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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. frisbee91

    American Brown Ale American Winter Brown Ale

    Yes! Check post #33 in this thread.
  2. frisbee91

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Dead Jack No-Spice Pumpkin Maibock-Style Ale

    Yes, I only brewed it once, but will definitely do it again. I chose the quantity of pumpkin based on a homebrew version of Dogfish Head Punkin Ale, published by Sam Calagione from Dogfish in his book Extreme Brewing. I used a different grain & hop bill. Note that roasted pumpkin is more...
  3. frisbee91

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Dead Jack No-Spice Pumpkin Maibock-Style Ale

    I have not, but I'm not a big fan of the pumpkin spices in beer. (hence this recipe). If you like the spice, go for it. This recipe would definitely work with some cinnamon & allspice & nutmeg. If you use clove, use just a tiny amount, as it can become overpowering. (or skip the clove...
  4. frisbee91

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Dead Jack No-Spice Pumpkin Maibock-Style Ale

    My simple label for this (with the actual jack-o-lantern used in the brew!)
  5. frisbee91

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Dead Jack No-Spice Pumpkin Maibock-Style Ale

    Dead Jack No-Spice Pumpkin Maibock-Style Ale Alcohol (ABV): 6.1 % Efficiency: 75% Grain Bill 8.0 lb. (69.57%) American 2-Row Malt 2.5 lb. (21.74%) Munich II 1.0 lb. (8.7%) Crystal 15 Hop Bill 1.0 oz. (0.2 oz/Gal) Perle Hops (7.8% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) 0.25 oz. (0.1 oz/Gal)...
  6. frisbee91

    Labels and Grolsch bottles

    For my lumpy grolsch-style bottles, I sometimes hold the label on with just a rubber band. Maybe not the most aesthetically pleasing fastener, but it works with no adhesive residue!
  7. frisbee91

    Label/Logo giveaway!

    Count me in. Thanks!
  8. frisbee91

    Double IPA Pliny the Elder Clone

    I brewed this last month using Vinnie's recipe, except I substituted Amarillo hops for some of the Simcoe in the boil (because I had them left over). It came out great! One of the best beers I've made. I highly recommend reading Vinnie's article. It's got some great tips.
  9. frisbee91

    Show Us Your Label

    A return to brewing after a brief hiatus. A somewhat modified "Pliny the Elder" recipe that I was very optimistic about based on the aroma of the fermentation. Thus the name... Hoptimism.
  10. frisbee91


    I'm in Newark/Hockessin area, but I work down the street from State Line Liquors. Great place.
  11. frisbee91

    Show Us Your Label

    Here's the label for my Patriotic American Pale Ale, "Nathan 'Ale":
  12. frisbee91

    Survey: Reusing plastic after an infection.

    Great tip! A bit of a long podcast, but interesting. I especially like the tip about making sure that your solution of Starsan is fresh. After it sits a while, it turns cloudy and looses its effectiveness. Now that I've had an infection, I plan to clean my equipment and buckets with...
  13. frisbee91

    Survey: Reusing plastic after an infection.

    Have you reused plastic fermetation buckets and/or plastic tubing after they have contactated an infected / contaminated batch of beer? If you answered Yes, please post what cleaning methods you used, and what the results were. Thanks!
  14. frisbee91

    Infection? (with picture!)

    UPDATE: Well, I let this batch sit another week, then racked it to a glass carboy, leaving about 2-3" of beer in the primary bucket, and avoiding the top and bottom with my racking wand. No luck. :mad: The sour smell is stronger, and is *almost* vinegary. The taste is just a bit sour, but...
  15. frisbee91

    Infection? (with picture!)

    Thanks for the tips. The taste was a bit sour, but not awful. It's the bad smell that concerned me. It's been fermenting for one week. I plan to rack it tonight, and give it a more thorough tasting. I'll also check the SG and report back. (Starting OG was 1.053) After I rack it, I'll...
  16. frisbee91

    Infection? (with picture!)

    I've got 10 gallons of American Pale Ale (all grain) fermenting in the basement for the past week. I checked on it yesterday, and it has a funky, sour smell. :mad: Both of my 5-gallon fermenters look the same. I'm using Safale US-05 yeast. Does this look like an infection? Also, If the...
  17. frisbee91

    Spike Brewing Kettles

    What about using the same technique you have been using, but welding just the inside, and not the outside? It's more important that the inside weld be easy to clean. Here's the same welded fitting, shown from the inside and from the outside. I'm suggesting that the weld be swapped. The...
  18. frisbee91

    Spike Brewing Kettles

    Hi all, Just thought I'd chime in on Spikebrewing. I ordered a 25 gallon kettle a few weeks ago. It came in, and I found that the welds were cracked and leaking. Ben at Spikebrewing promply sent me out a new kettle. (he even covered the return shipping on the leaking one.) The welds...
  19. frisbee91

    Brewery Logo Ideas

    Quick google search and beer labelizer yielded this:
  20. frisbee91

    Good Idea for re-usable bottles: Chalkboard Paint

    Haven't tried this, but I think I will: Dishwasher-safe chalkboard paint applied to bottles. Then, use chalk to label the brew. Here's a writeup, with a link to the details on instructables.