Equally Obnoxious Hockey Trash Talk Thread, eh?

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Leafs are giving away 7000 free tickets, many for opening night on Monday. They'll be cruising the city looking for fans, and also giving away jerseys, merchandise, and all sorts of fun stuff.

Nonis just released a kind of "we're sorry" video, and today the Leafs put these blocks of ice all over the city with jerseys in them - if you could smash the ice you can keep the jersey! Pretty cool - they're actually doing a hell of a lot more than I thought they would.


Never understood the butthurt wearing of the "I hate such-and-such" mentality. You should see the tools in Ottawa with all of their Leaf-hating gear. The level of butthurt is quite comical, really.

I enjoy going to Leafs/Habs games - seems it's just Leafs fans cheering for one team, and Habs fans cheering for another. Way more class than you'll find in places like Ottawa and Philly. At least Rangers fans can be hilarious about hating other teams.

Ever been to Philly?

I know Philly gets a bad reputation, and i'm up there in terms of hating on fans/people from Philly.

However, I always go out of my way to chat up and make friendly with any out of town/opposing team fans in the building when i make it out to games.

I never understood it.

I'm the same way. Saw the Habs play in Philly on 11/25/11. Flyers won. Talked with Habs fans during the game and after the game about the upcoming trip on 12/15 I was making to see the Flyers in Montreal. Got nothing but friendly conversation.

Fast forward to 12/15. Got treated like a piece of sh*t terrorist at the border for telling the border agent (Canadian) I was driving to Montreal to see the game. For a Canadian to look at me like I had male genitalia growing out of my forehead when discussing anything hockey...that was weird. Also was treated like a piece of sh*t for most of the pregame stuff while wearing my Flyers jersey and swag with three other Flyers fans. The group sitting around us had a good time hassling us, but in a fun way, throughout the game, and we gave it back to them when the Flyers scored and eventually won. And Julien was fired that night. Got some good info on places to see and things to do for the next few days we were in Montreal.

No matter where you go, if it's a city that knows the sport and cares, you're going to get your balls busted. It happens.

I'm frankly tired of all this talk of how classless and whatever else folks want to say about Philly when they've likely never been there and just repeat all the crap they hear on TSN or wherever else. Just like when people bring up stuff about the Eagles fans that took place in the 60s or 70s.

If you're generally not a d*ckhead, if you're home or away, I think you can have a good time with the oppositions' fans.

Most hockey cities and fans are passionate. Every city has their fair share of as*holes. Get over it.
Ever been to Philly?

I'm the same way. Saw the Habs play in Philly on 11/25/11. Flyers won. Talked with Habs fans during the game and after the game about the upcoming trip on 12/15 I was making to see the Flyers in Montreal. Got nothing but friendly conversation.

Fast forward to 12/15. Got treated like a piece of sh*t terrorist at the border for telling the border agent (Canadian) I was driving to Montreal to see the game. For a Canadian to look at me like I had male genitalia growing out of my forehead when discussing anything hockey...that was weird. Also was treated like a piece of sh*t for most of the pregame stuff while wearing my Flyers jersey and swag with three other Flyers fans. The group sitting around us had a good time hassling us, but in a fun way, throughout the game, and we gave it back to them when the Flyers scored and eventually won. And Julien was fired that night. Got some good info on places to see and things to do for the next few days we were in Montreal.

No matter where you go, if it's a city that knows the sport and cares, you're going to get your balls busted. It happens.

I'm frankly tired of all this talk of how classless and whatever else folks want to say about Philly when they've likely never been there and just repeat all the crap they hear on TSN or wherever else. Just like when people bring up stuff about the Eagles fans that took place in the 60s or 70s.

If you're generally not a d*ckhead, if you're home or away, I think you can have a good time with the oppositions' fans.

Most hockey cities and fans are passionate. Every city has their fair share of as*holes. Get over it.

You deserved it just for using the word swag
jkratzer is the only good Philly fan. We covered this last season. The rest of them just get all whiny about Sidney Crosby due to their homo-erotic fantasies they have about the guy. But Mr. Kratzer - I can guarantee he doesn't have a shirt that says anyone licks balls.

What crowd boos a picture of Sidney Crosby during an in-game charity advertisement? A bunch of lame-o's, that's who.
CityOChampBrew said:
You deserved it just for using the word swag

Yeah I used it. Also use it to refer to the stuff a non profit sells that helps out wounded vets in Pa i volunteer with occasionally. That's about the only two times I've used it as I used to hear it used to describe crappy pot.

paulster2626 said:
jkratzer is the only good Philly fan. We covered this last season. The rest of them just get all whiny about Sidney Crosby due to their homo-erotic fantasies they have about the guy. But Mr. Kratzer - I can guarantee he doesn't have a shirt that says anyone licks balls.

What crowd boos a picture of Sidney Crosby during an in-game charity advertisement? A bunch of lame-o's, that's who.

