I like this time at night on HBT

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Speaking of, what did you guys think of the "God created the farmer..." commercial last night?

Never saw it. I pretty much do not watch TV much any more. I leave it on for background noise at night but that is about it.

I bet they will have a you tube video though
I've heard the poem before. Youtubed it, I liked it. Paul Harvey's voice is just made for that kind of production.
Speaking of, what did you guys think of the "God created the farmer..." commercial last night?

First of all, I always liked Paul Harvey. The voiceover was from a speech he made at the National Future Farmers of America convention back in the '70's. Which interestingly enough is not the Future Farmers of America anymore, it's just the FFA, the letters don't stand for anything anymore, they have kind of phased the "farmer" out of FFA.

In my opinion? A bunch of feel-good sentimental crap. Farming is a business. Always has been. Always will be. Nothing more, nothing less. The only thing is these days you have to have pretty deep pockets to get started. And that probably isn't enough.
It has to be a business first and a way of life second. And like any business you do it because you can, you're good at it and you find it satisfying. No different than any other small business or many other careers. No one becomes small business owner or a policeman or fireman or machinist or enlists in the military because of the working conditions or the pay. But because they like the work and it gives them a sense of doing something important. No different than farming.

Except with farming there is no vacation, no sick days, no health insurance or no retirement benefits. You do however get to be at the mercy of the whims of politicians, governments and the financial system. And about the time you think you have it figured out they change the rules and tell you to just bend over and take it, because one way or another you are getting screwed.

And yet for some reason the idealized, sentimental myth of farming and agriculture remains. Which is not to say that farming does not offer rewards and challenges that are special and unique. It does.

I just think it is sort of ironic that we get this tribute to hard work and independence from a large corporation that exists solely because of government bailouts. But I guess it will sell a few pickups and in the end that is all that really matters.
I have 2 pecans, 1 black walnut, 16 June bearing strawberries, an order of second year asparagus, 2 seedless concord grapes, 2 lavender bushes, and 1 lilac, that will all be delivered in April. Of course I've got a lot more gardens seeds. Plus blackberries, blueberries, and fall blooming crocus that all went in last fall. It's my first spring in my new house.

That's probably as close to farming as I'm likely to get, and I'm just fine with that.
I'm going to try the Trinidad Scorpion Pepper this year..

My buddy I work with grows TSP along with devil's tongue and ghost peppers. I will say the Trinidad Scorpion peppers have a nice subtle fruity flavor followed by a very intense heat. The heat doesn't last long, but it's very noticeable.

I use the peppers to make a chili, in which I slit the peppers along the length and throw them to absorb the flavor/heat. I generally let them cook for the last 15-20 minutes, and get a nice heat from them.
Anyone into or looking to start a reef aquarium? I'm looking to unload a metal halide light fixture with moonlights and power compact lights really cheap.

What are the MH wattage?

I have a 90g reef. Metal halides and T5 actinics. I'm replacing the actinics with a 48" strip of LEDs this week.

Post them on reefcentral or reef2reef or one of the other many reefing sites.
Long post and not much worth reading but it is a vindication of my beliefs.

I do not know what I would call myself since I do not believe in god. Heck I really do not believe in much of anything any more the older I get but I have had this I guess belief that has taken decades to formulate.

As a child I moved many times since dad was in the navy. Yes I made friends but fleeting ones at best. At 12 years of age dad retired from the navy and I made the first of 2 lifelong friends. And I am going to say that I am incredibly lucky to have made not just one but two friends like that. Anyway my friend and I were always running together and as we got older in trouble together. This caused a unusual circumstance in my life as I had 2 sets of parents. I lived just as much with my friend as I did in my own house.

A little over a year ago I got a phone call in the middle of the night telling me to get over to the house quick. I got there and a absolutely huge tree had fallen on the house killing what I had always called my other dad. His wife had got up and gone to the bathroom which saved her life as that was the only room that was not flattened.

Fast forward to now. I got a call from one of the grandkids needing a ride so I went to help the kid. Sheesh not a kid but a 30 year old I guess. Anyway while spending time with him I could not help but notice that in mannerisms and even beliefs to a degree it was my other dad. Even some of the things he would say were the same. It was if my other dad were there with me that day.

Now to my belief. I kinda think life is like wheels. All different sizes of wheels spinning away. I think I have my own personal wheel and then a wheel for my family and they all grow larger and larger until it encompasses everything.

Now the other day I think the wheel came around to me again. And since my other dad did so much to help me in life in a way helping the grandkid was paying back the help I got from my other dad but giving it directly to him. I think that when someone dies a part of them live on in yourself and others keeping the wheels spinning. Part of living is dying and part of dying is a gift to the living.

