WLP029 @ 60°? Even though White Labs says it doesn't do well under 62°

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2015
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So I want to brew a Kolsch and am thinking about using WLP029. Every recipe I look at from Brewing Classic Styles to AHA winning recipes say they ferment ±60°.

However, White Labs states:

"Does not ferment well below 62°F (17°C) except during peak fermentation."​

...and list the preferred temp to be 65°-69°.

What have been your experiences with this yeast?
I like wlp029, but use it in the mid 60s still seems clean to me. Works fast and drops clear, works well in blondes and pale ales too.

Some of the kolsch yeasts give a bit more esters but don't clear as well. I prefer clear to esters as I don't filter or like the taste of yeast.
I’ve had hit or miss success with 029 below 65F. One time I went way low, around 58F and it turned out quite well on a kolsch style beer. Another time I ran a hoppy blonde ale at 62F and it did not attenuate. Stopped at 1.026 where the FG should have been 1.010 or lower. Another time I ran that same recipe and fermented warmer at 65 and it turned out great. Just my few experiences, and I’m afraid it’s not very helpful since it’s mixed.