Wyeast 1272

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Jan 17, 2012
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Burbs of the Big Easy
Last year I had problems with a fresh pack of 1272 and had to add US05 after it failed. I decided to try another pack so in January I ordered more and was surprised to see the use by date of March 23. I couldn't brew for a bit but Sunday I decided to make a 4 liter starter with it since it was obviously old and the smack pack did nothing after 2 hours. So, into the starter it went. More than 48 hours later and absolutely nothing. No krausen, no color change, no yeast bits swirling around. So last night I added a bit of nutrient (I use Propper Starter which has nutrient in it already) and still nothing happened.
I make starters all the time, have been for over a decade and think I know what I'm doing and rarely have I ever had any problems at all. I don't use Wyeast much at all and prefer Imperial when I can get it but what's up with these guys?
I'm going to take a reading tonite just to see what it shows but I'm expecting nada.
Well, it took a full 3 days but I am finally seeing the starter take off. Most beers are almost finished by this time but, if I've learned one thing about homebrewing, it's that nothing is ever the same.
Hopefully, it'll be faster when it meets Mr. Wort!