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  1. N

    Saison Starter Shenanigans

    Eh, you might have rushed the cold crashing and decanting, but I wouldn't sweat it. As long on it's on the stir plate and in suspension overnight again, you'll most likely have enough. Pitch when ready. Cheers!
  2. N

    Another Infection Thread -- More Gushing

    More like 5-10 minutes. But I'll make sure to leave it in there 10-15 from now on. Yeah, I always thought so, too. But apparently not. After I noticed the wee heavy going south, I replaced all my tubing. My next beer turned out great. And again, the saison I bottled on the same day as...
  3. N

    1728 Scottish Ale -- Starter not starting?

    How did this turn out? Unfortunately for me, my batch ended up infected somehow.
  4. N

    Another Infection Thread -- More Gushing

    Thanks. Yeah, me too. This is just about to start really bumming me out if I can't get to the bottom of this. Anyone have any other thoughts about pre-bottling contamination from either the top off water, priming solution, or immersion wort chiller? Also, I forgot to mention that I DID find...
  5. N

    Another Infection Thread -- More Gushing

    I'll give it a shot. I just threw a couple bottles in the fridge yesterday, so I'll wait a week and run through this. I usually gently stir with a sanitized spoon. I bottled it four weeks ago.
  6. N

    Another Infection Thread -- More Gushing

    Well, last summer's kolsch, only about half the bottles gushed. Though it could be I was drinking them infected and just didn't notice until the temp shot up and the bacteria got super happy and pooped my caps out. All the wee heavies have gushed to various degrees. They were tolerable...
  7. N

    Another Infection Thread -- More Gushing

    Overcarbing also occurred to me, and they do taste better after they've degassed for a bit, but the brown is still way too thin -- thinner and more bitter than it was when I sampled one after a week in the bottle. It's been four weeks now and they are drinkable, but I fear not for long. I'm...
  8. N

    Another Infection Thread -- More Gushing

    The possible saison cross-contamination did not occur to me either. Though I can't recall which I bottled first, this *could* be something. However, I thought I was pretty thorough with my cleaning between batches. Definitely food for thought, though. As for the spigot and wand, I am also...
  9. N

    Another Infection Thread -- More Gushing

    I know I know I know, but really, just hear me out. I would really appreciate another perspective on this, or confirmation that I'm not missing anything. Background: I brew extract. Various styles. Various yeasts. Been doing 5-gallon batches for going on two years now. I boil outside on...
  10. N

    Experiement Idea: brew day to bottle to glass in 3 weeks.

    OP, thanks for this thread! This is exactly what I was searching for. I will be dumping over two cases that are obviously infected with our old friends, those darned "gusher bugs." Anyway, I've decided to make two quick-turn-around beers to replace what I lost to what I assume was my own poor...
  11. N

    New Danstar Belle Saison Dry Yeast?

    Thanks for the replies. Good to know I don't have to fret too much. I ordered two heaters from Amazon, but they won't be here until Tuesday. In the meantime, I moved the carboy up to a warmer part of the house (mid-60s). When the heaters arrive, I plan to raise it into the 70s for a week and...
  12. N

    New Danstar Belle Saison Dry Yeast?

    Hey everyone. Was wondering if any of you have gone below 60 with this yeast? Here's my situation: brewed yesterday, all extract, og 1.058, chilled down to 60 and pitched properly rehydrated and cooled belle saison. And just as I was wrapping a perfect brew day, jinx. I break my aquarium...
  13. N

    1728 Scottish Ale -- Starter not starting?

    Hey guys, another question. I have some gunk floating on the starter, but just in one of them. I have made enough beer to think that this isn't normal. But perhaps it is unique to this yeast, which I haven't used before? Here's a pic, but it's hard to make out due to the bubbly action. It kind...
  14. N

    1728 Scottish Ale -- Starter not starting?

    Well, I wish I could help, but I've been brewing extract for the past year after moving out of the city and still don't have all the equipment for all grain. This wee heavy is from NB. Used to go all grain gallon batches in my tiny NYC apartment, but never did a wee heavy. Hope your starter...
  15. N

    1728 Scottish Ale -- Starter not starting?

    Here's an update, which should also help anyone who stumbles across this thread with a similar problem. Took GuldTuborg's advice and took a gravity reading on the starter last night. That would be a full 3 DAYS after I made them. Result: nada, nothing, zip. Gravity had dropped but a hair...
  16. N

    1728 Scottish Ale -- Starter not starting?

    Hey y'all. I wanted to brew a Wee Heavy this weekend, so I made two starters of 1728 on Monday night. I had two oldish (Jun 2013) 1728 smack packs, so in order to get proper pitching rates (yeastcalc), I made two one-gallon starters. I don't have a stir plate, so I shake every time I walk past...
  17. N

    completely confused

    Thanks for posting this question. I have the same one. Hopefully someone out there has the answer. Cheers!
  18. N

    Wyeast 1450 - Denny's Fave Experiences?

    Thanks, Denny. That makes me feel better, and I can certainly now relax (while continuing to add ice to the beerquarium, of course). I've been brewing for some years now, but been on a big saison (3711) and belgian kick lately, so I kind of forgot about *low* temp control. Guess I'll either...
  19. N

    Wyeast 1450 - Denny's Fave Experiences?

    Some quick questions for you all, the answers to which will hopefully set my mind at ease for the next 3 to 6 weeks. (Yes, I know I'm not a master RDWHAHB Jedi yet. LOL.) Details: 1. All extract brew. Pils and Amber with OG of 1.050. 2. First time using 1450. Made a nice, large starter...
  20. N

    Fermentation Question.

    Just a quick note about the eventual taste of your beer. Wee Heavies take months of conditioning to get all the flavors right. My suggestion, once you bottle, is to stick them in the basement and forget about them until Thanksgiving. Obviously you'll want to taste one prior to that, but just...