BrewPi Remix – What’s Old is New Again

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Sounds like you may have an Arduino that’s not reporting as a valid Arduino or one without a serial? Does it work when you only use single chamber mode?
So despite not being recognized on my last flash it is able to run the script and install my two probes from the bread board. I've only installed on single chamber this whole time as I'm at least starting out with a single chest freezer. The Arduino Uno is genuine in the sense that it's a real board from Adafruit not a clone. Currently it recognizes the two temp probes in the bread board but I won't know about controlling the two AC-DC SSRs until they arrive in a week or two and I can put them together with a lamp or something as the load. At that point I think its safe to transition to a hard install into the freezer. I'd like to do the LCD and rotary encoder to control the chamber directly but being new to this space I'm figuring out how to put it all together into a nice box like I've seen on yours and others posts.
I have another such report on GitHub; it's possible newer batches are not recognized by either my scripts or Avrdude. I'll take a look when I can.
Hey hope this is an ok place to ask. I have the original (or nearly) brewpi running on a raspberrypi 1 and arduino of same vintage.. always served the purpose. Today I fired it up for a new brew and when trying to remember how to run it and clear the chart and start a new brew, I mistakenly turned off the temperature control - the tab to the right of Beer profile - Beer constant - Fridge constant. Now I can't seem to turn it back on. Any tips? I'm hoping something simple. Other things seem to be running ok with it.
You should be able to freely switch the modes, so I'm guessing something may be borked.

I would go into "Maintenance panel - View logs", click on "Enable auto-refresh", and see if there's any hints shown in stderr or stdout.
If you don't find anything, you could power-cycle the Arduino and see what happens...

You should be able to freely switch the modes, so I'm guessing something may be borked.

I would go into "Maintenance panel - View logs", click on "Enable auto-refresh", and see if there's any hints shown in stderr or stdout.
If you don't find anything, you could power-cycle the Arduino and see what happens...


Thanks! I looked at Stderr and got this (although I can view the chart and whatnot):

BrewPi: wifiChecker: Attempt 1 to reach failed (Sat Jun 29 18:30:01 AKDT 2024)
ping: unknown iface wlan0
BrewPi: wifiChecker: Attempt 2 to reach failed (Sat Jun 29 18:30:17 AKDT 2024)
ping: unknown iface wlan0
BrewPi: wifiChecker: Unable to reach router. Restarting wlan0 interface... (Sat Jun 29 18:30:32 AKDT 2024)
Jun 29 2024 18:36:36 Notification: Interval changed to 60 seconds

So looks like I'll look into that.
Stdout was benign, perhaps, with several of these:

Jun 29 2024 18:35:47 {"BeerTemp": 65.24,"BeerSet": 68.00,"BeerAnn":null,"FridgeTemp": 64.41,"FridgeSet": 78.63,"FridgeAnn":null,"State":3}

Jun 29 2024 18:36:17 {"BeerTemp": 65.25,"BeerSet": 68.00,"BeerAnn":null,"FridgeTemp": 64.40,"FridgeSet": 78.71,"FridgeAnn":null,"State":3}
Here's the part where I disabled the control:

Jun 29 2024 16:16:26 Notification: Restarted logging for beer 'robust%20porter'.
Jun 29 2024 16:17:50 Notification: Temperature control disabled
Jun 29 2024 16:17:50 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: mode = o
Jun 29 2024 16:17:51 Notification: Temperature control disabled
Jun 29 2024 16:17:52 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: mode = o
Jun 29 2024 16:17:57 Notification: Temperature control disabled

Seems like there should be a mode I could toggle back on somewhere..
After selecting one of the three active modes, hitting "Apply" is what toggles the controller "On".

So here's what shows up in stderr: when I turn the control mode "Off":

Jun 29 2024 23:22:58 Notification: Temperature control disabled
Jun 29 2024 23:22:58 controller debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: mode = o

That resets the temperature to 20° in the web gui as well. To turn the system back on with the Beer Constant mode and the temperature set point at the 36°F I use with this conditioning fridge, I have to select Beer Constant first (which pops up the temperature setting widget), then set the Temperature, then click Apply.

This is stderrr:

Jun 29 2024 23:25:03 Notification: Beer temperature set to 36.0 degrees in web interface
Jun 29 2024 23:25:03 controller debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: mode = b
Jun 29 2024 23:25:03 controller debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: beerSet = 36.0

Give that sequence a try with the Log panel open with auto-refresh enabled. You should see similar messages...

Thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it.
I get similar messages, but the tab continues to say off.
Sometimes, the EEPROM likes to act up. Offhand, I cannot remember if the modes are in EEPROM. You could always try it (you will have to set up your sensors again) and see how that works:

Maintenance Panel - Advanced Settings, then scroll the Control Constants pane to the bottom, and click on the "Reset controller to factory defaults" button
Do you ever see an "INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: mode = b" in stderr?

Here's when playing around with different constants/profile.

Jun 30 2024 08:15:44 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 14: Default settings loaded.
Jun 30 2024 08:15:56 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 13: Default constants loaded.
Jun 30 2024 08:17:25 Setting profile 'RP' as active profile
Jun 30 2024 08:17:25 Notification: Profile mode enabled
Jun 30 2024 08:17:25 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: mode = p
Jun 30 2024 08:17:35 Notification: Fridge temperature set to 14.1 degrees in web interface
Jun 30 2024 08:17:35 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: mode = f
Jun 30 2024 08:17:35 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: fridgeSet = 14.1
Jun 30 2024 08:17:39 Notification: Temperature control disabled
Jun 30 2024 08:17:39 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: mode = o
Jun 30 2024 08:17:55 Notification: Beer temperature set to 30.0 degrees in web interface
Jun 30 2024 08:17:55 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: mode = b
Jun 30 2024 08:17:56 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: beerSet = 30.0
Jun 30 2024 08:18:17 Notification: Beer temperature set to 30.0 degrees in web interface
Jun 30 2024 08:18:17 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: mode = b
Jun 30 2024 08:18:17 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: beerSet = 30.0
Jun 30 2024 08:18:44 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: tempFormat = F
Jun 30 2024 08:19:23 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: heatTargetL = -0.357
Sometimes, the EEPROM likes to act up. Offhand, I cannot remember if the modes are in EEPROM. You could always try it (you will have to set up your sensors again) and see how that works:

Maintenance Panel - Advanced Settings, then scroll the Control Constants pane to the bottom, and click on the "Reset controller to factory defaults" button
Thanks LBussy.

There is no "Reset controller to factory defaults", but there is "Load defaults" which I tried. Maybe my next step is getting the stuff out of its case and looking for any clues like loose wires or whatev.
In the event I can't get it working.. not sure there's much support anymore for the rpi #1 model and my older arduino.. that may need to be replaced if wonkers - is there a general consensus on what to replace it with? I see lots of options and at this point don't have a lot of energy to go down the rabbit holes.. maybe this winter. I do have an old PC in the brewery running linux that could serve some purpose.. or purchase a off-the-shelf product (I'm feeling cheap tho and never shied away from doing an electronics project).. I see the ESP version.. Just curious what folks are recommending if anything in particular.
iirc the eeprom reset didn't show up in the original BrewPi maintenance gui until version 0.2.12.
As for recommendations: is there anything beyond BrewPi you're thinking of running?
I believe after a fresh installation of the RaspberryPi OS "Bullseye" version on an RPi model 2 or above you can install Lee's BrewPi Remix and be off and running...

I've got a Rpi orginal, and the model 1 that I'm running now - don't think I have anything newer but I'll look around. I'll see what's for sale on the interwebs as well.

Don't really have anything beyond BrewPi in mind since I haven't looked into it.. BrewPi worked (works) well for my needs but am open to ideas.
I may have wasted your time - apologies. But I just retested and the setup "seems" to be working despite the tab for temp control shows off. I saw that the web interface was showing "cooling for x minutes" and so I plugged a light into the cooling outlet and sure enough it came on. So the control must be working. I had tested earlier when looking at heating.. but I plugged in the light to the heat outlet a bit too soon.. web interface said "waiting for peak".. I should have known that it wouldn't be heating at that point.

I probably should be thinking of an upgrade tho - that stuff is pretty old.
Something's definitely hinky, probably with the web gui. The Arduino reported all kinds of good things happening, like these lines that show the controller being put into Beer Constant at 30° (btw, might want to make sure you have the set point and temperature scale you actually want lest you cook or stun your yeast :) )

Jun 30 2024 08:18:17 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: mode = b
Jun 30 2024 08:18:17 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: beerSet = 30.0

So I agree the controller seems to be working and only the gui seems to have an issue. Try flushing the browser cache?

