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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. SkylerChaBro

    What's your occupation: Engineer or Non-Engineer

    I now work as a Virtualization Engeneer in the IT world, so you can move one tick off of not engineering, to a type of engineering.
  2. SkylerChaBro

    Blonde Ale Centennial Blonde (Simple 4% All Grain, 5 & 10 Gall)

    Is it just me, or does this create an extremely high water/grain ratio? Beersmith is showing a ratio over 3qt/lb, which seems high. 2qt/lb is the highest I have worked with in the past. Maybe a setting is incorrect? Can anyone chime in?
  3. SkylerChaBro

    First AG with terrible mash efficiency

    ATXbrew just used an orbital strike on this post and wiped out the local populations. Sparge for an hour? In general I have always done it for about 20 minutes so maybe I'm missing something. I have also had some efficiency issues recently so I'll look into these tips.
  4. SkylerChaBro

    Fruit Beer Strawberry Alarm Clock v3.0 (Strawberry Blonde)

    My buddies and I are about to finally start this brew on Thursday the 28th. I think I'm going to follow the lead of a few others here and add some blue or blackberries to the recipe. If anyone has some input on how much of each berry to consider adding, let me know.
  5. SkylerChaBro

    Ridiculously long primary (Apfelwein)

    What am I saying?! Like it really needs to age anymore at this point. :o
  6. SkylerChaBro

    Ridiculously long primary (Apfelwein)

    Sorry DoctorWho! It has been a while, but yes I did crack a bottle. I can't say it turned out poorly, but there is an off flavor that can be found throughout the entire batch. I can't really put my finger on what it is, but it's not entirely bad by any means. The apfelwein is still drinkable and...
  7. SkylerChaBro

    What's your occupation: Engineer or Non-Engineer

    Bachelor of Business Administration majoring in Marketing, and what you could call a minor in web development. I also have a passion for computers and IS/IT. I'm talking to my advisers about moving to a CIS or MIS for graduate school.
  8. SkylerChaBro

    Deep Six Brewing System - v3.0

    It's been a while, but I'm subscribed. Your previous projects were fantastic.
  9. SkylerChaBro

    Autumn Seasonal Beer Punkin' Ale

    This thread has blown the eff up since I last visited. I ended up going with a recipe influenced by this and the Thunderstruck version. Played with Beersmith for a good while and brewed up a fresh batch that is now at the end of life within the better bottle. I luckily had some McCormic's on...
  10. SkylerChaBro

    How hot is too hot?

    Hum, I guess they may still be alive. Either way if it ferments over 70 he's going to have some very strong off flavors.
  11. SkylerChaBro

    Worst Commercial Beer You've Ever Had?

    I acually like Hacker-Pschorr. It could have been poorly handled. I remember having a blue moon at my local pub and it was the most awkward tasting thing ever. Something had gone terrably wrong because I generally love blue moon. Hope you enjoyed your trip to the U.P. by the way. I love...
  12. SkylerChaBro

    Worst Commercial Beer You've Ever Had?

    CAMO SILVER F'N ICE. By far the worst although, blats was pretty crappy. I guess I can thank some friends with a really cheap taste in beer. Or is it malt liquor?
  13. SkylerChaBro

    Is my mash tun the right size?

    50qt will be more than enough for a 10 gallon batch. Im currently looking at a 48qt just for the flexibility to go between 10g and 5g batches. That is a fantastic link btw.
  14. SkylerChaBro

    Testing an Idea.

    A couple friends and I are getting ready to do a Christmas Porter, so in this case I think the larger cooler will be the better idea. The funny thing is, they are the same price. Thanks for the input everyone.
  15. SkylerChaBro

    Testing an Idea.

    That's what I figured, I'm sold. Welcome to Michigan BTW! What part of the state are you visiting?
  16. SkylerChaBro

    Testing an Idea.

    Curious, I'm still leaning toward the larger cooler if only for future expansion.
  17. SkylerChaBro

    Testing an Idea.

    BTW, what would make for a better MLT? The 5 gallon Igloo or the larger rectangular cooler.
  18. SkylerChaBro

    Testing an Idea.

    Perfect, thanks much Ace_Club. What are you doing up so early anyway?
  19. SkylerChaBro

    Testing an Idea.

    Alright, just testing a concept to make sure I'm not missing any issues down the line. My idea is to use a cooler in my BIAB setup to keep the mash temp stable in the fall/winter. All I plan to do is hold the grain in a nylon bag while in the cooler. After the mash, remove the grain bag and...
  20. SkylerChaBro

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Mint Chocolate Stout

    A few brew-virgin buddies and I just finished brewing a pumpkin spice ale a few days ago. Now they want to make another for winter, and this sounds pretty damn good. Two questions: - How do I figure out the potential of cocoa powder for input into beersmith? - If I go the milk stout...