Faucet plug? What do you use?

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Feb 6, 2010
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My perlick faucet should be arriving tomorrow on the UPS truck. I am building the collar this evening and looking forward to my first draw on Friday evening. I do, however, have a question. Since my keezer is stored in my garage, should I get a faucet plug for my faucet? Any suggestions about what else I could use until I place my next order?
I got them.

And they sucked.

The garage would warm up, the plastic would go soft, and the plug would fall off.

Or worse, someone would go to the garage to pull a pint and not take the plug off before pulling the faucet open.

Then, they'd stick on like they were glued eventually spraying beer everywhere before they shot across the floor.

Best thing to invest in is some bug spray and a frequent nozzle cleaning schedule.
I use the blue foam plugs without any problems.

At the end of a day of use:
1. Wipe the faucets out with a faucet brush dipped in sanitizer
2. Dip the foam plugs in sanitizer, wring most of it out and put them in the faucet.
3. Visitors get instructed to remove the plugs prior to dispense.
4. Hot chicks that would have to bend over to clean up the spill don't get instructed.
(It's the simple things in life that are so entertaining.);)

If you are looking for something temporary, try ear plugs.
I just stick a piece of wadded up paper-towel in the end of mine. Change them out after couple days depending on how much i drink.

I had the blue foam thing, but found that it would dry up and rip apart inside the spout if left in for an extend period of time.
You know balloons work great for keeping nasty things off your new Perlicks.
They won't fall off and you'll surely see then on the end. In fact, I bet you get some
funny comments on it.
I use the plugs with the built in brush. The brush keeps them from falling out.

I use the black rubber things. You would have to be pretty stupid, or really drunk, to not see they are there. Give them a little squeeze when putting them on, and the suction holds them in place.
I use rubber vacuum caps (5/8"?) from the auto parts store. At the end of the session, I spray out the inside of the tip out with starsan, spray some in the cap and slide it on.