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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. FireBrew63

    And how are you prepared for the coming Zombie Apocalypse?

    I already live in a rural area on 2.5 acres that is heavily wooded. We have a huge garden of heirloom vegetables that we can at harvest, over 100 chickens with a self sustaining flock, bee hives, medical equipment, and many rain barrels. Plenty of hunting and fishing equipment as well as home...
  2. FireBrew63

    Spent grains.

    I give mine to my chickens and turkeys. They love it more than millet and clover. Trade it for some fresh eggs from a local farmer.
  3. FireBrew63

    So im in the process of building my rig...

    I have been using a Chuggar pump for over 2 years and it works great at temps below 170F. Supposedly that issue has been fixed on the current pumps. There are several Chuggar vs. March threads here to help make a decision. I am happy with mine and it has yet to ruin a brew day. Hope that helps.
  4. FireBrew63

    Keg urinal

    Here it is. Old cell phone pic...sorry.
  5. FireBrew63

    Stainless Reducing Nipples

    Try these guys out.
  6. FireBrew63

    Conicals or Carboys?

    I use an assortment of carboys, buckets, and a 15g plastic conical, so no shine. However, of all these, the conical is my favorite. I don't have to split batches, I can fill a keg in under 1 minute, clean up is easy, and I can dump the trub as it builds up. I don't harvest the yeast from the...
  7. FireBrew63

    Adding fruit to keg?

    I've added bing cherries to my hefes several times. They were fresh and all I did was wash them with starsan, pitted them, put them in a hop sack, and added to the keg. I used 2 pounds worth and it tasted awesome. You could also just add a can of concentrated fruit juice too, no need to sanitize.
  8. FireBrew63

    Kilts and the brewers who wear them

    I have 2 kilts and wear them regularly. I have a Utilikilt for everyday use and my Clan Gunn kilt for formal occasions.
  9. FireBrew63

    Las vegas

    Nine Fine Irishmen at NY NY is pretty cool as well.
  10. FireBrew63

    Has workplace etiquette changed?

    We have a strict unwritten rule that you don't bother someone on their off time for work related issues. Off time is for family, relaxation, or brewing beer. If you are hourly, they should not be bothering you on your off time.
  11. FireBrew63

    I Never Take Measurements

    This and people always want to know what the ABV is of what I give them.
  12. FireBrew63

    New brewer from Seattle area!

    Welcome to the Puget Sound area and welcome to HBT!
  13. FireBrew63

    How many gallons of Homebrew in 2012?

    10 gal. BM's centennial blonde. (actually cascade blonde) 1163.5 + 10 = 1,173.5
  14. FireBrew63

    Can you guess what I got?

    Cat nip?
  15. FireBrew63

    3rd generation washed yeast bubbling away

    I had a mason jar of 4th generation Irish Ale yeast that had sat in my fridge 10 months before I used it again and it took right off with no problems. I've used WLP001 after more than a dozen generations with no noticeable problems as well. My new practice is to build up a fresh pack/vial and...
  16. FireBrew63

    Newbie in Snohomish, WA

    Welcome from the Key Peninsula near Gig Harbor. Good luck with your brewing.
  17. FireBrew63

    Hello from Kent, Wa!

    Welcome from the Key Peninsula! Lots of great info to be found here.
  18. FireBrew63

    Priming Sugar - measured by weight or volumn

    I usually use this calculator for priming and use a scale to weigh. | Homebrewing Calculators | Botting Priming Calculator BTW, I used to live in Overland Park and graduated from SMS in '87. I visit my dad there a couple times a year as well.
  19. FireBrew63

    How many gallons of Homebrew in 2012?

    10 gal. Cream of 3 Crops. 10 + 146 = 156 (10g personal)
  20. FireBrew63

    how do I post a picture?

    Just below the reply window, click the "Go Advanced" button. Then, in the additional options section, click the "Manage Attachments" button. This will open a new window where you can add photos by clicking the "browse" button. Once you have the photos you want to post, click the "upload"...