Would this work? Grain mill

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Sorry no, I haven't seen this before. My Q, that I can't answer from the picture, is "How big is the grain hopper?" It looks small which would be a pain in the butt when you're milling a 10 lb. or bigger batch of malt.
If it is free, give it a try. The worst that happens is you use it to make flour. It needs to be adjustable so that the grain hulls are not totally pulverized.

It looks like the milling area is pretty small so even with a larger hopper it may take a long while to mill the grain.
If it is free, give it a try. The worst that happens is you use it to make flour. It needs to be adjustable so that the grain hulls are not totally pulverized.

It looks like the milling area is pretty small so even with a larger hopper it may take a long while to mill the grain.

Good point. It is free. Why not give it a try.
Okay, so it grinds it up way too fine. I might be able to adjust it somehow though. I'll have to mess with it a bit.
It's not 51 dollars. It's free. I think a grain mill is one of my next big purchases, but wondered if this would work for now.
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I can't figure out how to adjust it. It's an older model than the one I originally posted, so maybe it's not adjustable. I'll mess with it and see.
Weird, as mine looks like yours, once you take the adjuster off. Photo of the smaller one looks like it is missing the adjustment wheel.
It says it can be adjusted with the front dial, but I don't know what that means. I think it has something to do with the two holes on the "mouth?" I wonder if there's a special tool that came with it.
yeah, if it's free, go for it. Might want to start with BIAB, first, though. Seems like it's designed for flour... which for BIAB is less of problem.

If you can adjust it coarser, WIN!

Otherwise, start making bread....
To be honest, I didn't see a dial either, unless it is on the handle side (that small looking gear thing).

Mine has a cover that goes over that front piece with the 2 holes that you turn to make it a coarser or finer grind, just thought it was missing on the picture of yours.

Yours is actually way nicer looking. This might be a lost cause, but I'll have to screw around with it a little more before giving up.
Someone offered me on if these, and I was wondering if this would work for brewing purposes, or if it would mill it too fine.


Any one use one of this style before?

I have one. You can have it for free if you pick it up!
With a bit of effort the ground can be okay (not overly consistent though). The issue is the throughput: I hooked it up to the drill and it is still a deafening pain (30-45min for 8lbs.)
Honestly looks the same. The only difference I see is that the coarseness adjuster is on the opposite side, and you have a smaller hopper.

Mine will hold a little over a pound, I suspect yours is about half that, but can't think it would be that hard to make a bigger one.

While a pound at a time is not ideal, I am doing partial mash and topping up with DME, (Porter I did this weekend it went through about 7lbs of grain without an issue), although it would be time consuming doing an AG batch, it could be done. I would try to motorize it somehow. First time I used mine I hand cranked about 2lbs, and said enough of that. Nothing an old screw driver and cordless drill can't fix.
Maybe for now, I'll try it on a small BIAB batch, and see how that works.
Did it ever work I'm a broke college student andnits taken me a while hunting for deals on Facebook but I'm proud to say that I'm almost have a everything I need for an all grain brew. I recently came across a brand new variation of this mill on Facebook for basically nothing would you recommend it at all or should I just try to save up?
Did it ever work I'm a broke college student andnits taken me a while hunting for deals on Facebook but I'm proud to say that I'm almost have a everything I need for an all grain brew. I recently came across a brand new variation of this mill on Facebook for basically nothing would you recommend it at all or should I just try to save up?
I never really tried it for making a batch. It was too small, and if I remember right the grind was too fine, and it wouldve taken forever to mill several pounds. I ended up buying a cereal killer, and it's worked great. If you're looking for something cheap, I've found great homebrew deals on craigslist and ebay, so maybe you can find a decent used mill there.

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