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  1. B

    Lager Yeast Questions

    I heard that the yeast can die during the lagering process and that it might be a good idea to add yeast back in to help with bottle conditioning. The same guy also said that he even uses a dry ale yeast. I figured that keeping a bit would save me from doing this. Beersmith is telling me that...
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    Lager Yeast Questions

    Just so I'm clear on the process. I would chill my wort to where I pitch my yeast. Set aside a bit and store at 38 F and the yeast will stay dormant. Then when the lagering is complete, I can add the stored yeast to help with bottle conditioning? Thanks! Backyard Brew Co
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    Lager Yeast Questions

    I'm about to attempt my first lager and I have some questions. I ended up with two lager wyeast smackpacks. One is an urquell yeast and the other an american yeast. I don't have any DME to make a starter, could I just pitch both packs? Is there something I can substitute for DME? I only plan on...
  4. B

    New AG brewer with Thin Beer.

    Oh and I definitely got some sort of infection in final two batches that I first posted about.
  5. B

    New AG brewer with Thin Beer.

    I forgot to mention that I did get a new hydrometer as well. I did a smoked ale using 9 lbs of two row (3 lbs home smoked) 0.5 lbs carapils and 0.5 lbs Carafa type 1. I'm using wyeast for my yeast and for this one I used a ring wood ale yeast. My OG was 1.040 at 72 degrees F and my FG was...
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    New AG brewer with Thin Beer.

    Hey everyone, Sorry for the long delay, but things got crazy with me going back to school and after 4 failed attempts I got a bit gunshy. I bought a new thermometer and calibrated the old one and discovered it was off by about 3 degrees. I also started using the water mashing calculator from...
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    New AG brewer with Thin Beer.

    I cannot confirm the accuracy of my thermometer. Perhaps I need to buy a new one rather than the cheap digital one I'm using. Good call.
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    New AG brewer with Thin Beer.

    I haven't been preheating it but I've adjusted the initial temp of my water so the mash temp settles around 156. I heat the water up to around 176 and it settles around 154 or so. If its hotter I stir it until the temp is lower. This usually takes me less than 5 min
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    New AG brewer with Thin Beer.

    I've been ending up around 148. I will definitely check out your book. My water is straight well water as I live in the country. I know I have hard water that has a high ph (above 6.0). I read that it isn't as much of a concern as the mash will help to balance out your ph... but I don't know.
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    New AG brewer with Thin Beer.

    I've done a couple of batches of AG brewing and I think I have an issue with attenuation. My beer seems to be coming out pretty thin. Colour is great, starch conversion has been complete according to the iodine tests I did during the mash process. I have done both infusion and step infusion...