world's worst beers which do you like or drink?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2008
Reaction score

  1. Budweiser Select 55
  2. Natural Light
  3. Sharp’s
  4. Keystone Light
  5. Miller 64
  6. Milwaukee’s Best Light
  7. Natural Ice
  8. Bud Light
  9. Milwaukee’s Best
  10. Busch Ice
  11. Bud Ice
  12. Busch Light
  13. Michelob Ultra
  14. Bud Light & Clamato Chelada
  15. Corona Light
  16. Keystone Lager
  17. Sleepman Clear
  18. Keystone Ice
  19. Red Dog
  20. Coors Light
  21. O’Doul’s
  22. Budweiser Select
  23. Busch Beer
  24. Icehouse
  25. Hurricane Malt Liquor

i can safely say i only will drink busch off this list. although i dont particularly like it.

any you out there drink the worst of the worst?

dont be shy.
Looks like I'm safe!
I've drank plenty of bad beers in my day, but the only two on that list that I've ever tasted are Milwaukee's Best and O'Doul's (30+ years ago because my wife used to drink it when she was pregnant). I've never even heard of Sharp's of Sleepman Clear.
The worst beer I've ever had was from Guatemala. It was an American style light lager in a large brown bottle and didn't really taste like anything but fizz. I bought it at a Fiesta market in Houston. I think the brand was Famosa.

Of the beers on that list, I kinda like Busch, Busch Ice, and Natural Ice. I don't like them all that much, but there's nothing wrong with them; just not a whole lot that's right either. My cheap lawnmower beer of choice is Hamm's.

I think there's some selection bias going on with that list.
I'll have full macros on occasion when I'm away from home and there are no other options, and I figured there had to be at least one in that long of a list, but nope. I don't drink "light" or NA or "ice" or "ultra" beers - ever - and many of the rest aren't locally available anyway...

I can't recall what any of those taste like and probably haven't tried more than 4 or 5 in my lifetime. Coors light is probably the most recent because that's what we typically dose with off flavor practice kits. I do know that Rolling Rock should 100% be on that list though.
Though many/most of the names on that list are unknown to me, it seems to be a collection of American light lagers, a style that holds no interest for me.

I've had some other bad beers, though. 😢🍻 I'm a fan of (good) DIPAs, but couldn't tolerate TJ's "Boatswain Double I. P. A. Twin Screw Steamer."
i just realized number 25 was hurricane malt liquor. i drank quite a few cases of those back in med school. it was the cheapest beer you could buy and since they all tasted the same( basically mostly adjunct) why not get more alcohol for your buck.
The stuff that came out of the Tumwater brewery was pretty respectable fizzy yellow swill. While driving through Olympia earlier this year on my way up to U Dub for the first time in 20+ years, it was really sad to not see the big billowing couds of steam and the smell of boiled beans.

That used to be a pretty nice beer. Shame it was needlessly slaughtered like Hanks.
I'm probably in no position to throw rocks on this topic, having recently come off of a 3.5 year-long fizzy yellow swill COVID project. I knew that high-gravity brewing was technically amazing brewing, but I didn't really appreciate it until I decided to go toe-to-toe with those guys on their quick turnaround timeline. Holy smokes! That garbage beer is soooo amazing...from a technical perspective.

Garbage beers that I like:

As a guy from PDX, I really enjoyed the hell out of the full Hank Weinhard's portfolio as a kid--especially Red, Dark, and Ale.

It's been a couple decades since I've had one, but I used to enjoy smashing a lime wedge into a can of Tecate during the summer. It was cheap, tasty beer that you could guzzle without a care in the world while engaging in 20-something delinquency. Great gas station beer..or it was, times have changed I gather.

Becks: I was a bit horrified to learn that Becks isn't especially well thought of. I used to gladly pay 4 bucks/pint for that at Portland International raceway when the sports cars/American Le Mans Series came to town. It drinks well with the smell of partially burnt racing fuel and vaporized tire smoke.

My lousy swill: I've gotten a lot better. Still have a way to go, though.
Tecate! I always think of it as a horrible beer, but I guess it's more accurate to say it's totally flavorless. Like club soda.

How come Mickey's isn't on the list?

Foster's isn't on the list either. It's presence in the US is a mystery to me. Why spend a lot of money importing a beer that's pretty much the same thing as Budmilcoors?

I was in charge of ordering beer for the student grocery at Columbia University. We did a brisk trade in Piels, which was something like $1.39 a six. I never understood why people would drink it. If all you care about is getting drunk, why not buy cheap vodka?

Rolling Rock is pretty nasty.

There are a lot of beers that are bad enough to make that list.

A distributor sold us a beer called Red Cap Ale, and I actually enjoyed it. When I lived in Kentucky, I thought Little Kings weren't too bad. The weirdest thing to me is that I liked Stroh's, as long as it was extremely cold. It wasn't good, but there was nothing really offensive about it.
A few not on that list I drank a long, long time ago, when I didn't know any better and/or was broke:
Old Style
Special Export
Grain Belt
Old English 800

Today, if I find myself in a bar that doesn't have any craft or imported beers (yeah, still a few of them around, especially in small towns), I'll order a Miller High Life in a bottle.