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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. SirBC

    Deep Six Brewery - back in action!

    Thanks for the info! I had Wade from turn my logo into a sign and I'm very happy with how it turned out.
  2. SirBC

    When did turn signals become optional?

    "Turn signal neglect a real danger, study shows" You think?
  3. SirBC

    Wanna get your mind blown?

    Ha, it actually got Binabek!
  4. SirBC

    Building permits for a dedicated brewing room - hints?

    I don't think the inspector is going to care what you are using the room for as much as if everything is installed properly. I'd bet they will not ask you a single question as to the purpose of all installed items. But if they do, it won't hurt to keep the explanation as "neutral" as possible...
  5. SirBC

    Anyone use fluoride?

    If you are using tap water it likely already has fluoride in it. So maybe the lesson is that kids should be drinking homebrew instead of bottled water.
  6. SirBC

    Pliny the Elder....not as good as it use to be

    I bought a case of Pliny the last time I visited the brewery. The bartender said, "You're in luck. These were bottled yesterday". Yep. Birth date on the bottle was 24 hours old. The first couple of days the beers were just insane. Then over the next week or two they came back down to earth to...
  7. SirBC

    Rare Beer Collection

    I'm in for one Billy Beer.
  8. SirBC

    HomeBrewTalk 2012 Big Giveaway

    Good things come to those who want. Or something like that :ban:
  9. SirBC

    Super Bowl Commercials

    The Samsung and Bueller commercials were the best IMO.
  10. SirBC

    Sam Calagione on "Beer Geeks"

    I agree with everything he said.
  11. SirBC

    brewery name

    Maybe you could put your design on CafePress, and then "buy" an occasional shirt or pint glass?
  12. SirBC

    Favorite Cult Film?

    Withnail and I Funniest movie ever! Withnail And I - Lighter Fluid - YouTube
  13. SirBC

    Oxygen Setup

    I use a 2 micron stone/~10-12 gallons wort and checked with a DO meter for 4 batches, stopping every couple of minutes to take a sample. I find that at pitching temps I needed about 4-5 min of O2 at 1L/min to get to 9-12 ppm. So I now just let it rip at 1L/min for 5 min and call it good.
  14. SirBC

    Oxygen Setup

    To the OP, the pic of that regulator shows the scale in PSI but the description says it gauged in flow rate (lpm). Is it a regulator or a flow meter? IMO you want both. You really want a low flow rate, around 0.5 to 1 LPM, which a low flow meter will give. Something like this:
  15. SirBC

    Microbrewery Software

    I thought that poster in the PDF looked familiar. I was just looking at a Photoshop tutorial earlier this week that used that exact same poster: Creating an Old-Collage Effect Poster | Psdtuts+
  16. SirBC

    It's called homebrew not freebrew!

    Yep, my thoughts exactly. You will find out if he wants your beer or free beer. I don't mind friends/family appreciating the bounty of my blood, sweat and tears. But hell, if any free beer will do, they are welcome to the back of my fridge, where I keep all of the **** beer that the Unknowing...
  17. SirBC

    Whens the last time you funneled a beer?

    I've got a picture of my wife from college, at the end of a 2 story funnel, which makes me love her that much more. She said she trumpeted out a Jimmy Buffet song after downing a funnel full of Blatz. Nice.
  18. SirBC

    SWMBO wants to brew.

    SWMBO knows Beersmith 2.0 better than me.
  19. SirBC

    Drinking from the bottle

    Canonball that ****!