your husband only likes BMC light, thinks brewing is a waste of time, and is no good with tools, right?

I'm giving him the benefit of a doubt here by assuming that since he's married to you that he isn't gay. But you must have married Niles Crane.:D

OK, honestly, all kidding and hubby bashing aside, Let me ask you this: what are HIS hobbies (and please don't say needlepoint)? Is he free to pursue this hobby with pretty much no hassles from SWMBO (meaning you)? If so, then why does he feel that he can restrict your hobbies? Fair's fair, right?
NurseNan said:
So keeping minimalism in mind, what are the basics:
-smallest fridge/freezer to convert
-CO2 tank
-kegs (which is most available/cheapest)
-tools needed
-time needed

what am I looking at? I can use most power and hand tools effectively (Now don't give me that look! That's not what I meant!).

I got a chest freezer off of craigslist cheap. You can also find freezers and fridges for free if you're patient. Look for CO2 tanks there too. I have a friend with a fire extinguisher company so that was pretty easy.

Tubing: you want want 3/16ths for the beer and 1/4 for the gas typically.

Fittings: I'd recommend using ball lock kegs as they are the most readily available fittings typically. (you can buy pre-assembled cobra tap setups from morebeer) You will also need a manifold or gas line splitter if you want more than one keg on gas at a time.

I use cobra taps which are much cheaper than faucets and don't require you to do any drilling.

Temperature control: You're best to buy a temp. controller, about $50 on eBay but I just use a simple light timer and have my freezer on for 15 minutes every 1:15. Except at night only 15 minutes every 3:00.

If you really think your husband will be more amenable to you spending time brewing if you can brew beer he likes then find a second free fridge/freezer on craigslist to make into a fermentation chamber to make super light lagers. A fermentation chamber will definitely need a temperature controller.
Bernie Brewer said:
OK let me see if I have got this straight:

Your husband only likes BMC light, thinks brewing is a waste of time, and is no good with tools, right?

I'm giving him the benefit of a doubt here by assuming that since he's married to you that he isn't gay. But you must have married Niles Crane.:D

OK, honestly, all kidding and hubby bashing aside, Let me ask you this: what are HIS hobbies (and please don't say needlepoint)? Is he free to pursue this hobby with pretty much no hassles from SWMBO (meaning you)? If so, then why does he feel that he can restrict your hobbies? Fair's fair, right?

Hobbies...hmmm....he used to golf, but lost interest. He reads about guns, but Canadian gun laws make it hard to play with them. He plays with flight simulators on the computer. He surfs online. I interfere with none of these, and encourage him to do these things. I buy him flying games. I get him gun books. I want to plan a vacation that takes us to a place with a hell of a gun range where he can rent and play with guns. I've offered to get him flying lessons. I've played his favorite naughty games. I cook whatever he wants. I work overtime to do these things for him. I bought him a stainless steel BBQ and built him a brick patio (16x24) to Q on. I bought him a big screen LCD HD TV. I must be doing something wrong....:confused: I brew damn good beer, wine and mead! He thinks all my hobbies are stupid. I belong to a medieval recreation group (where I started brewing). He thinks its stupid (no guns). We have feasts where much brewed liquid is quaffed, but he thinks its stupid (he would have to dress up). Le Sigh....
dantodd said:
I got a chest freezer off of craigslist cheap. You can also find freezers and fridges for free if you're patient. Look for CO2 tanks there too. I have a friend with a fire extinguisher company so that was pretty easy.
I'll keep my eyes open for one...is there a size that is too small?
Tubing: you want want 3/16ths for the beer and 1/4 for the gas typically.

Fittings: I'd recommend using ball lock kegs as they are the most readily available fittings typically. (you can buy pre-assembled cobra tap setups from morebeer) You will also need a manifold or gas line splitter if you want more than one keg on gas at a time.

I'll take a look on morebeer. The easier they are to access, the more likely I am to find and acquire them. I'll have to look at the taps again....
I use cobra taps which are much cheaper than faucets and don't require you to do any drilling.

easier/less work is better :D but how does it pour?
Temperature control: You're best to buy a temp. controller, about $50 on eBay but I just use a simple light timer and have my freezer on for 15 minutes every 1:15. Except at night only 15 minutes every 3:00.

what average temp does that give you? is this only necessary for a freezer?
If you really think your husband will be more amenable to you spending time brewing if you can brew beer he likes then find a second free fridge/freezer on craigslist to make into a fermentation chamber to make super light lagers. A fermentation chamber will definitely need a temperature controller.

