first batch....

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Jan 15, 2005
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I brewed a brown ale kit from my local HBS on January 8th.....tried a bottle for the first time yesterday and I gotta say I'm impressed. It was VERY good!!!
I know I can improve on it, as it seemed to not have much flavor at first taste and then a very good aftertaste. Don't know what that means. Maybe aging will improve that?
Seemed really high in alchohol content too (had a little buzz after one of 'em!!!!) . I don't know what it is because I only got a FG hydrometer broke the first day I had it. Darn things are fragile!!!
Now I have two more batches in secondary, and if they turn out anything like this one did I might stick with this hobby!
Glad it turned out and you like it.
Sounds like what happen to me with my first batch. After I tasted the first batch I did I started 2 more a couple days later.
Nice...... glad it worked out for ya.......

put it this way, after drinking homebrews for a bit most bottled beer becomes water........ :D
Welcome to the addiction, now you'll spend forever figuring "what could I do to make the next one better" the homebrewer's mantra.
Holy thread revival batman!
WTF?! I swear, it came up on the "today's posts" list!

I certainly wasn't searching for "introductions" from a decade ago, I promise!:D