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  1. H

    Question for longtime extract brewers

    OK, let's examine the typical weekend: 18 holes of golf (maybe 36, if it's a PERFECT weekend). Some fly-fishing on the local river (if it's to crappy to play golf). Home repairs (who the hell broke the toilet/garage door/disposal/etc... Again) The obligatory NASCAR race (don't laugh, at...
  2. H

    Racking/fruit dilemma!!!

    Ok, here's the deal... I brewed a Red Ale last week. At the last minute made a quick decision to toss 4 quarts home-canned peaches, syrup and and all, in the brewpot at flame out. Don't EVEN ask the glaringly obvious "Why?" question, it just seemed like a good idea at the time - and no...
  3. H

    Another fruit question, canned peaches...

    We've got an overabundance of of home-canned peaches this year and I want to possibly try a peach hefe or pale ale soon. They are packed in quart jars in a light sugar syrup. I plan to chop them up in the blender before tossing them in the fermentor. I also realized that frementation in a...
  4. H

    better bitter beer recipe

    Dave-M read this "recipe" to me over the phone an hour ago - I tried to explain the laws of Universal Physics and the overwhelmingly probability that his head would most likely collapse inward "Black Hole Style", sucking everything down within a 15-mile radius. There are strict laws against...
  5. H

    anyone have a good online brewstore

    Ditto on Beer, Beer, & More Beer ( Never a problem. Hopsnort
  6. H

    Chilling In Secondary Before Bottling

    Our cellar/crawlspace is in the high-40s in the winter and the mid-60s in the summer. I am a proponent of cold conditioning for clarity. In my bottling days, carbonation after a couple weeks of cold conditioning was never a problem - I just stored the freshly bottled beer upstairs for a...
  7. H

    Kegged, and rubbing it in...

    Pig Swill? PIG SWILL!?!?!? :D :D :D I usually do an extended secondary for "conditioning", but this was a recipe that could be rushed as it always seems to mature quickly. AND I was showing off, of course. An extract/steeped grains Brown Ale/English Mild bastardization with...
  8. H

    Kegged, and rubbing it in...

    A "new-brewer" friend and I brewed batches at my house two weeks ago - him a Belgian Wit and myself an English Mild. Anyway, he's really thinking about a kegging system. So while he bottled yesterday and can enjoy the fruits of his labor sometime in late March, I forced the issue a bit just...
  9. H

    Pigeon droppings?

    In Utah we have a plethora of seagulls on the Great Salt Lake, AKA Sky Carp. Think this poo-poo exchange would represent a "true to style" substitution? On second thought, this could possibly impart a distinct brine shrimp aftertaste... Hopsnort
  10. H

    Your best "secret" techniques?

    Most brewstores that deal with kegging sell a special padlock that goes on the tap - they're not cheap ($25.00 or more). Maybe a lock on the refrigerator and an in-line ball valve between the keg and the tap??? Just a thought.... Hopsnort
  11. H

    Your best "secret" techniques?

    - Brew two batches at once. One mess to clean up and less than 1 1/2 the time of doing a single batch. - Keep a 5 gallon bucket of idophor solution in the brewing area. Anything can be disinfected immediately. Stop using bleach. - If you don't have an immersion chiller, buy one - NOW...
  12. H

    Smelly keg

    Rotting meat (roadkill) smell in a keg - that's just scary!!! My local brew store advised me: 1) Avoid used Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper kegs and to find one that smells like Sprite. I'm guessing Sprite and 7-Up odors are more "neutral". Every keg I've purchased has had old soft drink...
  13. H

    Fat Tire Clone

    Hey 2 pugs, If you've got a good Fat Tire clone recipe (partial mash or extract/grains) I'd sure like to see it! I've yet to brew an acceptable Fat Tire "wannabee". Hopsnort
  14. H

    Pigeon droppings?

    "I don't know, Doc. All I can guess is that I contracted the bird flu from the doo-doo in my homebrew." If there is a recipe swap - please don't enter that particular ale!!! :D :D :D Hopsnort
  15. H

    Brewing with propane deep frier.

    Does last Sunday, 34 degrees, 4950 ft. elevation in Northern Utah count? An unregistered "lurker" and I did two 5 gallon batches. Full boil in a little over 20 minutes - never covered pot. Steeped the grains inside though, as the pot cools off too quick outside. However, a cold and W I N...