Mmmmm, lagers, ahhhhhh.....
Well like i said, fair's fair. My wife hates beer, but yet she is the one that bought me my starter kit. She's never said no to the next improvement for my brewery. Conversely, I don't get all up in arms if she wants to go to another play or whatever. Whether or not it is percieved as "stupid" is irrelevant. If one enjoys it, the other shoud support it.

BTW that medieval rec group sounds like a lot of fun!:)
NurseNan said:
I'll keep my eyes open for one...is there a size that is too small?
Not really wrt chest freezers, I think they're all tall enough and even the smaller ones will hold 4 cornies (5 gallon soda kegs)

NurseNan said:
I'll take a look on morebeer. The easier they are to access, the more likely I am to find and acquire them. I'll have to look at the taps again....
the ball lock fittings are really easy to find any brew supply place that caters to kegging will have them.

NurseNan said:
easier/less work is better :D but how does it pour?

Mine pour just fine. I'm sure that a nice forward sealing shirron would be better but until I build a collar for the chest freezer I'll wait. Trick, like any tap is to open and close completely and quickly.

NurseNan said:
what average temp does that give you? is this only necessary for a freezer?

I'm sure you could just adjust a fridge to a decent temp for serving it will be at least a consistent as my timer trick. My freezer wouldn't keep a temp above freezing so I needed the timer. Mine stays between 35 and 42 F depending upon when I look in the cycle and the ambient temp. one problem is that it doesn't compensate for new kegs added at room temp or if I keep the top open for a while. It's not perfect but I have better things to spend $50 bucks on right now. Brewing isn't high on the budget list here either.

NurseNan said:
Mmmmm, lagers, ahhhhhh.....

Just thought of something else. You can keg soda too. If your husband likes root beer or cream soda etc. there are a lot of great extracts available that you could put on tap for him. My wife really likes the Zatarain's root beer (makes great floats) and I also make her fizzy water on occasion.
This thread is the equivalent of one of us guys jumping on a relationship board and complaining that our wife never wants to talk about "us" and isn't in to going to "chick flicks" or shopping for shoes..... :D
It is a bit of a strange situation to be in, it seems like he has no right to wear the pants on this issue. Put you're foot down, go do your thing, he should respect that and if he doesn't you can point it out to him. You are brewing beer for HIM afterall. Not just any beer, beer that goes against everything a real beer drinker beleives in
NurseNan said:
I interfere with none of these, and encourage him to do these things. I buy him flying games. I get him gun books. I want to plan a vacation that takes us to a place with a hell of a gun range where he can rent and play with guns. I've offered to get him flying lessons. I've played his favorite naughty games. I cook whatever he wants. I work overtime to do these things for him. I bought him a stainless steel BBQ and built him a brick patio (16x24) to Q on. I bought him a big screen LCD HD TV. I brew damn good beer, wine and mead! He thinks all my hobbies are stupid. I belong to a medieval recreation group (where I started brewing). We have feasts where much brewed liquid is quaffed.

Jeez, umm by any chance will you be poisoning him soon? There's something amiss here, a man has the perfect woman and yet he's so obviously... obviously... oh hell i don't know what he is, but this is just not right.

Is there a man law that obligates other men (us) to do something about this?
Actually, I think man law requires that we assure nursenan that her husband is perfectly normal. I was never much for man law.

My only advice is that you've got to do what makes you happy if you have the means to do so. You're in it with your spouse and all, but the bottom line is, life is too short to have ANYONE interfere with the simple pleasures in life. Yes, I'd agree that pulling a beautifully clear pint of your own brew any time you want is one of these simple pleasures.
First off I don't think you'll have much luck brewing a beer he enjoys; it is damn had to make beer taste like that swill he is drinking.

Second, just do what my wife does, stop asking him permission and just buy what you want, but then never mention it, chances are he won't even notice (that may just be me though :D).
TheJadedDog said:
First off I don't think you'll have much luck brewing a beer he enjoys; it is damn had to make beer taste like that swill he is drinking.

Second, just do what my wife does, stop asking him permission and just buy what you want, but then never mention it, chances are he won't even notice (that may just be me though :D).

LMAO, so I should maybe put a lamp shade on the tower and tuck it in the corner...tell him its a new coffee table and lamp?
Ever been to a magician? You gotta learn the skill of misdirection!

"A brand new kegging system would have cost me over $500 but I got this deal on craigslist for only $200! I saved hundreds!"
Brewing Clamper said:
"A brand new kegging system would have cost me over $500 but I got this deal on craigslist for only $200! I saved hundreds!"