Something's definitely hinky, probably with the web gui. The Arduino reported all kinds of good things happening, like these lines that show the controller being put into Beer Constant at 30° (btw, might want to make sure you have the set point and temperature scale you actually want lest you cook or stun your yeast :) )

Jun 30 2024 08:18:17 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: mode = b
Jun 30 2024 08:18:17 Arduino debug message: INFO MESSAGE 12: Received new setting: beerSet = 30.0

So I agree the controller seems to be working and only the gui seems to have an issue. Try flushing the browser cache?

That 30 was when it went to defaults in centigrade and I started raising it.. I quickly changed it back to 68.0 degrees F. I was aiming for. Unfortunately I really messed up.. When I thought it was borked I hooked up my old ST-1000 and was using that. But when I figured the Brewpi might be working, I swapped out the temp probe back to the Brewpi. Unfortunately, I left the heater plugged into the ST-1000.

It is in a cool basement.. don't have cooling for it otherwise.. my kegerator has a couple kegs in service already or I could use that. Guess I need to figure out a good cooling system as well if I'm going to have more than one beer going at a time.

So I went on an all day hike and just returned home (11pm - we're up north so it doesn't get dark yet) and the beer was 95 deg. Realized my mistake, but the Safale 04 probably doesn't like that. Still bubbling, but we'll see.If it remains drinkable at all.. I'll give it a go. I have some collected yeast from a previous brew if I've killed this batch. It is a robust porter so I'm thinking it might be forgiving in taste.

The brewpi is on my network so I've looked at it from 3 different devices.. all saying off. I have powered off and on the arduino and rpi once.. I could try again.
Hello all, I'm having trouble with starting a new brew. My last batch ran fine, and its been a few months since I last brewed. I brewed today and thought I would be able to fire this right up, but keep getting errors. I've ended up uninstalling, and reinstalling and still getting same error. These are the 2 I'm getting:

From the log:
OSError: [Errno 19] error while attempting to bind on interface 0: No such device

When I hit apply on the new profile:
Couldn't write to socket: [111] Connection refused Is the script running?

I've opened up my box to check for any loose connections and everything looked good. Any ideas would be helpful so I can get this batch cooling.
The errors indicate that the system is not communicating with the Arduino. If you have a different Arduino, try that. If you have a different Pi, try that, then combinations.

While not specifically indicated here, the most common errors are bad SD cards and flakey power supplies.
Thanks for the intel. I don't have backup Pi's or Arduino's, so I'll have to focus on the SD card and power supply. I was using a power-only USB cable that came with the PI. And I guess I'll look into getting spare PI and Arduino so I can get this beer cooling (thankfully I haven't put the yeast in yet).

*Update - just checked for lights on Arduino and there was nothing, so just ordered another*
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Thanks for the intel. I don't have backup Pi's or Arduino's, so I'll have to focus on the SD card and power supply. I was using a power-only USB cable that came with the PI. And I guess I'll look into getting spare PI and Arduino so I can get this beer cooling (thankfully I haven't put the yeast in yet).
By "power only," he means the one connecting the Arduino. You would be amazed how many power only cables people seem to have squirreled away.
The errors indicate that the system is not communicating with the Arduino. If you have a different Arduino, try that. If you have a different Pi, try that, then combinations.

While not specifically indicated here, the most common errors are bad SD cards and flakey power supplies.
Ok, I've picked up a new Arduino, it lights up when plugged into the PI, once I start attaching low voltage wires to it, it dies. I added GRD, unplugged and tested, A4 repeat, 5V repeat. It was when I added the 5V wire that no lights on the board came on. I then tested it again by disconnecting the 5V low voltage wire to the relay board. Same issue, no lights on Arduino.

Could my resistor have gone bad? Or is it further down stream and one or both of the probes gotten damaged internally? What should my next course of investigation be?
The smart bet is the probes. The cheapest and most direct bet is both. Resisters are a few cents.

You could disconnect all but one probe, test, lather rinse and repeat.
The smart bet is the probes. The cheapest and most direct bet is both. Resisters are a few cents.

