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  1. C

    Bottling Force Carb'd (Keg'd) Beer - Question

    I'm two days late on my 'two month' reply. ;-) This worked perfect! I appreciate all of your guy's help. I bought an attachment like above where it had the rubber stopper along with a double o-ring setup to fit in the tap. Then I realized one of my taps must be slightly bent... I also spilled...
  2. C

    Bottling Force Carb'd (Keg'd) Beer - Question

    You guys rock. I'm going to try chilling the bottles filling like the link said. It makes sense and sounds really easy. I'll let you guys know the results when I've tried it (probably in ~2 months). Until then, I don't mind more suggestion!
  3. C

    Bottling Force Carb'd (Keg'd) Beer - Question

    Yup, it's carb'd (or at least whatever I have at the end of June will be). It'll be about a week before I get it to it's destination, and I'm worried about it de-carbonizing. It might see a couple instances of going to ~45deg and back down to cold again too (since there's a 13hr and 5hr drive...
  4. C

    Bottling Force Carb'd (Keg'd) Beer - Question

    Those look a bit pricey for a pretty much one time use. I have a line set up for purging my carboys prior to racking. What if I did that, then I put a line off my tap and pushed the beer to the bottom of the bottle? Also, should I overcarb the beer just a tad and try and bottle. I'm thinking...
  5. C

    Bottling Force Carb'd (Keg'd) Beer - Question

    Hey guys, I've got the equipment/sugar to bottle, but I've never done it. I understand you add the sugar prior to bottling and let them ferment a bit more in the bottle to create CO2, pressure, and force carb in the bottle basically. I only even keg because we make friends come over if...
  6. C

    Turning a Stout into a Bourbon Barrel Stout?

    Your biggest problem is definitely the Eagle Rare. That stuff is gross! ha ha A guy at work told me to get it because I enjoy bourbon and I was very disappointed. :D I'm glad to hear your beer came out after a couple months though!
  7. C

    Turning a Stout into a Bourbon Barrel Stout?

    Enjoy! Steep (20 min) 1.5 lbs English Brown Malt .75 lbs English Medium Crystal .5 lbs English Pale Chocolate Stir-in 12 lbs Maris Otter malt syrup (LME) Brewing .5 oz East Kent Goldings (60 min) .5 oz Fuggle (60 min) .5 oz East Kent Goldings (10 min) .5 oz Fuggle (10 min)...
  8. C

    Turning a Stout into a Bourbon Barrel Stout?

    Definitely. Let me look through my notes this weekend and get it all together.
  9. C

    Turning a Stout into a Bourbon Barrel Stout?

    Hey guys, Just a follow-up: I left my bourbon soaked oak chips in for eight full days. I tasted every day. It wasn't until day three or four that I could taste a hint of the bourbon. By day eight it was perfect! I cold crashed, racked into the keg, and force carb'd. Last night the wife and I...
  10. C

    Turning a Stout into a Bourbon Barrel Stout?

    Here's what I did. Note that I plan on reporting back with my results, but I'm still fermenting. :-) I have a bunch of Oak on my property. It sounds like traditionally you want White Oak, but since I had Bur and Red Oak, I used that. I don't know what I used between the two because we have it...
  11. C

    Turning a Stout into a Bourbon Barrel Stout?

    Yeah, you definitely helped. Thanks again! Also, I couldn't believe how upset people were getting over the Jack vs. bourbon stuff! ha ha
  12. C

    Turning a Stout into a Bourbon Barrel Stout?

    Awesome! Thanks for the advice guys! I've got about two weeks before this would go in anyways, so I should have time enough to toss this into a mason jar. I've got about two cords left of seasoned oak. I might find a nice looking piece, cut it to size, dry toast it, then let it sit in some Jack...
  13. C

    Turning a Stout into a Bourbon Barrel Stout?

    So I am making a stout right now. I just transferred it from the primary to the secondary yesterday (don't give me crap for using a secondary ;)). Everything looks great, and it looks like I'm on par to be about 12% and it's still just got a hint of sweetness at 1.026 SG. My thought was, why...
  14. C

    SS Tea Infuser instead of Muslin bags

    You wash and reuse them? I just toss them. I'd think they'd be really tough to get everything out of them. Sorry, I wasn't talking grains, I was talking for hopping only and I figured I could dry hop in the keg with this very easily. My thought was that it'd keep it weighed down but not get...
  15. C

    SS Tea Infuser instead of Muslin bags

    Has anyone switched to using something like this: SS Tea Infuser I feel like I go through a lot of muslin backs and sometimes I get them and some are dirty. I figured this would be a better way of doing it. Thoughts?
  16. C

    Starter Not Separating - Ideas?

    I started doing the math on this and found there to be a few too many variables that I didn't have the specifics to. That being said, what do you measure out to get a SG of 1.037-1.04 and end up with ~2L of wort? Thanks!
  17. C

    Starter Not Separating - Ideas?

    Thanks for the info from both of you! I didn't even think about that. I've just read a lot of people stating a good rule of thumb is 1/2 a cup DME to 2 cups water. I'll try going off of SG next time.
  18. C

    Starter Not Separating - Ideas?

    Mine is set at 35deg F, so I feel like I should be in the ball park. It actually freezes lettuce on occasion. Unfortunately no. Sorry! A few days ago. It made krausen, but it's a porter and they usually explode with it I feel like. It's just past its peak at this point and is starting to...
  19. C

    Starter Not Separating - Ideas?

    Thanks for the info! I boiled it for ~5min, but maybe I'll try longer next time. Also, the beer is fermenting, just not the explosion of krausen I was expecting.
  20. C

    Starter Not Separating - Ideas?

    Hey guys, I picked up a stir plate and a 2000 ml tempered erlenmeyer flask because I wanted to make a good starter out of a Wyeast 1056. I boiled up some dry malt extract (1/2 cup DME, 2 cups water), cooled it, tossed it into the flask (while keeping things super sanitized). Then I pitched...