I saved hundreds on my kegging system by switching to Craigslist!
NurseNan said:
I want to plan a vacation that takes us to a place with a hell of a gun range where he can rent and play with guns.

Well, that only leaves you about 45 states... :ban: Here in Ga have a city where the law says that every homeowner MUST own a gun. You heard me right, it's illegal NOT to own a gun.

NurseNan said:
I want to plan a vacation that takes us to a place with a hell of a I've offered to get him flying lessons. I've played his favorite naughty games. I cook whatever he wants. I work overtime to do these things for him. I bought him a stainless steel BBQ and built him a brick patio (16x24) to Q on. I bought him a big screen LCD HD TV. I must be doing something wrong

This needs more detail that I can get from posts. I recommend you pack immediately and come to my house. :D
gee, I'd love to, but I have so little free time with all the overtime I'm acquiring! My job as a nurse has me working a rotation of 4x12 hour shifts, then off for 5 days. Lots of time for OT (lots of OT to be had!), and He Who Must Obey will have to make due without me around all the time. Besides, the OT will pay for the kegerator! :ban: Mind you, I could just be evil and demand it for my Xmas present...Costco has one for sale:keg cooler

building one would definitely be cheaper:D
NurseNan said:
gee, I'd love to, but I have so little free time with all the overtime I'm acquiring! My job as a nurse has me working a rotation of 4x12 hour shifts, then off for 5 days. Lots of time for OT (lots of OT to be had!), and He Who Must Obey will have to make due without me around all the time. Besides, the OT will pay for the kegerator! :ban: Mind you, I could just be evil and demand it for my Xmas present...Costco has one for sale:keg cooler

building one would definitely be cheaper:D

Holy Schmoly those things have gone up in price! I looked at one just a few years ago at a local mom-and-pop place and it was around 500 bones! Now it's up to eight just a few years later! Whew!
NurseNan said:
Costco has one for sale:keg cooler building one would definitely be cheaper:D

Run away... I looked at one two weeks ago. It's for deep pocketed BMC drinkers. THe unit is configured for a single half barrel keg and NOTHING else. You'd have to make some big mods to accommodate cornies. IMHO, you'd save money and time if you just started with a Sanyo and added a bottle & tower.
NurseNan said:
I want to plan a vacation that takes us to a place with a hell of a gun range where he can rent and play with guns.

For the ultimate gun experience go here when they have a "shoot" http://machinegunshoot.com/shootinfo.htm

Bring your wallet, but you can shoot about anything from a flame thrower to a G.E minigun. Search for "Knob Creek". Let him fire off a hundred rounds from a full auto .50 Cal and spray down a car with a flame thrower. If he still can't find his Man Card after that, there is no hope.

Don't wast your time trying to make BMC for him. You will just end up with 5 gallons of beer you both don't like. He may come around eventually. Just keep reminding him that you drink REAL beer, not water.

And if you ever leave him PLEASE let us know.
I understand not trying to BMC but you can get pretty close by making a Blonde or Summer Bitter. These are two beers that my Bud-drinking wife really likes. If you try them side by side, there's no similarity except for color. Once they acclimate to all malt flavor, they won't want to go back. You can then step em up to APA's and ESBs. In six months, IPA.
NurseNan said:
Great info, everyone, but the arguement isn't working. Firstly, he thinks homebrewing is stupid and a waste of time. He is a BMC man, and won't drink anything else. He occasionally tastes the beer I make, but usually has nothing good to say about it...always too dark, to malty, too hoppy and too filling. He swills back the wine and mead, though. I'll try brewing something that is half corn and rice, we'll see how he likes that!

Tell him he's a weenie!

Hello from Vancouver! It is a shame that your hubbie spurns good beer. Here in B.C. we have a very healthy craft brew industry. I am always shocked to discover people who have not been exposed to or have not 'chosen' good beer.

I have travelled a great deal in B.C. though and have been many places where Lucky Lager, Old Stock, Canadian, Kokanee, etc. is the only 'acceptable' choice.

Good luck with your pursuit...

He thinks all my hobbies are stupid. I belong to a medieval recreation group (where I started brewing). He thinks its stupid (no guns). We have feasts where much brewed liquid is quaffed, but he thinks its stupid (he would have to dress up). Le Sigh....

You know... I was reading through this thread, knowing you were a member of our weird little group, and thinking "doesn't like good beer? How does he get along in the medieval group?" Then I caught the above statement, and realized... he doesn't!

I have to ask, did you ever build the keg system? Do we need to send some burly, well armoured guys up there to build one?

You've got Wolf Pack guys up there don't you?? :D

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