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    • Erg
      Erg reacted to camonick's post in the thread Foaming issue with Like Like.
      I have found that, no matter what the line length calculators recommend, I always needed more length to achieve foam-free pours. Keeping...
    • Erg
      Erg replied to the thread Foaming issue.
      Good news. I was able to get the foam under control and actually ended up winning the competition yesterday. The changes I made were...
    • Erg
      Erg reacted to mac_1103's post in the thread Foaming issue with Like Like.
      OP picked "set and forget" - 2 weeks at 12 PSI and 40F should be right around 2.5 volumes, which is fine for the style. Yes, everyone...
    • Erg
      Erg reacted to day_trippr's post in the thread Foaming issue with Like Like.
      Good feedback. Warm lines will certainly cause issues, so check when chilled. If problem persists there may be a chunk of something...
    • Erg
      Erg replied to the thread Foaming issue.
      Yeah, I did purge the keg after I lowered the pressure.
    • Erg
      Erg replied to the thread Foaming issue.
      Thanks for the replies. It's a regular pull faucet. The lines were room temp, so I've since moved them into the fridge and will try them...
    • Erg
      Erg replied to the thread Foaming issue.
      It's strange. No foam in the line, and straight foam right after the tap into the glass the whole time it's open. I did see that old...
    • Erg
      Erg posted the thread Foaming issue in Bottling/Kegging.
      Looking for some guidance on a foaming issue. I have a corny keg that I filled with 5 gallons of pale ale, careful to purge the oxygen...
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