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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
North Pole.... Chicago
Hi everyone --

I am a new member here. I've been brewing for a few years now, but have just recently made the transition to all grain and have become much more interested in developing true craft brews. Through the use of the magical Google I've stumbled upon this site. It looks as though there's some very knowledgeable and fun folks on here and I look forward to meeting the lot of you, and discussing beer, brewing, and the like.

Cheers all :mug:
Please don't make me sit on your lap like you did when I was 9. I'm still paying off the therapy bills... but I'd like a 15 gallon conical fermenter, please!

(Welcome to the forums!)
Hey guys -- nice to meet you all.

I'll see what I can do about the brew sculpture and the conical fermenter ... Anyone ever tell you, you have expensive taste? Have to check my list, see who's deserving. The days of having random people sit on my lap are behind me know, it's Mrs. C or no-one, so you're safe there.

I'm looking for a good Christmas Ale recipe (all kidding aside) if you know of one...

I'm looking for a good Christmas Ale recipe (all kidding aside) if you know of one...


Check out the recipes section. My plan for this year's Christmas ale is going to be Ohiobrewtus' "Kiltlifter Wee Heavy" with a pinch of spices (nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, ginger) added at the last hop addition. Based on my last year's Christmas ale, I learned the hard way that a little spice goes a looooooong way. (I added about a teaspoon of each to a five gallon batch, this year I plan on using a teaspoon in total in a 10 gallon batch.)
Check out the recipes section. My plan for this year's Christmas ale is going to be Ohiobrewtus' "Kiltlifter Wee Heavy" with a pinch of spices (nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, ginger) added at the last hop addition. Based on my last year's Christmas ale, I learned the hard way that a little spice goes a looooooong way. (I added about a teaspoon of each to a five gallon batch, this year I plan on using a teaspoon in total in a 10 gallon batch.)

Thanks for the suggestion -- actually did a search of recipes on here yesterday and found a nice looking spiced holiday ale that's being brewed as I type. Thanks again
