Will I meet myself? Do you live in Clyde OH?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2008
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I went to pick up a sack of MO from the LHBS a week ago......

Now, Tom, the LHBS owner is an old guy. I call him "Old Senile Tom" when he is looking the other way or if nobody is listening. Anyway, I called in with my order, and he seemed to remember me.

I went to pick up the order, and once again he noticed my English accent (I'm an English hillbilly, but without the hills) All of a sudden, I noticed that he thought I was someone else. He explained his confusion by saying that he thought I was some other English guy that lives nearby. He said that this other guy has the same accent as me. Now that sounds a bit odd to me, as everyone around here saw Crocodile Dundee in the '80s and think that all Limeys are Australian.

Anyways, Senile Old Tom tells me about this other English guy that brews beer and has the exact same accent as myself. I am thinking, give me my fooking malt Tom! he tells me that this other English guy buys the same malt as me. Give me my fooking malt, Tom! He then asks me for my phone number so that he can give it to this other Limey.......I'm thinking that Tom is confusing me with myself.

I see a day in the future when I walk into Tom's store and he hands me my own phone number and suggests I phone myself so that I can get together and share a brew.

I could be wrong. Are you an Englishman that lives near Clyde, OH?
I don't think it is me. From what I can hear, never having heard you, I don't sound like you at all. And I live nowhere near Ohio. So it must be you. Or someone else.
I think it might be me!

Wait, I don't sound a thing like a Limey Englishman. I couldn't fake the accent if I tried.

I would bet on meeting your self for a pint. Then see how open your self is to menages-a-trois.
So the problem is that if indeed you do meet your Doppelgänger, and you make physical contact then;


And knowing both of you, one of you is bound to try to hump the other one's leg, molest or something even more despicable.....So forget the large hadron collider causing the end of the world....a horny gnome will be the death of humanity. :D
So if you run into this other Limey and the 2 of you go out get really really drunk and end up having sex in the back seat of a Volkswagen bug (because you HAVE to be really drunk to have sex in the back seat of a VW bug)--- is it a homosexual experience or masturbation?
So if you run into this other Limey and the 2 of you go out get really really drunk and end up having sex in the back seat of a Volkswagen bug (because you HAVE to be really drunk to have sex in the back seat of a VW bug)--- is it a homosexual experience or masturbation?

I like masturbation.....Sorry, what was the question again?
The more I think on it, the more certain I am that this other English prick is me. :(

He's probably a real bastard. You're probably better off not knowing him.

I would say it was me, but I'm not a gnome nor am I invisible. I think a Yooper accent could be confused with a British accent, though. Except that we have "r"s in our English.
In a past life I had a job that included computer support (software only). All staff were required to call in to the help desk all computer related calls and then the help desk would dispatch us. I had a hardware problem on my own computer so I called it in. A few minutes later my phone rang and the guy on the other end gave me all the details to go and fix my own computer. Name, phone number, work location, etc. He didn't equate the name and number he phoned with the name and number of the customer. It was so surreal that I didn't interrupt him. After he finished I phoned back as the tech support guy and told them it was a hardware problem.
I think a Yooper accent could be confused with a British accent, though. Except that we have "r"s in our English.

I have more pronounced "R" s in my accent than you can shake a stick at. Think Pirates on acid and that is what i sound like. ;)

I'm still somewhat concerned about that other ****** though!
In a past life I had a job that included computer support (software only). All staff were required to call in to the help desk all computer related calls and then the help desk would dispatch us. I had a hardware problem on my own computer so I called it in. A few minutes later my phone rang and the guy on the other end gave me all the details to go and fix my own computer. Name, phone number, work location, etc. He didn't equate the name and number he phoned with the name and number of the customer. It was so surreal that I didn't interrupt him. After he finished I phoned back as the tech support guy and told them it was a hardware problem.

Fingers knows what it feels like! :)
So, did you give Senile tom your phone number? If so, you need to go in and start talking about how you wish there was another Englishman in town to brew beer with. jog his memory and see if he gives you the number. Or better yet, Ask Senile Tom to ring him up for you from the shop telley. Then watch his head explode when you answer your Mobile! :D
Damn, I miss all the fun threads . . .

Gnome meets his alter ego

Gnome and his alter ego become "close"

Like so many love stories, this one ends tragically
I met myself once. He looked exactly like me, and did everything I did, when I did it. Only, for some reason when I raised my right hand, he raised his left. And, every time I looked at him, he looked right back at me. But if I looked away, he did to...

I see him every now and then. I think he is hiding in some sort of world that is just the opposite if mine..

And, Pappers. That is Hilarious!
I met myself once. He looked exactly like me, and did everything I did, when I did it. Only, for some reason when I raised my right hand, he raised his left. And, every time I looked at him, he looked right back at me. But if I looked away, he did to...

I see him every now and then. I think he is hiding in some sort of world that is just the opposite if mine..

And, Pappers. That is Hilarious!
I'd be more worried that his house and the back seat of his car look just like yours!!
Meh, I already have a stock of gnome porn that i shot in my own garden. I can't find all the pics right now. The online ones have become corrupt in the same way that gnomes do! :)


But mine had a story, Gnome, about you and your double/self. Frankly, it was literary artistry, not mere gnome porn.

Pappers had a story....Gnomes died to illustrate his story.

Are you comfortable with that? Really? Are you COMFORTABLE with that?

Gnomes are sentient beings ya know!?

Gnomes have feelings too!

Sorry. I just get so mad sometimes when Pappers or Sarah Palin rags on the gnomes. :(