Here is the latest update.
Grain availability.
I talked to Jason today and he said they were getting caught up with their orders and even have some in the warehouse. This means he is sure they will have everything available for our delivery. I let him know what we had on the spreadsheet at this point.
He said the would do the Belgian style for us too, even though we are just under the amount he originally requested. They are going to start malting that batch by this weekend so it will be ready for our delivery. Talk about your fresh malt!!
I want to make it as easy for everyone as possible. I am going to request payment based on what we have on this Thursday night the 29th at 5:00 PM. At that point I will lock down the spreadsheet. It will still be viewable but no edits. Any additional orders will need to be requested from me directly. I will then start PM'ing everyone requesting payment.
Since I will be writing them one big check I will be collecting the money from everyone. Checks are fine as long as I get them at least a week before delivery. You can also bring me cash prior to delivery. Paypal is also an option but keep in mind there are fees associated that YOU will have to pay. Wire transfers to my bank are also an option. If anyone has suggestions for other options I am open to hearing them.
Jason would like two weeks notice of the order so I am going to request a delivery of Friday the 14th. I have Friday's off and work weekends so this would be better for me. If anyone is available to help unload let me know, but I understand it is a work day for most people. Last time Wayne and I unloaded about 4000 of the 6000 lb order ourselves without breaking much of a sweat. Well I wasn't sweating much, I suppose I shouldn't speak for Wayne.
Pick up.
I work from home and so pick up is relatively easy. In my PM I will provide my email address and phone number. You can pick up the grain just about any time as long as you let me know before hand so I can be here.
My address is:
19870 E Tufts Dr.
Centennial, CO 80015
Here is a [ame=",+Centennial,+CO+80015&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=37.546691,75.410156&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=19870+E+Tufts+Dr,+Centennial,+Colorado+80015&t=h&z=16"]Google Maps link[/ame] for my house.
I can't think of anything else.