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    HOWTO - Make a BrewPi Fermentation Controller For Cheap

    Here's my enclosure. I used a cheap PVC housing from Menards.
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    My coleman 70 quart extreme copper mash tun

    I batch sparge, so the cheap stainless branded hose works great for me.
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    Tasmanian IPA (Schlafly Clone)

    Here's what the beer has looked like since kegging. This was a picture during the first week, so it's cleared up a little bit more, but not much.
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    Tasmanian IPA (Schlafly Clone)

    I brewed this about a month ago and have been enjoying it thoroughly. I did alter the hop additions, bringing the 30 minute addition up to 10 minutes and the 10 minute addition up to 5 minutes. I think this helped boost the flavor and aroma of the Galaxy hops. I ended up running out of room...
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    Little to no activity after adding jam to secondary

    It turned out pretty damn good. The beer is a hazy blonde/orange, and the thimbleberry jam didn't seem to really have much of an effect on the color. You get a nice, tart taste right at the front from the thimbleberries and then you taste the typical hefe banana and clove flavors. You can...
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    Little to no activity after adding jam to secondary

    Update: It's been 4 days since adding the jam and all is going according to plan. By day two the beer was slowly churning with activity and the airlock was bubbling about every 5 seconds. Seems like it just needed some time to get the yeast back in action. Here's what it looks like now...
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    Little to no activity after adding jam to secondary

    Sorry about the picture quality, but the layer on top is just seeds and some fruit matter that floated up. No apparent krausen.
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    Little to no activity after adding jam to secondary

    Hey everyone, I brewed a Hefe three weeks ago (the sample I took last night tasted awesome), and I decided that I'd do an experiment and add two 9oz jars of thimbleberry preserves to see if I could infuse any of the fruit flavor into the beer. I racked the Hefe to secondary, and then...
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    Double IPA Tits-Up Imperial IPA (3-Time Medalist - 2 Golds, 1 Silver)

    I brewed this today and ended up with about 6 gallons at 1.086. Attached picture is about 10 minutes after draining the brew kettle into the carboy. Stuff was still settling out. I pitched two smack packs of Wyeast 1056, and I have the carboy in my fermentation chamber set at 67°. Using a...
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    Munich Dunkel Gavin's Majestic Munich Dunkel

    Hey Gavin, Thanks for the quick reply! Being my first lager, my primary goal was to get my feet wet with the lager fermentation process using a dual-stage temp controller and produce a decent tasting beer. I have no intentions of entering it into any competitions or sharing it with anyone...
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    Munich Dunkel Gavin's Majestic Munich Dunkel

    I brewed this 16 days ago, and now that it's been sitting around 32° for two days I'm ready to keg tonight. This is my first lager, so I'm curious about the wait time before consumption. With ales I've brewed, I usually like to drink them quite young. I'll usually keg after 3 or 4 weeks and...
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    Imperial Stout Sweet Chocolate Milk Stout

    I believe there is a sufficient blanket and continuous production of CO2 at this point that taking one reading via wine thief from my narrow-necked glass carboy is not going to oxidize my beer. Risk of infection is a non-issue as I am overly thorough with sanitation and have never had an...
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    Imperial Stout Sweet Chocolate Milk Stout

    I brewed this on Sunday and ended up with 1.080. Smells and looks great! I've never used S-33 before, MAN does it ferment quickly and vigorously. Within 2 hours of pitching the two packets I saw slow bubbles from the blowoff tube. The next morning, the blowoff container looked like a...
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    Autumn Seasonal Beer Imperial Pumpkin Pie Ale

    Just transferred to secondary (with vanilla/vodka extract) and WOW. I think I like the uncarbed sample more than any mainstream pumpkin ale I've tried. Spices are perfect, 1/2 tsp of each is perfect for a 5 gallon batch. I also only added probably under 1.5 oz of vodka with 1 vanilla bean that...
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    Autumn Seasonal Beer Imperial Pumpkin Pie Ale

    Brewed this over the weekend (5 gallon batch, so 1/2 ingredients). I used 2 cans of organic pumpkin in the mash and it seemed to add a decent amount of pumpkin flavor to the wort. I ended up with a high pre-boil volume so I extended the boil to 90 minutes and ended up with a SG of...
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    Belgian Tripel Belgian Trippel (2006 World Beer Cup Gold Medal: Dragonmead Final Absolution clone)

    An interesting thing is happening...about 5 hours after pitching the yeast, I checked on the carboy and it looked like this. The small section on top is fermenting, while the rest of the wort remains inactive. It's been about 4 hours now since I took the picture, and it still looks the same but...
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    Belgian Tripel Belgian Trippel (2006 World Beer Cup Gold Medal: Dragonmead Final Absolution clone)

    Just brewed this today. Starting gravity is 1.092 :eek:
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    Dubhe clone? I brewed this beer about 3 and a half weeks ago. I kegged 3 gallons and bottled the rest last night, and just took the first's great! Incredible hop aroma and lots of bitterness. I only dry hopped for 2 and...
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    Regulator Washer for KegCo 54 series regulators

    Was it by chance for this same regulator? If so, what size worked for you?
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    Regulator Washer for KegCo 54 series regulators

    Hello everyone, I have a regulator from KegCo / Beverage Factory and the little white plastic washer that creates a seal between the CO2 tank and the regulator cracked. :( I ordered 3 new ones from their website here...