Wlp500 and wlp550

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2012
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I made a 15 gallon Belgian blonde and split the batch in three different fermentors the wlp550 taste amazing in the fermentor after 12 days I kept it there for another week and tasted it again and I noticed a sharp bitterness to it that i do not get in the wlp500 fermentor this is the second time I noticed this with the 550 strain Is this normal for the yeast or did some how this fermentor got infected?
Can't say I have ever experienced or heard of 550 producing anything described that way.

Not sure I know of an infection that would produce a sharp bitterness either. A hop bitterness? Or an astringency? Or tartness?

Were you FG's similar?
They are both between 1.008 and 1.010 could a slight under pitch cause this? The yeast was a little older and I made the same size starter
it certainly has a taste. I wouldn't say bitter. Maybe toss some gelatin in a and see what changes.
When I've used 550 I get a bit of a confused hop flavour until it's conditioned. it takes a while for everything to blend together.
When I've used 550 I get a bit of a confused hop flavour until it's conditioned. it takes a while for everything to blend together.

The bitterness id gone but the beer taste pretty clean its weird it was very belgiany the first week now clean
The bitterness id gone but the beer taste pretty clean its weird it was very belgiany the first week now clean

The suspended yeast can give that taste. I find the same with saison yeasts sometimes. They taste quite full for the first month or so and then when the sediment all falls they're cleaner and more dry.

550 at low temps is quite clean