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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. HawaiianHippie

    FastRack - FastFerment Giveaway - Open to all!

    Glad I caught this! Pick me, pick me!!
  2. HawaiianHippie

    Surprisingly tame second fermentation?

    The beer turned out delicious! The lilikoi flavor was a little strong, but after the first few sips to acclimate one's taste buds, it was delightful. While I still don't understand the relative lack of fermentation reaction after dosing the beer with fresh fermentables, I can't argue with...
  3. HawaiianHippie

    Electric (induction?) burner for boil?

    Yes, I was joking a bit! But, at least in our current rental, there are only three 240 circuits: stove, water heater, dryer. My hope is that the new place, once we find it, will be a bit more robustly wired. If not, well, we will be owners, and I can fix that! Looking at other threads...
  4. HawaiianHippie

    Electric (induction?) burner for boil?

    That is a good lead. Thanks beergolf! Although the 220v does add a hurdle.
  5. HawaiianHippie

    Electric (induction?) burner for boil?

    Well, that IS a thing a beauty! Now to find a spare 220v outlet lying around :( I suppose I could drag my stove aside and unplug it on brew days.
  6. HawaiianHippie

    Electric (induction?) burner for boil?

    Aloha all! I'm thinking about migrating from partial-mash to all grain. Amongst the hurdles I have to overcome is my stove. It barely boils 2.5 gallons of wort. I have zero faith that I'll be able to get 5-7 gallons to boil EVER. Propane isn't a desirable option. I'm limited to...
  7. HawaiianHippie

    Surprisingly tame second fermentation?

    I think we Googled "adding fruit to beer homebrew" or something similar. :mug:
  8. HawaiianHippie

    Surprisingly tame second fermentation?

    Aloha al! A few weeks ago, we made a 5 gallon batch of a generic hefeweizen, with the intent of adding Lilikoi to it after primary fermentation. The initial fermentation went as expected, VERy active, stuff flowing from the BOT for 2 days. We let it sit in the carboy for 2 weeks (had to...
  9. HawaiianHippie

    Howzit from Hawaii...

    The more brewers here the better!
  10. HawaiianHippie

    Civet cat coffee
  11. HawaiianHippie

    4 Word Story

    What did I eat?
  12. HawaiianHippie

    An Idea for Labeling...

    We did the stickers and legend method for a while. And, while it beats not labeling, here's some of the fun we've encountered: 1. running out of the proper stickers before bottles and having a mixed batch 2. Keeping a few bottles from each batch around means the legend gets awfully long 3...
  13. HawaiianHippie

    regarding distilled water and extract brewing

    I'm fortunate to live in an area with excellent tap water, so that's what I use. To echo what SteveM said, i tried it, I liked it, and I've stuck with it!
  14. HawaiianHippie

    Bottling vs. Kegging

    I generally keep several batches of beer around (in bottles) and enjoy whatever I'm in the mood for at the moment. Sometimes I even go days without a beer (gasp)! It seems to me that were I to keg, I'd end up with fewer varieties on hand and cold. I mean, really, who has room for an 8-keg...
  15. HawaiianHippie

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Big Brother Peanut Butter Brown

    Ok, in full disclosure, I can't follow a recipe exactly. I started with the recipe as posted 11/04/2008. But I wanted to clear out some leftovers in the fridge, so I used 1 oz Liberty hops for the 1st addition, and 1 oz Tetnang for the 2nd. And we didn't use the Burton water salts. Oh, and...
  16. HawaiianHippie

    When adding honey...

    I don't know. Like I said, those who make mead are adamant that boiling is a sin. However, you're not making mead, you're adding honey to beer. So maybe latent bacteria that wouldn't stand a chance in an all-honey must (what a mead-maker calls wort) could take off and bloom in your beer...
  17. HawaiianHippie

    What do you do during a 90 minute boil?

    I drink homebrew and stare at the pot. Stare, stir, sip. Stare, stir, sip.
  18. HawaiianHippie

    Tons of Blow off

    This is my experience every time I brew a hefe or dunkle weisen. Extremely active fermentation, lots of blowoff, and having to empty the blowoff bucket at least once. Very normal from my experience.
  19. HawaiianHippie

    When adding honey...

    Crossover wisdom from mead forums: Boiling honey is not only unnecessary, it's bad. Boiling removes most of the flavor and character of honey, leaving only a tasteless (but fermentable) additive. The sugar content in honey is so high and the moisture content so low that bacteria can't grow in...