I like this time at night on HBT

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Still me again. Hmm..

I might have been foolish. The Soggy Bottom guys weren't the first to play the song. Bob Dylan played it earlier. I think my BIL wants me to go to a BDlylan concert soon here in Hawaii.

Here's BD, playing this song many years before the previous video. He's really young here but you can detect his unique voice.

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Still me again. Hmm..

I might have been foolish. The Soggy Bottom guys weren't the first to play the song. Bob Dylan played it earlier. I think my BIL wants me to go to a BDlylan concert soon here in Hawaii.

Here's BD, playing this song many years before the previous video. He's really young here but you can detect his unique voice.


Always did like some Bob Dylan.
I posted this on the classic tunes thread. It is an awesome thread in my opinion. But I wanted to share this here. Cheers!

When I was very young, 7 or 8, early 1970's, I "helped" my dad paint the front porch of our gigantic house that was built in 1902.

Air conditioning didn't exist in 1902 and nearly 70 years later that hadn't changed. Midwest summers get extremely hot so in the evenings people sat on the front porch until the house cooled down enough to sleep. This was common in my small town. While sitting out there people would walk past the house and say hello, or might even walk up to the porch and chit chat..

The song Sitting by the Dock of the Bay, by Otis Redding played while Dad and I painted the porch one fall. This song and the smell of oil based paint and turpentine always brings me back to that special time with my Dad. My folks both passed away over a decade ago, they were way to young and I still miss them everyday.


There is nothing like a smell or a taste or a song that can so vividly transport you to a place and time when you were happy and with those you love. It is amazing how one small thing can bring it all back. Cherish the memories you have of your dad/parents. That sounds like a great memory, thank you for sharing it with us.
Sorry to hog this thread - Not really :D Pretty sure George Clooney (sp) sung this in a movie or it could be the guy I always mix him up with.

Doesn't matter.. I love this song. There's like 7 or 11 musicians playing and singing. Love the art, love the tune.


I love this song, as well as Union Station. Alison Krauss is one of my favorite singers. Her voice is what I imagine angels sound like.
Just finished making 5 qts of yogurt and am having a Sierra Nevada Blindfold black IPA. First time I've tried it. The hops are a bit of a surprise with the color of the beer, but it is pretty good.

I haven't had the time to brew for about 3 months, but my ST1000 and a cooler make a damn fine yogurt incubator...:D
Howdy late niters! I'm with you all on the lovely Alison Krauss and her sidekick Dan Tyminsky. Love them.

I see Bobbi popped in. Bobbi 1, possum 0. If you are a critter, best stay away from Bobbi's garden.

Dan, you seem in a good mood these days. The rest of you boys look like you're working hard, travelling, getting contracts, etc. Gotta pay those bills.

For your late nite soundtrack, chill with ease with Max Sedgley. Slowly. I just love the chill tunes in the evenings.

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Hi everybody! Cheers!

Being unemployed is the pits, but sort of fun for now. My expendable cash is quickly diminishing. Actually, after I pay for a new back tire installation on my bike tomorrow, I'll be officially broke until next month. I'm walking the edge of a razor blade these days.

I've been sending resumes everyday. When I was in California it was super easy to find good paying jobs. Not so much in Hawaii, my career field doesn't transfer so well here. I knew that before I moved here.

Today, I got a call from an HR Manager who saw my resume and Cover Letter in a job application for her company. We had a good talk. She is going to take my resume to the shop supervisor and we'll see where it goes from there. If I get the job I'm taking a 35% pay cut from my previous job. However I'm unemployed now so that is money I don't have in the bank at the moment.. That made sense, right?. I didn't expect to get the same pay here.

The great thing about the job is it sounds fun and is only a 10-15 minute drive from the house. Gas and maintenance alone on my car cost a lot, so if I can cut that down it makes the paycheck go a lot farther. Wish me luck!

Next April the college my wife works at is moving down the street. Currently she drives about 3 hours a day back and forth to work.. Forty miles each way - effing traffic. Next year her drive will be 7-10 minutes each way!

Life is tough, but it gets better if a person is patient I guess. Going to be a tough year but I think things are getting better. Started when I moved here, took a huge pay cut but money is nothing without happiness.

