How many geeks brew beer?

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Majored in Computer Science and Information systems.
I like to figure out how things work. I like beer. So it was only natural for me to figure out how to make beer.
I wonder if on any given online forum that the % of people who would say they are Geeks who do ______ is higher simply because its an online forum and reading forums and posting on forums (according to some non-tech people I know) is really geeky.
Commercial insurance product manager. I do everything from marketing/sales to analytics and pseudo rate-making (the real heavy lifting is done by actuaries). I am very curious by nature and I enjoy creation and creativity. That is one reason why I had to go all-grain recently. I couldn't stand the fact I was skipping one of the main steps in the process.

I like to playfully think about a scenario where there is an apocalypse and where I would fit into the new, non-industrial society. I need to be able to take grain to glass so I can be the town brewer. Everybody is going to keep the brewer around.
stop stealing my dna, you sunofabitch.

Who's stealing from who, youngin'? (Youngin' meaning that it appears I've got you by two years in age. :))

There's only room for one handsome IT sunofabitch on this double helix. Now make like an amoeba and split! :D

(Emoticons added for emphasis of jest. :D)
mechanical engineer here. Complete math geek, sci-fi/fantasy geek as well. I love details, and brewing gives me all of the details i could ever hope for.
:mug:to all of my fellow geeks!
Total Chemical Engineering Geek here! (that makes 2 of us so far). Most of our ChemE labs had something to do with distilling of some sort or separations or water jackets or various other happy stuff that translates REALLY WELL into brewing... Don't do a lot of Sci-Fi but hubby and I are totally into the SCA and Middle Ages types of crafts...
Insurance Agency Manager.....when you work in a world of just paperwork and's nice to be able to produce something...actually hold it in your hands and say "I made this beautiful thing"...and right about now...(besides my kids of course) the beautiful thing I've created is the new Porter I tapped last night :cross:..
Geologist/Environmental Scientist turned Web Developer/Photographer. I've been called a nerd, a geek and a dork. But I'm also cool, 'cuz I'm wicked into sports.
Complete non -geek as you define it. I can't stand all the stats, numbers, chemistry, etc. I like it more from the similarity to making a good pizza or bread and cooking. I'm more of a financial, business type person.

Pretty much the same. Work in the restaurant business, current job is IT, but have been restaurant GM, area supervisor, cook, host, bottle washer - wait, I'm still washing bottles now that I think about it :)
17 years in IT which can be very stressful... which is probably why I enjoy 4 taps to pick from after a long day/night.