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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. Pubwilson

    Best Movie Ever Made

    Tie between Shawshank Redemption and ANY Clint Eastwood western!
  2. Pubwilson

    So, My GF has BV

    This story is suspect....Your buddy's soon-to-be wife is doing some shady stuff and you catch her or at least see her, then (I assume cause you didn't specify) you say nothing to him. He marries and divorces, then you come here giving advice, telling this guy to "RUN". Maybe your buddy would...
  3. Pubwilson

    Full Setup and Keezer for Sale ILLINOIS BREWERS LOOK INSIDE

    Good Luck with the sale, sorry that you have to leave the hobby, but wish you well and maybe you will be back someday. Tax season, so this might sell fast. ;)
  4. Pubwilson

    new guy

    The Complete Joy of Homebrewing by Charlie Papazian is where I started 3 years ago. The book may seem dated, but trust me that the information contained within is not. Lots of good recipes, many of which I still make (Whitey's gone fishin' PA was my first 5 gal batch and my favorite to this day...
  5. Pubwilson

    HomeBrewTalk 2012 Big Giveaway

    Count me in! :rockin:
  6. Pubwilson

    Is my Apfelwein still good?

    Might be the single best reason to make the stuff :) Thanks for all the good advice!
  7. Pubwilson

    Is my Apfelwein still good?

    Been fermenting an Apfelwein since Febuary in a coat closet we don't use often. Temperature has been steady and the airlock still has plenty of vodka in it... meaning not dried out. 1. Is this batch still good/salvagable? It looks very clear. 2. Is so, what is the next step, sugar and bottle...
  8. Pubwilson

    Cream Ale Cream of Three Crops (Cream Ale)

    BM, I have a bone to pick with you. Followed your instructions to the T tonight... second time I have done this beer but first time using a yeast slurry, Please put a warning on this recipe. "Beer will blast off when racked onto a prior yeast slurry". I didn't have time to finish cleaning and...
  9. Pubwilson

    Single Faucet Beer Tower

    Has the tower been sold yet?
  10. Pubwilson

    Help! CO2 is going to be my undoing....

    Thanks for the great info guys. BTW what does carbonic acid taste like?
  11. Pubwilson

    Help! CO2 is going to be my undoing....

    Right now I have 15 gallons of homebrew that is probably gonna end up in the drain. I made BM's C3C & Cent. Blonde, and a LHBS recipe. I swear all 3 beers tasted fine after cold crashing and finnings. All three were made weeks apart with good sanitation. My problem is after putting them on gas...
  12. Pubwilson

    Bottled my first batch

    Congrats on the first step. Here's :mug: to a bright brewing future.
  13. Pubwilson

    Sparge/vorlauf help

    +1 on the braid! I recently started understanding the importance of a good vorlauf, and the braid helps me get my wort where I want it to be quickly.
  14. Pubwilson

    Enough time for large starter

    Yes, you have time (hopefully you already started it). Just make sure to add some nutrients to help the yeast do their thing. By Sunday your starter (unless sanitation was poor) will be ready floc out and pitch after decanting. Good Luck.
  15. Pubwilson

    Which IIPA looks better

    In my opinion, the second one reads deliciously. Some extra grains to work with also making it a little more interesting. I also like the yeast choices on both. Good Luck and I am sure either will do you justice. :rockin:
  16. Pubwilson

    Blonde Ale Centennial Blonde (Simple 4% All Grain, 5 & 10 Gall)

    Going for my second try at this tonight, if not then Sunday. Missed my post-boil volume by a lot, but it was my 1st AG try. Got 5 AGs under the belt now and 3 free kegs. Cool thing is my last keg has the original I made, so I can compare it when I sparge correctly this time. Thanks BM! ;)
  17. Pubwilson

    Supermarket Score in Southern California

    Congrats on the find! If only I could be so lucky... and seeing as how I live in San Antonio, I might try my luck at our local mexican food stores.
  18. Pubwilson

    Retired Kegs.....How did you get yours?

    I don't know how far you are from San Antonio, but I got my from a place that dealt in kegs here. He had like nine kegs full of five year old beer sitting out back. I had to lug them home, and drain, clean and cut them, but it was well worth it. About 30 bones apiece. He still had six when I left.
  19. Pubwilson

    5.2 used in sparge not mash?

    So it doesn't do anything? So why put it in the mash in the first place. If the 5.2 gets your mash PH to where you want it, wouldn't new treated tap water raise the PH again? I have a pot that holds my entire water bill, so I now just treat the whole deal. If you don't OP, then just keep good...