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  1. N

    Pictures from New Belgium's Tour De Fat in Denver this weekend.

    This was a very fun Saturday afternoon. Check it out if Tour De Fat comes to a city near you. Nate
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    Hefeweizen Recipe

    wyeast's website for that yeast says overpitching will result in near complete loss of banana esters. the cheat sheet the wyeast rep gave out says one smack pack for beers up to ~1.060. pitching 2 packs will mean almost no banana.
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    Munich for Bavarian Hefe?

    danstar munich is a hefe yeast. i get strong banana by pitching 3/4 of the packet of munich yeast for 5gallons of beer. i fermented at 69F. i guess overpitching can prevent banana esters, wyeast also mentions that on their hefe yeast web pages.
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    WB-06 is a pretty good Hefeweizen yeast

    The Munich yeast from Danstar is very solid. I bought another bottle of Dry Dock hefe and compared mine with it. They were very close. My hefe has more clove and a lot of ripe to overripe banana flavor, with a vanilla finish. Dry Dock's hefe has a fresher banana flavor and less clove. I want to...
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    Using lager yeast at ale temps?

    saflager s-23 is super clean at ale temperatures. I have used it with Revy's "kiss yer cousin" and a guiness like stout at 64F, both taste great. There are several posts about how insanely fruity s-23 is when used at lager temps though. There is one data point.
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    WB-06 is a pretty good Hefeweizen yeast

    I bottled the hefe made with Munich yeast today. It didn't have the citrus that WB-06. It was heavy on clove and banana though. It was more clears, looks like a lot of the yeast have dropped out. It tastes a lot like the Weihenstephan hefe I had a few weeks ago, but flat. I'm looking forward to...
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    Adventures on the Island of Misfit Yeast

    The Kentucky Common turned out crisp and clean. I used s-23 again on a guiness clone. It turned out fantastic.
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    WB-06 is a pretty good Hefeweizen yeast

    I just dropped the temp on the hefe with Danstar Munich yeast to 40F to get the yeast to settle out so I can bottle it next weekend. The 40F hefe measured 1.010 for gravity. I tasted the sample, but didn't taste much banana or clove -- mostly tasted yeasty. I will update again when I bottle next...
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    Obama is a homebrewer

    Michelle Obama was being interviewed on NPR or PRI this morning about the Whitehouse's victory garden and mentioned that they have bees and that some of the honey is used to make beer in the Whitehouse around super bowl time. Anyone have the recipe for the Whitehouse homebrew?:)
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    WB-06 is a pretty good Hefeweizen yeast

    I brewed this recipe yesterday, but this time I bumped the mash temperature up my a few degrees to 154F and I'm using Danstar Munich yeast. I'm fermenting at the same temp as the WB06 batch. I did intentionally under pitch to see if that produces more banana -- rehydrated 8g of the 11g packet...
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    WB-06 is a pretty good Hefeweizen yeast

    Just tasted the last bottle of this batch. It has peaked, the banana has faded and there is mostly just citrus with banana and vanilla in the finish. The ester taste/aroma is more pronounced if i swish the beer in my mouth. I definitely see why hefeweizen are said to be best when they are fresh...
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    Safbrew WB-06

    About a month back I brewed a normal strength hefe with wb-06 and it had a lot citrus which is fading right now and the banana is shining through. A little aging might clean up the citrus.
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    WB-06 is a pretty good Hefeweizen yeast

    I tasted this one again last night and the citrus flavor has faded and the banana has become more pronounced. It tastes even closer to the Dry Dock Hefeweizen. Maybe it is peaking.
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    WB-06 is a pretty good Hefeweizen yeast

    Good to know. I have been reading that underpitching does help with the overall hefeweizen flavor.
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    WB-06 is a pretty good Hefeweizen yeast

    I brewed a hefeweizen on april 7th, 1 packet of rehydrated WB-06 for 5 gallons. It fermented out in less then 7 days at 68F, but I didn't rack to a secondary(bright tank) until day 7. Left it in secondary for 7 days at 40F to allow more yeast to settle out. I bottled at day 15 and the beer...
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    Irish Stout Guinness Draught Clone

    The 2 bottles of soured lager worked great in this beer!!!!
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    Irish Stout Guinness Draught Clone

    Does it make a difference if you sour a couple bottles of lager instead of a couple bottles of guiness?
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    What to expect from a Saflager 34/70

    Tasted it again yesterday. The aromatic malt has blended more. There is a bit more carbonation and less sweetness. So it was still carbonating, it tastes even better and the head retention it better -- 1 inch after the pour.
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    What to expect from a Saflager 34/70

    The beer has carbonated. The aromatic malt may need more time to age into the beer, but the beer is fantastic. It is smooth and clean. No diacetyl. The head doesn't last long, but it is my experience that head retention is only good on the beer recipes where I add 1lb of flaked...
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    Tips on AHS Hefe?

    How do you starve the yeast when you pitch a quarter packet??? Underpitching means a smaller amount of yeast has all the sugar in the wort to eat...