when to add lemon!!

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Feb 17, 2013
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hello all,it's time to brew again so we decided to make a wheat beer with lemon kinda like a lemon shandy!!!??
So when and what kind of lemon should I add???

I was thinking about using a container of country time lemonade to the brew pot at flame out!! I am also thinking about using an ounce of lemon peel in the primary for a week or so. I was also told I could just add some lemon juice to the brew at bottling time!!

does anybody have experience with using lemon and what kind of results have you achieved????

does anybody feel one approach would work better over another???

thanks for all you help in advance!!! You guys are great at helping others!!!!

Thanks again
I have added a full cut lemon to fermentation. Turned out well. Just was an experiment. Have also added a lime to keg.. turned out good.
You'll also get good lemon flavor by using the zest. I've zested a full lemon and put in the poil a few minutes before flameout.
I once zested three grapefruits and put it in at flameout. I got absolutely ZERO flavor from it. Look into dried orange/lemon rinds if you want a natural flavor, or I guess countrytime could work if you want artificial flavor. Be sure to understand how the sugar addition will change things. Also look to see if there are preservatives in the lemonade. Either preservatives or the overall acidity could kill all of your yeast.
I got lemon flavor into a roggenbier by using homemade limoncello, which was basically lemon zest and a bit of lemon pulp macerated in vodka. I added 1 cup to the bottling bucket, then racked. The zest will give you the aroma, while the juice provides some flavor. Avoid adding any pith (the white layer between the zest and the fruit). It's bitter.

Countrytime?!? To each his own... ;)
You need a ton of zest for a 5 gallon boil. I used 2 oz of zest which was about 16 lemons..added it a 15 mins and def had a hint of lemon taste and aroma. The zest has the oils.
I've never used lemon but have used oranges quite a few times and imagine it would be similar. Add quite a bit of zest between 0-5 min left in boil. As for lemonade I would think adding it after a few days of fermentation would best. But like ross_daly said be careful of preservatives.

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