You could disconnect all but one probe, test, lather rinse and repeat.
One of my splices for the probe was bad, corrected and now my Arduino has lights when all is connected! I went ahead and reinstalled BrewPi and flashed the Arduino with the defaults. It came back that it was successful, and got the happy brewing splash screen. Sadly, when I load the page, I am still presented with the 'Couldn't write to socket: [111] Connection refused Is the script running?' when applying a beer profile, and am unable to start the script. I noticed on my putty connection, I'm showing the build as 0.8.1, but on brewpi.local it says 0.8.0. Is that a bug, or should I format my SD card, and reinstall?

I replaced the Arduino, fixed the probe splice, replaced the resistor, uninstalled everything and reinstalled, complete with flash. I've formatted my SD card, and checked for errors. I'm not sure what else to do. Is there a command I can run from putty to check on the Arduino? IE Jump start it?

*Edit - I can run doFlash and it will happily read the Arduino. Also, I do have a Tilt if that is causing any problems.
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The version is fine I'm pretty sure. I think I had a bugfix and did not re-version one of the repos.

Are there any other log entries? Have you rebooted since the install?
Yes, I've rebooted multiple times, unfortunately. Log is not that big:
2024-07-11 16:49:34 [E] Starting BrewPi.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/brewpi/", line 1891, in
File "/home/brewpi/", line 1880, in main
initTilt() # Set up Tilt
File "/home/brewpi/", line 587, in initTilt
if not checkBluetooth():
File "/home/brewpi/", line 573, in checkBluetooth
raise exceptions[0]
OSError: [Errno 19] error while attempting to bind on interface 0: No such device
2024-07-11 16:49:44 [E] Starting BrewPi.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/brewpi/", line 1891, in
File "/home/brewpi/", line 1880, in main
initTilt() # Set up Tilt
File "/home/brewpi/", line 587, in initTilt
if not checkBluetooth():
File "/home/brewpi/", line 573, in checkBluetooth
raise exceptions[0]
OSError: [Errno 19] error while attempting to bind on interface 0: No such device

Its the above, over and over. Odd that its doing this every few secs (starting brewpi)
It's quicker (for me of course) to suggest you try it again without the tilt. The log messages suggest that this may be where the issue is.

What model of Pi?
It's quicker (for me of course) to suggest you try it again without the tilt. The log messages suggest that this may be where the issue is.

What model of Pi?
I've been using a Pi2 vB. I'll uninstall and do w/o tilt with fingers crossed.
That was it, Tilt was the issue. Its up and running now, script has started!

If you need any beta testers for the black Tilt, let me know!
Of course, HBT crashed, and I lost my reply.

Tilt support has been GA for a long time, so this is curious. I suspect this was a change in Python that broke this because Python. I can't say that I would never hire someone who worked for the PSF, but let's say that it would not be a positive resume entry.

I've not had time to drink beer, much less make beer, and I certainly have not been working on my projects. Let me have a look, and maybe I can reach out to you via PM to try a couple things?
That sounds good. I have a Bluetooth dongle on my PI to connect to the Tilt. Its worked before.

I must have really jacked my build up when I was troubleshooting. I'm seeing weird activity with the relay. When it switches to cooling, it turns the relay off! Then it won't come back on. If heating is first, it turns on correctly, but when heating is done, it stays on.. Checked my wiring to the diagram and it matches. That's what I'm currently investigating...

*Just purchased a new relay just in case, this one is from 2016*
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I have a Bluetooth dongle on my PI to connect to the Tilt. Its worked before.
Dongles have always been a special sort of hell ... let me think about that a bit. You may have used an older version previously that was not as "Smart" as the current version, but now has fallen afoul of some other vagary I forgot to check for.
They are set both to inverted. I have it running right now and its running when it should be off. I've tried the other 2 devices it found with similar results.
It's time for the multimeter. Check the voltage (disconnect the relays) and see if that is correct. If it is, your wiring is suspect.
It's time for the multimeter. Check the voltage (disconnect the relays) and see if that is correct. If it is, your wiring is suspect.
Ok, will do. Just to confirm, I'll disconnect the wires to the relay and check the Dupont wires from the Arduino to the relay for 5V. Anything else?
Check the actuator pin for heat and cool (5 and 6) to Arduino ground. I always have to make myself trace it through, but I think "activated" is low (grounded), so there is no potential (0 VDC) when you think the relay should be on. @day_trippr am I describing that right?

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