Sigh I guess it might not make much sense and I am still trying to hammer it out in my head. I have been to a lot of funerals lately and that has given me a lot of time to ponder our meaning in life. Be it a belief in god or whatever that gives you direction in life I would like to know and understand your beliefs. I am not judgmental and if you would rather write it down and PM me I would like that as well. I am trying to sort all this out in my bean though and I am hoping hearing about some of your beliefs will help.
Everybody has to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer.
Long post and not much worth reading but it is a vindication of my beliefs.

I do not know what I would call myself since I do not believe in god. Heck I really do not believe in much of anything any more the older I get but I have had this I guess belief that has taken decades to formulate.

As a child I moved many times since dad was in the navy. Yes I made friends but fleeting ones at best. At 12 years of age dad retired from the navy and I made the first of 2 lifelong friends. And I am going to say that I am incredibly lucky to have made not just one but two friends like that. Anyway my friend and I were always running together and as we got older in trouble together. This caused a unusual circumstance in my life as I had 2 sets of parents. I lived just as much with my friend as I did in my own house.

A little over a year ago I got a phone call in the middle of the night telling me to get over to the house quick. I got there and a absolutely huge tree had fallen on the house killing what I had always called my other dad. His wife had got up and gone to the bathroom which saved her life as that was the only room that was not flattened.

Fast forward to now. I got a call from one of the grandkids needing a ride so I went to help the kid. Sheesh not a kid but a 30 year old I guess. Anyway while spending time with him I could not help but notice that in mannerisms and even beliefs to a degree it was my other dad. Even some of the things he would say were the same. It was if my other dad were there with me that day.

Now to my belief. I kinda think life is like wheels. All different sizes of wheels spinning away. I think I have my own personal wheel and then a wheel for my family and they all grow larger and larger until it encompasses everything.

Now the other day I think the wheel came around to me again. And since my other dad did so much to help me in life in a way helping the grandkid was paying back the help I got from my other dad but giving it directly to him. I think that when someone dies a part of them live on in yourself and others keeping the wheels spinning. Part of living is dying and part of dying is a gift to the living.

Sigh I guess it might not make much sense and I am still trying to hammer it out in my head. I have been to a lot of funerals lately and that has given me a lot of time to ponder our meaning in life. Be it a belief in god or whatever that gives you direction in life I would like to know and understand your beliefs. I am not judgmental and if you would rather write it down and PM me I would like that as well. I am trying to sort all this out in my bean though and I am hoping hearing about some of your beliefs will help.

Google Desiderata. Learn it, live it. It has been my religion for 20 years. It's only a few paragraphs.

With all its shams, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
I am not sure how many days and nights I have spent walking/meditating, trying to figure out this thing called life. If I ever get it figured out varmintman, I'll let know. Every time I think I have it figured out, something throws me for a loop. I do like the wheel analogy.

So was thinking I didn't feel like going out to the shed to get my step stool so started looking around the room for something to drag over and stand on. Looked at my new fermenter buckets(full of beer) and thought about it for half a second. Then noticed the stack of magazines. Realized this is an accident waiting to happen so I'll just go get the step stool in a few minutes.

Trying out my dark winter ale, turned out black. Like really strong black coffee. Taste is much milder than I expected by looking at it. Was holding it up to the light with a flashlight to see if maybe then I could see through it. Don't think I've ever seen a beer quite this dark so not sure what I did or if it's normal. Definitely a mouthful and nice rich after taste. Tastes kind of creamy.

About time to crank up the tunes. Maybe I'll go see what I can find on youtube. :mug:
I don't think this song is about believing in God, I didn't take it that way. Just believing you are part of something bigger.


Added: Used the world thing to make it embed... didn't work....
I don't think this song is about believing in God, I didn't take it that way. Just believing you are part of something bigger.


Added: Used the world thing to make it embed... didn't work....

You're using a secure protocol ( https: ). Probably your playlist or youtube account. It needs to be an open URL. Try linking from youtube main.
You know, I can't stand to watch a movie or play a game anymore. I finished a game a couple of years ago, and all I could think of was "so, I got nothing for doing all that..." I started having that same reaction to movies too. I just can't see the point anymore. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, what do you do for fun?
The link worked just fine for me.

Me too. I don't think you can embed the video player and video in a post from a secure socket url. The link works fine though. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
You're using a secure protocol ( https: ). Probably your playlist or youtube account. It needs to be an open URL. Try linking from youtube main.

Ah, yes, that's what I was trying to do, just edited and removed the "s".
You know, I can't stand to watch a movie or play a game anymore. I finished a game a couple of years ago, and all I could think of was "so, I got nothing for doing all that..." I started having that same reaction to movies too. I just can't see the point anymore. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, what do you do for fun?

Can't do pointless games either and only about once a year can I get into a good movie. Just doesn't keep my attention. I do like crossword puzzles and sudoku though, for something to sit back and relax with. At least when done with those I feel like I have at least exercised my brain! And I draw when I'm in the mood for that. And knit. Have a lot of scarves, the only thing I really know how to knit. I just be sure to use thick puffy yarn so my mistakes don't show.
Looks like they got a great bunch of prizes for the 2013 giveaway

Yep, I'm hoping I'll win something. I'd really like that 10 gallon oak barrel. Though the stainless bottles are also very interesting.