Cheers to you good people!

Hi everybody! Cheers!

Being unemployed is the pits, but sort of fun for now. My expendable cash is quickly diminishing. Actually, after I pay for a new back tire installation on my bike tomorrow, I'll be officially broke until next month. I'm walking the edge of a razor blade these days.

I've been sending resumes everyday. When I was in California it was super easy to find good paying jobs. Not so much in Hawaii, my career field doesn't transfer so well here. I knew that before I moved here.

Today, I got a call from an HR Manager who saw my resume and Cover Letter in a job application for her company. We had a good talk. She is going to take my resume to the shop supervisor and we'll see where it goes from there. If I get the job I'm taking a 35% pay cut from my previous job. However I'm unemployed now so that is money I don't have in the bank at the moment.. That made sense, right?. I didn't expect to get the same pay here.

The great thing about the job is it sounds fun and is only a 10-15 minute drive from the house. Gas and maintenance alone on my car cost a lot, so if I can cut that down it makes the paycheck go a lot farther. Wish me luck!

Next April the college my wife works at is moving down the street. Currently she drives about 3 hours a day back and forth to work.. Forty miles each way - effing traffic. Next year her drive will be 7-10 minutes each way!

Life is tough, but it gets better if a person is patient I guess. Going to be a tough year but I think things are getting better. Started when I moved here, took a huge pay cut but money is nothing without happiness.

Cheers to you good people!


Sorry to hear about the unemployment Dan. I've been there and it sucks. Hopefully this job pans out for you. When I was unemployed we had to move to Nebraska so I could take a government job even though I told my self I never wanted to do that. It was a jump in pay for my silver lining at least but Nebraska sucks otherwise. I miss California every day.
Sorry to hear about the unemployment Dan. I've been there and it sucks. Hopefully this job pans out for you. When I was unemployed we had to move to Nebraska so I could take a government job even though I told my self I never wanted to do that. It was a jump in pay for my silver lining at least but Nebraska sucks otherwise. I miss California every day.

Thanks for the caring, truly appreciated! I may have foolishly quit my job or maybe not.. Jury still out on that.

My kids are raised and on their own. I'm taking a chance with this move. Pretty sure I wouldn't have contemplated something so foolish if I was still raising a family.

I know nothing about Nebraska but wish you happiness. Raising a family brings it's own happiness no matter where you live. Peace to you my friend.
On a higher note I had an amazingly disastrous brew day today. Neighbors dog got loose a knocked over my mash tun. So I lost all of my sparge. Luckily the mash was in a pot already so I improvised with it by adding dme and cutting the hops and volume. So what was supposed to 6 gallons of ipa is now 3.5 gallons of what might be an ok ipa.

But still had a good time.
It was cool to see this happen. ImageUploadedByHome Brew1400118633.558954.jpgImageUploadedByHome Brew1400118657.609647.jpg

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On a higher note I had an amazingly disastrous brew day today. Neighbors dog got loose a knocked over my mash tun. So I lost all of my sparge. Luckily the mash was in a pot already so I improvised with it by adding dme and cutting the hops and volume. So what was supposed to 6 gallons of ipa is now 3.5 gallons of what might be an ok ipa.

But still had a good time.

I would be happy with a disastrous brew day. I cannot even remember my last brew day. Long day today about 3 hours driving and at least 11 working. Gonna have a few two-hearteds and sleep well.
I would be happy with a disastrous brew day. I cannot even remember my last brew day. Long day today about 3 hours driving and at least 11 working. Gonna have a few two-hearteds and sleep well.

Had to take a vacation day to get it in.

While it was a disaster for the beer it was hilarious watching the dog. After knocking over the tun he just started chomping down on the grain while it was still hot. Up side was he ate so much he just laid down and wouldnt move again. Neighbor came over and had to carry that big ol dog home because he was to stuffed to move. Maybe I'm easily entertained but I thought it was hilarious.
It was weird to see how synchronized they were. I think the cactus bloom and the eggs both hatched the same day.

