Who here doesnt hate BMC?

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Won't touch the stuff -- if it is all that is available at a bar or a party, i happily don the designated driver pants. It gives me the ****s, a headache, doesn't feel good going down or coming out. It's absolute crap.

Also, I have these five-packs in the garage for those interested: Sierra Nevada Porter, Sam Adams Winter Lager, Sam Adams Summer Ale, some blue-berry beer too.
Can't beat an ice cold Miller Lite at the end of a hot summer night with my old high school buddies. Brings me right back to my misspent youth.
Hate is a strong word;) I Don't hate BMC, the stuff is completely un-offensive and bland in every way and its meant to be that way for a reason. Even though I prefer more refined flavors, If I'm at a wedding and Bud is all their serving, thats what I'm drinking:drunk:
A few years back, we did a camping trip (well, cheapy cabin) for a bachelor party weekend. We bought a ton of hopbombs at the local BevMo before heading up the hill. The only "easy" drinking beer we had picked up was a Sam's Summer sampler thing from Costco. Even the Sam's was a little heavy for a "camping" beer because it happened to be the hottest weekend of the year in the local mountains.

After that trip, we vowed that there would at least be a 30 pack of some crappy light lager for camping type excursions. Before we got was crazy into craft stuff, we always brought crappy beer for camping along with the better brews (like Old Rasputin and such). So yeah, BMC stuff has its place.

Like others have mentioned, Amber Bock was one of my favorite beers in my early days. And I think last time i was at a Hooters (a couple of years ago), I ended up getting Bud. I think Sam was the "best" stuff they had on tap and it was way more expensive.
While they arent my favorite beers I still drink BMC products. There are times when it's convenient and even *gasp* enjoyable for me. I play league pool every week and some of the spots we play at dont have much in the way of craft beer and/or the pricing of BMC makes for a decent choice. Also a nice light beer still tastes delicious to me after any strenuous activity for some reason a nice RIS doesn't sound appealing when I am drenched in sweat, where as a Rolling Rock or Budweiser hits the spot.

I'm sure I will get tons of hate from the anti-BMC mafia for this, buy I'm ok with that. I live in a beer world where everyone gets along and the population of my world seems to be rather sparse.

For those of you who still drink this terrible swill, what do you like and when do you like it?

Why on earth would I care or take it personally what someone drinks?
It's BMC's dirty politics I hate. They have every right to make their crappy offerings, but they keep lobbying to ruin craft beers. FL and SC's growler law defeats are the latest recent evidence of this.
I'm in the same boat that I hate their politics, but they make a decent product. I enjoy a Bud Light with a fresh squeeze of lime from time to time.
I don't hate BMC. I don't drink it much, but I respect it. I know, it's shocking. I respect it, because I can not brew it myself. I can clone many of my favorite IIPA's and IRS's but I can NOT clone a Miller Lite. Not that I tried. I just respect these brewer's ingenuity and creativity in building the technology that went into creating these beers regardless if I personally drink them or not. There is something to say about consistency of this product and it's over all commercial success. Believe it or not, some 95% Americans buys BMC.
I was at one time an exclusive long neck Budweiser drinker. I still do drink them. A classic American Pilsner. Light, Crisp, Refreshing (he say as he drinks a home brewed centennial IPA)
I drank Budweiser until my oldest brother got a good job and started buying craft/microbrews. Then I got a good job too, now I can't drink run of the mill COFFEE either! I like DARK and STRONG coffee and beer. Same with cigars, but I don't smoke anything anymore because I don't want my kids to smoke.
I also thoroughly enjoy "hefe-weizens." I've been called a beer snob AND a coffee snob, but always affectionately! No hate for people who drink "Girls Lite" and I may have a BudLight Lime or 2 whilst cutting the grass.

Dare I say I like what Inbev has done with Goose Island? They have widened their market, given them more capacity and increased funding so they can be more creative. So far, I have no complaints with what they have done here. Love me some Goose Island Matilda.