Hi all,
I've done about 7 partial-mashes and my effeciency has been, until last night, pretty decent. around 60-80%. Last night, as best I can figure, the effeciency was below 20%.
Any suggestions or comments are most welcome.
Here's what I did:
Grain bill:
3.5 # 2 row.
5 oz crystal malt
4 oz wheat malt
8 oz barley flakes
1 oz Roast Barley
(+ 4lbs LME and .5 lbs Dextrose)
Step one, the mini-mash:
I heated 2 gallons of water to 162f, and added my grain (in a bag).
The temp dropped to 152 (right on target), I wrapped mash tun in towels and put in the oven (pre-heated to about 150), turned off oven and let it sit for 1hr, 15 m.
when I got the wort out the temp had dropped to 149.
Step two: sparge.
I let the grain drain into the mash tun through a strainer, and sparged with about 1 gallon water at 170F. (meaning I poured it over the grains and let it drain)
Step three: boil.
nothing unusual. I added the 4# LME at flameout along with the .5 # dextrose.
Step 4: cool and test gravity.
I cooled the wort to about 75, topped up to 5.5 gallons, and checked the gravity.
It was at 1.032.
I estimated, with a low-ball 60% effeciency, to get 1.050 or there-abouts.
WTF? I had a long mash at a reasonably consistent low temperature. If anything, it should be higher this time.
Any ideas?
I've done about 7 partial-mashes and my effeciency has been, until last night, pretty decent. around 60-80%. Last night, as best I can figure, the effeciency was below 20%.
Any suggestions or comments are most welcome.
Here's what I did:
Grain bill:
3.5 # 2 row.
5 oz crystal malt
4 oz wheat malt
8 oz barley flakes
1 oz Roast Barley
(+ 4lbs LME and .5 lbs Dextrose)
Step one, the mini-mash:
I heated 2 gallons of water to 162f, and added my grain (in a bag).
The temp dropped to 152 (right on target), I wrapped mash tun in towels and put in the oven (pre-heated to about 150), turned off oven and let it sit for 1hr, 15 m.
when I got the wort out the temp had dropped to 149.
Step two: sparge.
I let the grain drain into the mash tun through a strainer, and sparged with about 1 gallon water at 170F. (meaning I poured it over the grains and let it drain)
Step three: boil.
nothing unusual. I added the 4# LME at flameout along with the .5 # dextrose.
Step 4: cool and test gravity.
I cooled the wort to about 75, topped up to 5.5 gallons, and checked the gravity.
It was at 1.032.
I estimated, with a low-ball 60% effeciency, to get 1.050 or there-abouts.
WTF? I had a long mash at a reasonably consistent low temperature. If anything, it should be higher this time.
Any ideas?