Can't do pointless games either and only about once a year can I get into a good movie. Just doesn't keep my attention. I do like crossword puzzles and sudoku though, for something to sit back and relax with. At least when done with those I feel like I have at least exercised my brain! And I draw when I'm in the mood for that. And knit. Have a lot of scarves, the only thing I really know how to knit. I just be sure to use thick puffy yarn so my mistakes don't show.
I used to do some soap carving, and wax sculpting. My stuff kept getting broken though. That, and how many badly made sculptures do you really need on the mantel?
Uhhh....we brew beer for fun. And listen to music.

A little something from a couple of my favorites.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f802Y-29oo"]Benoit/Freeman Project[/ame]
I used to do some soap carving, and wax sculpting. My stuff kept getting broken though. That, and how many badly made sculptures do you really need on the mantel?

LOL, you should see all the badly made scarves in my closet! Thought about sewing them all together to make a striped blanket.
Dam I need a dam wort chiller. That took f***in forever. To chill off my cream ale. I got tied of waiting pitched at 88.9. Hope it works.

So how is everyone. Tonight.
Dam I need a dam wort chiller. That took f***in forever. To chill off my cream ale. I got tied of waiting pitched at 88.9. Hope it works.

So how is everyone. Tonight.

^^ = :ban::ban::ban::ban::ban:

Sup guys (and gals)? Sitting here trying to plan up the next brewday. Looks like I'll be thowing my brewbuddy back in on the mix this time. He's got a lot to do next week. He has to can up some starter wort. He's throwing a couple new yeast strains into his arsenal so he'll need to grow up enough of that to brew with and freeze some for later. Then we'll be brewing. I'm not for sure what I want to do this time. I'd like to throw some rye in the mash, and I'm also thinking about doing an RIS. It'll be a 30 gal batch split into two 15 gal boils. I'm thinking about doing a partigyle. My buddy got some 1084 Irish Ale yeast and I'd like to do either an irish red or an 80 schilling type brew for the second boil. I think the rye would be good in both of these styles don't you? Should make for an interesting brew day. I'm a little apprehensive about the rye. I DO NOT WANT a stuck mash.
^^ = :ban::ban::ban::ban::ban:

Sup guys (and gals)? Sitting here trying to plan up the next brewday. Looks like I'll be thowing my brewbuddy back in on the mix this time. He's got a lot to do next week. He has to can up some starter wort. He's throwing a couple new yeast strains into his arsenal so he'll need to grow up enough of that to brew with and freeze some for later. Then we'll be brewing. I'm not for sure what I want to do this time. I'd like to throw some rye in the mash, and I'm also thinking about doing an RIS. It'll be a 30 gal batch split into two 15 gal boils. I'm thinking about doing a partigyle. My buddy got some 1084 Irish Ale yeast and I'd like to do either an irish red or an 80 schilling type brew for the second boil. I think the rye would be good in both of these styles don't you? Should make for an interesting brew day. I'm a little apprehensive about the rye. I DO NOT WANT a stuck mash.

Rice hulls are youre friend. I toss a couple handfuls in every batch and if I am worried a bunch of them.
I am brewing right now. Just started the mash. Funny how when you get a system down you do not mess with it. I brew pretty much the same beers over and over and I know them very well. About the only time I measure temp anymore is my strike water and then when to pitch the yeast.
Rice hulls are youre friend. I toss a couple handfuls in every batch and if I am worried a bunch of them.

Don't have any. I'm pretty sure I can get rolled or flaked rye at the local health food store (I think the flaked would be better?). I'm thinking about using 10%. I can do a beta-glucan rest. Think that's doable without hulls?
Don't have any. I'm pretty sure I can get rolled or flaked rye at the local health food store (I think the flaked would be better?). I'm thinking about using 10%. I can do a beta-glucan rest. Think that's doable without hulls?

I would think that would be fine. I do a beer with 30% adjunct grain and with out the hulls it will slow down to a trickle.

I bought a big 10 pd bag just so I do not run out of the hulls. I REALLY hate blowing through the hose backwards:p
I was in Army surplus today and found a ton of I think liter glass things one would put on a stir plate for 5 bucks I think they were. Good price or should I pass them up. Also saw a bunch of 15 gallon fermenter's for 24 bucks. They were stamped with the #2 on the bottom. Good or bad?
I was in Army surplus today and found a ton of I think liter glass things one would put on a stir plate for 5 bucks I think they were. Good price or should I pass them up. Also saw a bunch of 15 gallon fermenter's for 24 bucks. They were stamped with the #2 on the bottom. Good or bad?

An Army surplus fermenter?