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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. P

    Chocolate malt or chocolate wheat?

    Anyone have any ideas or tips?
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    Specialty Grains for a Dunkelweizen

    Anyone have any ideas?
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    Chocolate malt or chocolate wheat?

    I know this should probably be in the extract section but I figured all grain brewers would know the grains a bit better. So I'm gonna be starting my spring and summer time beers soon and one that I wanna try is a Dunkelweizen. I had one recently that had a bit of a chocolatety touch to it. It...
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    Specialty Grains for a Dunkelweizen

    So I'm gonna be starting my spring and summer time beers soon and one that I wanna try is a Dunkelweizen. I had one recently that had a bit of a chocolatety touch to it. It was almost like drinking a banana split. I'm looking to replicate that. My question is, should I use chocolate malt or...
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    Postponing pitching the yeast.

    Awesome, just the replies I was looking for. Everything is sanitized properly. I actually left the yeast packet and scissors in my gallon jug that I use for blowoff full of sanitizer so there shouldn't be any worry there. Was just concerned about the time gap and it seems I have nothing to be...
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    Postponing pitching the yeast.

    I made a last minute christmas brew today to gift away and I ran into time constraints. The wort was still too warm to pitch the yeast and I had to run off to work. I transferred it into my primary 6.5 gallon carboy and air locked it and I plan to pitch the yeast tonight when I get home. The...
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    Gluten Free Imperial Blonde Braggot. Extract

    I'm gonna brew this up on Tuesday but with slightly different hops. I'm looking for a little less of an IBU count as I'm gifting this to a few friends who have Celiac and they're not too big on overly hoppy beers. Doing 1 oz of Cascade at 60, .5 oz Cascade at 20, and another .5 oz at flameout...
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    IPA recipe turned out weird

    I've gotta agree with yoop on this one too. The hops you used are English and have a lower alpha rating and sweeter and earthier flavors than American hops. American IPA's usually have Simcoe, Chinook, Columbus, Centennial, and other higher alpha hops which also have a lot more citrus tones to...
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    First stout attempt

    Well I went and brewed this beer up on Tuesday. Everything went smoothly. Although, if I were to do it again I'd add about 1/2-3/4 lbs of Black Patent malt to it as the color came out a very dark brown instead of the blacker color I was looking for. It's fermenting away and I'll keep updates on...
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    Did I screw up bad?

    I've got the Darkstar burner that NB offers on their website and I'm able to control temperature just fine. The gauge on the line does a great job of controlling the flow of propane and thus creates smaller/larger flames to keep temp stable.
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    First stout attempt

    I've heard mixed results on oaking. The higher gravity/alcohol beers I've heard can take up to a month or longer and lighter beers like browns or IPA's only 1-2 weeks. That's one of the parts I'm still researching. The hop reccomendations came from the proprietor of the homebrew store I shop...
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    First stout attempt

    I've been brewing more hoppy style beers of late but recently, my neighbor learned I was brewing my own stuff and gave me a bunch of supplies that he had leftover. One of which was this dark malt oatmeal extract (liquid). The first thing that popped into my head was I was doing an oatmeal stout...