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  1. Alechemy Brewing

    Ongoing Review: Custom Blichmann G2 Bottom Drain 15-Gallon Recirculating Electric (240v) BIAB System from

    Hi All, I wanted to make a post detailing & reviewing the custom Blichmann bottom drain BIAB system that @Bobby_M at offers: Premium Recirculating Electric (240v) BIAB Package (Blichmann Bottom Drain Edition). I had been looking to make a significant upgrade to my basement...
  2. Cameronl

    My Riptide broke!

    How did this happen? It worked find during the brew day yesterday. I undid the triclamp and pulled the head off as one piece and put it in a bucket of PBW along with other items in need of cleaning. When I pulled out and separated it into its parts, I found this little black nubbin. It took me a...
  3. H

    For Sale Blichmann Riptide, diaphragm pump, 35 watt heating pads in NJ

    Picked up some homebrew stuff locally and couldn't pass up on a package deal. I only needed the kettles but took everything. Hopefully someone will find a use for this stuff. Will update thread as I get time to go through everything else. Blichmann Riptide pump, used and tested by me...
  4. R

    For Sale $2000 - Ss Brewtech 10 gallon electric HERMS homebrew system (SoCal)

    Full hot side electric brew system for sale. Everything purchased together -$2000 Prices listed below if interested in buying items individually. What’s included: Ss Brewtech eController 2V $800 (2) 10 gal Ss eKettles - 1 for HLT with HERMS coil - 1 for boil kettle w/ whirlpool and hop...
  5. Foam Stand

    Minnesota Blichmann RipeTide Pump

    Selling a new Blichmann RipeTide Pump. I used the pump once before moving into an all in one BIAB setup. $155 Local pickup in the Twin Cities available
  6. B

    Riptide Pump Position Relative to Source/Destination

    I need some clarification on what the optimal position of a Riptide pump (or any pump like it) should be relative to my liquid source and destination. I know the pump needs to be below the source but by how far? Is there a general rule of thumb I can use to have the optimal height and length of...
  7. W

    Blichmann Riptide Washer

    So I have lost the tiny washer that goes in my riptide pump during a cleaning and can't find the darn thing anywhere. I check on Blichmanns site and see that they have them, but I hate to get a single washer for .50 and pay $8 in shipping when I can likely hit the local hardware store and pick...
  8. LepusLucis

    WTB Riptide Pump

    I would really like to pick one of these up for under $200 if possible. I’m in 20646 if you’re interested. Will pay shipping.
  9. B

    First Time Whirlpooling with Pump

    I tried whirlpooling with a Riptide and a Spin Cycle arm during my brew a few days ago, but was pretty underwhelmed by the results. I didn't have any sort of trub cone at the bottom of the kettle - all the cold break seemed to be spread out on the bottom of the kettle like it normally is. I had...