Where so you get your Stickers made?

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Jan 12, 2013
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So a few friends and myself are serving our beer at a brewfest next month. We want to get stickers made for the logo we have but I'm not sure where I should get them done at. Have any of you done this if so where and what type have you gotten?I don't want to spend a bunch of money and get crap. I'm kinda thinking an oval sticker 2x3 and our logo that is black and white. We are going to be handing them out to tasters of course.

Thanks in advance.
My wife made me this beauty on photo shop. I also got some label paper as a gift from her. I am looking forward to dressing up my bottles.

Grandstand offers stickers as well as a plethora of other great custom promotional items, and we focus on the craft beer world. We've been screen printers for 28 years, and our commitment to quality is what keeps us in the game.
Check out our selection here: http://goo.gl/xmtg4d
We can do oval, one color prints, just like you were thinking of. Get a quote right on our website or call us today to speak to our of our friendly sales reps at 800-767-8951.