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew

There's a dumb bird that invades my garage every year, makes a nest on a wood shelf I have in there (same place every year), and lays eggs. When they hatch, I have to remove one of the windows on my garage door so the parents can get in/out. I end up with bird poop all over.
Had to take a vacation day to get it in.

While it was a disaster for the beer it was hilarious watching the dog. After knocking over the tun he just started chomping down on the grain while it was still hot. Up side was he ate so much he just laid down and wouldnt move again. Neighbor came over and had to carry that big ol dog home because he was to stuffed to move. Maybe I'm easily entertained but I thought it was hilarious.

You could have been very angry. Finding humor in and making the best of the situation says a lot of your character. I try my best to be like that. Maybe we'll live longer for it;)
There's a dumb bird that invades my garage every year, makes a nest on a wood shelf I have in there (same place every year), and lays eggs. When they hatch, I have to remove one of the windows on my garage door so the parents can get in/out. I end up with bird poop all over.

The eaves of my brew shop have been home to many young starling families. Its all fine with me but my crotchety old neighbor hates most critters and loves to shoot the starlings with his pellet gun. He missed once and shot out a window in my house. I told him about it and now he hates me too.
There's a dumb bird that invades my garage every year, makes a nest on a wood shelf I have in there (same place every year), and lays eggs. When they hatch, I have to remove one of the windows on my garage door so the parents can get in/out. I end up with bird poop all over.

At least in the green house I can just sort of hose it all down once she's done doing her procreating thing.

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
There's a dumb bird that invades my garage every year, makes a nest on a wood shelf I have in there (same place every year), and lays eggs. When they hatch, I have to remove one of the windows on my garage door so the parents can get in/out. I end up with bird poop all over.

What a great guy. Surely you have good karma.

I should have been watching the weather more closely. I should be brewing today. Probably the last good, cool day for a while. Oh well. So how's everyone? My spring fishing expedition is concluded. Back to the grind.
What a great guy. Surely you have good karma.

I should have been watching the weather more closely. I should be brewing today. Probably the last good, cool day for a while. Oh well. So how's everyone? My spring fishing expedition is concluded. Back to the grind.

It'll take a lot of bird midwifery to make up for all the bad I've done in my life. Not sure where my ledger stands at this moment.
It'll take a lot of bird midwifery to make up for all the bad I've done in my life. Not sure where my ledger stands at this moment.

PP, none of us are perfect. Self evaluation and understanding one's own humility is important. Not everybody reaches that point.

I know, with a capital K, I am not perfect and have done things in my life that as I look back are bad. Mostly when I was a kid but I made a few mistakes as an adult too. Nobody is perfect. Self forgiveness is tough.
Ischiavo, you guys are having a hell of a winter that just keeps holding on. Hang in there brother. Summer will come.. Maybe? :pipe:
I just went back and started reading this thread from the beginning. Couple pages and eventually read each hundred and fourth page. People have come and gone, I suppose that's how it goes. I'd just like to say everybody is welcome here. From the first posters to the people who just found this thread and those of you like me who are regulars here. I hope this thread never comes across as a member's only, or you have to fit in type a thread. This thread is yours. Each of you make this place what it is.

I just went back and started reading this thread from the beginning. Couple pages and eventually read each hundred and fourth page. People have come and gone, I suppose that's how it goes. I'd just like to say everybody is welcome here. From the first posters to the people who just found this thread and those of you like me who are regulars here. I hope this thread never comes across as a member's only, or you have to fit in type a thread. This thread is yours. Each of you make this place what it is.


Dan I don't post a lot here but I do read it regularly and do find inspiration in it and thank you for starting it!
I do hope some of the little things I do now make up for some of the things I have done in the past because I am far from perfect.
Hope all is going well in your new paradise and you and your wife rekindle what was there in the first place!
Peace, Bob
Kick back and relax late niters. Tomorrow is Friday and (unless you're in the UP) it's spring! Hope you have a picnic planned for this weekend. Start right now and plan your weekend (planning to do nothing at all is planning too, and probably the only way to make it happen).

