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    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 reacted to hotbeer's post in the thread Recipe advice with Like Like.
      I use one of these and use it with a induction capable stock pot to boil my beer...
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 replied to the thread Recipe advice.
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 replied to the thread Recipe advice.
      I have an induction stove top, but I'm not sure I'd want to try that much weight on it. I do have a very large stock pot (somewhere...
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 reacted to hotbeer's post in the thread Recipe advice with Like Like.
      5 gallons of beer is going to be a lot if you only have a kitchen stove. It likely won't boil quick enough or hard enough. Though some...
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 replied to the thread Recipe advice.
      I'll give it a go! Looks like if I can find a grain basket or biab pouch I should be able to go a 5 gallon or more. I have a huge stock pot.
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 reacted to hotbeer's post in the thread Recipe advice with Like Like.
      You don't have to find recipes with that specific Maker's Mark Pilsner Malt do you? Essentially it's just a pale malt that is good for...
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 replied to the thread Recipe advice.
      I plan to try lagering this winter. My garage stays at 4c all winter.
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 reacted to IslandLizard's post in the thread Recipe advice with Like Like.
      Our recipe database: https://www.homebrewtalk.com/#homebrewtalk-com-recipe-database.54 It's directly accessible from the main bar on top...
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 replied to the thread Recipe advice.
      Good to hear because i have 25kg of each that i need to use!
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 replied to the thread Recipe advice.
      I have some ingredients.. do you think halertau tradition would work? how would i go about finding a recipie?
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 replied to the thread Recipe advice.
      No access to them.. it's so expensive to ship them I could save money and get local craft kegs. Which defeats my purposes.. I want to...
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 replied to the thread Recipe advice.
      Sorry for the late reply... it's a locally sourced malt. https://makersmalt.com/malts/makers-pilsner/ All of the stuff I have is...
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 reacted to IslandLizard's post in the thread Recipe advice with Like Like.
      https://makersmalt.com/malts/makers-pilsner/ Looks to be a pretty decent Pilsner Malt. https://canadamalting.com/malts/munich-malt/...
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 replied to the thread Recipe advice.
      I'm trying to find recipies that work with what I have.. a little overwhelmed.. where do you source yours from?
    • SaskBrewer306
      SaskBrewer306 reacted to hotbeer's post in the thread Recipe advice with Like Like.
      Most recipes tend to work. The question is whether or not you have the stuff the recipe will require. I do all grain and just use a...
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