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  1. Jhubbard9

    Beer Spice Addition ?'s

    Hey everyone, I'm looking at making a pumpkin beer for my next beer and I have some questions. When would be the best time to make an addition of spices to the beer that wouldn't adversely effect fermentation but still carry a good flavor threshold over to the finished beer? Also what...
  2. Jhubbard9

    Trouble Shooting Help Please

    Yeah its something I have been trying to make something with the bitterness of a double but the alcohol content of a session. Obviously it is a work in progress. Also I asked on here and someone said all you need is some gypsum so I was like sweet. That probably wasn't the right idea either...
  3. Jhubbard9

    Trouble Shooting Help Please

    I also had a beer tonight and it had the same kodn of astringent taste to it but it had a sweetness as well maybe my caramel hops didn't mellow out the bitterness of the hops?
  4. Jhubbard9

    Trouble Shooting Help Please

    Hmm I have never heard of direct pitch with two vials I'll have to try that and also get a yeast starter. How I oxygenate my wort is just a good shake(which is probably not the common practice) I also filter my final wort through a nylon straining bag for clarity which should let my wort have a...
  5. Jhubbard9

    Trouble Shooting Help Please

    It was a the straight California from white laps. I think its wlp001 if I'm not mistaken and I direct pitched after letting get to room temp for about fours hours. I take it out of my fridge when I'm getting supplies and let it sit while I do the brew and chill the wort. Then direct pitch when...
  6. Jhubbard9

    Trouble Shooting Help Please

    I use a 6 gallon glads carboy with a stopper thermowell so it should be the temperature of the beer or close to it. I'll have to try cooler starting temps for pitching and beginning fermentstion. Could oxygenation be the problem? I generally transfer my beers into a five gal secondary and in...
  7. Jhubbard9

    Trouble Shooting Help Please

    Yeah I've got my OHM brew system with both hot and cold temp controllers. I could have started out too high. I usually like to start out at about 70 degrees( so the yeast can get started) for a couple days then drop the temp to 67-68 for the main part of fermentation. Do you think that is too...
  8. Jhubbard9

    Trouble Shooting Help Please

    Hello all, So today I racked my double session IPA into my keg and poured some into a glass to try the uncarbonated sample. Well it was disgusting to say the least and had a taste of burnt plastic and rubbing alcohol (keep in mind this beer was not over 1.040-1.045 S.G). I don't know what...
  9. Jhubbard9

    Ask me anything!

    Also if anyone has any good advice on RO water and Ph balance let me know! I'm looking at getting into more of the water chemistry of things and would like to know of some water profiles for different brews and also how to measure proper ppm within a solution. Any help would be awesome!
  10. Jhubbard9

    Ask me anything!

    I have some lactic acid for pH balance but I'll have to buy some gypsum and you can just go to Walmart and pick up RO water?
  11. Jhubbard9

    Ask me anything!

    Do I just need gypsum or would a yeast nutrient also help? I mean the beer is decent but its not where I want it and I think starting to brew with RO would help I just dont know what to add to make it have enough nuitrients for what I need.
  12. Jhubbard9

    Ask me anything!

    I have a question. So every time I try to make an IPA my hop bitterness has the same tingent taste. I can get awesome aroma from my aroma hops and dry hops but my bitterness qualities always come out tasting the same. I dont know why I can't get complexity from my hops. I'm thinking it might be...
  13. Jhubbard9

    Ask me anything!

    Do you have to turbid mash a lambic?
  14. Jhubbard9

    electric boiling.

    Ya that and also eliminate propane and be able to brew in the basement. Colorado winters get cold and brewing outside isn't too much fun. I was thinking of an immersion heater but didn't know how fast they can produce a boil.
  15. Jhubbard9

    electric boiling.

    I'm looking to find a way to brew electrically in the house and need information about good products which can bring 5 to 10 gallons to a boil quickly. Let me know!
  16. Jhubbard9

    Ask me anything!

    See this is what I wanted this post to do. I'm liking all the answers and questions keep em coming!
  17. Jhubbard9

    Ask me anything!

    That's okay if it does get locked its intended purpose was a dumb idea admittedly. I was not calling anyone a bad brewer and agree with many points both you and brett have made. That being said my point has been proven and hopefully has finally come to fruition. What I was trying to convey is...
  18. Jhubbard9

    Ask me anything!

    Alright so a lot of you must be confused by what I'm trying to say. I'll break it down for you guys. First this is a HOMEBREW website and a lot of homebrewers can afford fancy microscopes and testers to measure there yeast vitality. Second out of the commercial brewerys you are talking about...
  19. Jhubbard9

    Ask me anything!

    Temperature fluctuations are bad on a fermentation where even small temperature changes can impact results. As long as you aren't having fluctuations of temperature of over 15 F you should be fine especially if in a fridge the temperatures stay pretty constant.