I don't like him for his antics as much as the next guy and love seeing him get destroyed in the playoffs last year, but I will admit that I recognize and appreciate his talent and exploitation the league used to get the game going post lockout.

I really don't care for his dirty crap when no one is looking and then his running to the officials when he's the "victim," but no amount of discussion online or hassling in person at the games will change that.

Most of the Flyers fans, and hockey fans in general, are good people and enjoyable to hangout out with, even when our teams play against each other.

Geographically, most of my friends are fans of the Atlantic Division teams. Except no one likes the Islanders, or Canada for that matter. And we all get along when watching games together...in front of a TV or live.
im not one who will start problems with opposing fans, etc... although i have been the victim of it several times (mostly when visiting Philly wearing a bruins jersey)

but the crosby is a ****** shirt is just a great idea to me.

sure he's an awesome player, but i'm so tired of the refs/announcers/league/advertisers all pandering to this scum bag.

if he was a clean player, sure, i'd give him the same level of hatred most people apply to Tom Brady... sure you can hate him all you want, but he's awesome at what he does and lives the life everyone wishes they could. But he's cheap, he's dirty, and he's a whiny little bastid. All he does is beg for calls any time anyone touches him, he dives, his little extra curricular bs behind the refs to antagonize fights when he knows he's under the immediate protection of the officials is horsesht

the tipping point was the beginning of last season when he came out with some league wide PSA about how "guys we really need to take head hits out of the game" (because i am a soft little slut and was injured by one) - don't get me wrong, i dont think theres a place for headshots anywhere in this game... but i'll start caring when your teammate, one of the biggest offenders in the league, is out. Where's Marc Savard? ohhh that's right, he's on the Bruins desk jockey jobs now because of Matt Cooks bullsht blindside hits to the head..

how can you expect to be taken seriously with all of the stuff you pull, while being on one of the dirtiest teams in the league.. malkin and asham are just as bad.


lets go Bruins
It's about time Philly!!! Nice goal to get on the board... Looks like chi town is making LA their ***** for the afternoon...
yeah the LA v CHI game is an embarrassment for John Quick... Philly isn't playing too well either...

As much as I can't stand the voice of Mike Emerick and his constant "whoaa helter skelter going on here" - it reminds me hockey is back, and it warms my heart
That just don't feel right rooting for Philly being a rangers fan, but I guess I like philly a whole bunch more than Crosby! Yes. I like a whole team more than one single player.
Gixxer said:
I really thought Philly was gonna tie it up towards the end there...

I was hopeful. I'm hoping they don't allow the first goal in 75% of games like they did last year. Their play picked up significantly from the first period.
Sucks I have to wait till Wednesday to watch the rangers but at least I can watch the other games till then. Philly needs to learn how to win a face off. Oh and congrats to Tampa for smoking the caps. I really like Ovechkin but sometimes he just don't get it done. Hopefully he learned something from the playoffs last year.
I really was so pissed about this season that I didn't think I'd work up the interest to watch a game.


Overall, I thought the Bruins played as a team so coherently it actually was hard to believe this was their first game. Surprisingly rust-free.

I'm still pissed, but ya just can't take the game out of the fan...

Buffalo game is pretty good! Lots of penalties, and I think the Sabre that fought Hartnell really didnt want to drop the gloves, just keeping his street credit...
Wow! Philly got robbed on that goal...

Two of them. One disallowed for goaltender interference and then Bryz got run into and it was allowed and then because MassiveHoven wasn't in position behind the net and couldn't see the puck completely loose and going into the net. Could have been 4-4 at the end of regulation.

No excuses. Flyers gave up 3 power play goals. You don't win games often when you do that, but it doesn't help having two goals wiped off the scoreboard by the zebras.
Buffalo game is pretty good! Lots of penalties, and I think the Sabre that fought Hartnell really didnt want to drop the gloves, just keeping his street credit...

Are you kidding? He initiated and sought Hartnell out after Hartnell put a marginal hit from behind on a player that went uncalled. Surprised it didn't get called actually.
Are you kidding? He initiated and sought Hartnell out after Hartnell put a marginal hit from behind on a player that went uncalled. Surprised it didn't get called actually.

Was there 2 Sabres Fliers games today, cause the one I watched was a bit difffrent? ;)
Ya. hartnell got beat up pretty bad I almost felt sorry for him. He's gunna need a couple tylenol after that one.
+HopSpunge+ said:
Ya. hartnell got beat up pretty bad I almost felt sorry for him. He's gunna need a couple tylenol after that one.

What? There must have been two games. Hartnell was definitely in charge. He took one punch throughout the fight and slipped at the end.

Let the homerism begin.
Clearly Stafford intercepted Hartnell as he skated up ice and I don't see anywhere that Stafford beat up on Hartnell.

Perhaps y'all need your memory refreshed.