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  1. R

    Help! Problem Milling Grain

    I've also got the OBKrusher and initially had the same problem when starting out. Took it apart, cleaned it, etc. nothing worked. I would spend 45 minutes crushing grain for a 5 gal batch because I was constantly reaching underneath to help the rollers catch the grain. Conditioning the grain...
  2. R

    What are you drinking now?

    Growler of Dry Irish Stout and a bottle of Sofie.
  3. R

    What yeast for an IPA?

    US-05/WY1056/WLP001 are great and will give you good results within a pretty wide range of fermentation temperatures. I prefer WLP090 as it seems to be a bit quicker, and definitely floccs out better, but requires more precise temperature control.
  4. R

    To drink while brewing or not to drink.. That is the question

    I usually brew in the early morning and finish around lunch time on the weekends, so that I appease SWMBO. In these situations, I am sometimes a bit hungover from the night before, but otherwise might have a pint or two during the boil or clean up if the brew went smoothly!
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    Lots of Cuban rum from past vacations. Havana Club 7 yr, Santiago de Cuba 12 yr, Bermudez Anniversario, Ron Varadero 7 yr, and a few others that I can't recall at the moment have all been great value additions to our collection.
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    Favorite Rye Whiskey

    Alberta Premium! Canadian homebrewers know what's up..
  7. R

    I CANNOT believe what I just drank- wow

    Pretty sure it's from the legitimate release ~2 years that has already been mentioned. There were sizeable lineups at our government liquor stores on the morning of its release. Which bar in Toronto did you find this at?
  8. R

    What are you drinking now?

    Homebrew Amarillo/Centennial/Chinook APA and Styrian Goldings hoppy saison.
  9. R

    Heady topper

    Yup, definitely call the specific stores you are thinking of checking out to get estimates of if/when it is delivered. Also,
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    How bad is it to pick hops early?

    They should be fine. As mentioned, their AA% and aromatic potential may not be quite at their peak, but if they still smelled nice enough while harvesting they should make good beer.
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    hops in pots vs canadian winter

    I have a first year hallertauer plant that I grew in a pot this year (started from a cutting). I am going to dig a hole in the ground and mulch that bad boy with lots of leaves and hope it survives the frigid Canadian winter!
  12. R

    Help --- IPA yeast

    US-05 if you want to stick with dry yeast... if going liquid, I love WLP090 San Diego Super, quick, clean, and drops clear in no time... is a bit less temp tolerant than US-05 though.
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    Belgian pumpkin beer?

    Do it. I am not generally a huge fan of pumpkin beers, but one of my favourite commercial example uses a saison yeast - Great Lakes Saison Du Pump
  14. R

    Breweries filling only "their" growlers, what's up with that?

    Not sure what the deal is in California, but way up in the great white north of Ontario there's a province-wide legislation that only allows for the exchange of empty growlers for pre-filled ones from a given brewery, rather than bringing in an empty one to be filled on the spot. However, on my...
  15. R

    Chinook & Saaz IPA

    Interesting combo! Chinook is a pretty aggressive hop, but with no additions after 30 mins should allow the Saaz to become apparent. With the right balance, I think that the earthy, spicy Saaz could potentially be complemented by the more piney spicy Chinook. Keep us posted!
  16. R

    ferm temp too high will esters fade?

    In my experience, they may fade slightly over long periods of time, but not much. S-04 is a great yeast when you can keep the fermentation temp in check (mid 60s have been great for me). 36 hours in and if fermentation is already slowing with S-04, then your esters might be here to stay, but...
  17. R

    Time for Citra addition? (HOPS, HOPS, HOPS!)

    Don't waste it on bittering (some report adverse results). Load up on flameout and dry hop additions! A great point was raised regarding scaling back the amount of Citra when blending... it can be a great complementary hop but can quickly overshadow others in the recipe. ...actually sipping on...
  18. R

    Okay to delay between mash and brewing?

    I did something similar recently. I needed to get 10 gallons brewed in a pinch. My MLT can accommodate 10 gallon batches, but my kettle is two small, so I did two split boils. Overnight mash, collected wort about 7 hours after mash-in. Boiled, cooled and racked the first 5 gallon batch...