Here's Groove Armada covering an old Patti Page tune. This song puts me in the right place. I just love the horn in the background.
Kick back and relax late niters. Tomorrow is Friday and (unless you're in the UP) it's spring! Hope you have a picnic planned for this weekend. Start right now and plan your weekend (planning to do nothing at all is planning too, and probably the only way to make it happen).

Here's Groove Armada covering an old Patti Page tune. This song puts me in the right place. I just love the horn in the background.

I think spring will be back this weekend...forecast looks pretty good.

I like your musical contributions. Where do you find this crazy stuff?
Evening All.

Gonna get LBR heat here this weekend, minus the fire. Saw the news tonight looks nasty out by San Diego. Cant imagine what it must be like to try to fight that mess.

Need to line up a brew day soon. Thinking of a hefe beer, light on the clovey taste. Need something light to battle the upcoming summer heat.

Dan - good to see ya on the thread again. Sounds like your getting adjusted to the islands. Hows Dasher doing? Hope that job comes thru for ya. Will be good for the mind and spirit to work. Something to look forward to each day. Yeah I know we all complain about getting up each day for work but id rather do that than not work. Should show ur prospective employer this thread, we all are great references.
Great tune PP. Thanks for sharing. It has a certain insta-chill effect.

Glad to see you're still around Dan. I wondered if you might disappear into the sunset. Have you eaten at Jameson's on the north shore yet? The ulua is pretty darn tasty.
Dan I don't post a lot here but I do read it regularly and do find inspiration in it and thank you for starting it!
I do hope some of the little things I do now make up for some of the things I have done in the past because I am far from perfect.
Hope all is going well in your new paradise and you and your wife rekindle what was there in the first place!
Peace, Bob

You make this place special, Bob. Sometimes I don't feel like writing but just reading, that's pretty normal. As much as I can come across as crash and non-caring it doesn't show up to often here but I am at times. Military life made me humble and at the same time I can be an... not nice person. The rekindling is like starting a fire out of hard wood like hickory. Takes a lot of small kindling and time to build the heat enough to burn the sweet heavy hickory. Once that wood takes it burns hot and long. I'm definitely in the kindling stage and the wind (me) keeps blowing out the flame before it has a chance to burn.

Evening All.

Gonna get LBR heat here this weekend, minus the fire. Saw the news tonight looks nasty out by San Diego. Cant imagine what it must be like to try to fight that mess.

Need to line up a brew day soon. Thinking of a hefe beer, light on the clovey taste. Need something light to battle the upcoming summer heat.

Dan - good to see ya on the thread again. Sounds like your getting adjusted to the islands. Hows Dasher doing? Hope that job comes thru for ya. Will be good for the mind and spirit to work. Something to look forward to each day. Yeah I know we all complain about getting up each day for work but id rather do that than not work. Should show ur prospective employer this thread, we all are great references.

Hey Hefe! Thanks man! Dash is adjusting well, he's a lover not a fighter, but disturb him when he sleeps and WOW.. Teeth and mean growl.. My wife has a little pom/chiwawa (sp) dog. He's six pounds of fun, jealousy and fury - Gives Dash a hard time occasionally but in general they get along pretty well. They say dogs reflect their owners.. :D

Great tune PP. Thanks for sharing. It has a certain insta-chill effect.

Glad to see you're still around Dan. I wondered if you might disappear into the sunset. Have you eaten at Jameson's on the north shore yet? The ulua is pretty darn tasty.
PP, does always have some great tunes in his locker! Thanks BBL, haven't eaten at that place, still want to hit Gianardo's shrimp place on the north shore.

Another day, smokey and hot hot hot....

Man, it's scary. Fire tornadoes do look cool but wow! Hope things are only environmentally hot and no fires come your way LRB. I need to give my son a call down at Camp Pendleton. Lots of woods around there.
Man, it's scary. Fire tornadoes do look cool but wow! Hope things are only environmentally hot and no fires come your way LRB. I need to give my son a call down at Camp Pendleton. Lots of woods around there.

Your son at Pendleton is much closer to the big fires than I am. In an unrelated fire, the building next to my office burned yesterday. Luckily, the fire department is literally across the street, so they were there quickly. There is some sort of small fire slightly inland of my home, here is the smoke from the freeway (filtered to make the smoke stand out):


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